Body Change

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Body Change
Post # 1
I'm not asking for a spell, but I was just wondering if anyone has ever succesfully changed their bodys appearance. Like changing your eye or hair color, anything like that.
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Re: Body Change
Post # 2
I have. Its called shape shifting. I know cause Im good at it, being a druid and all.
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Re: Body Change
Post # 3
Well changing eye color or for that matter hair color is a simple matter of glamour(not the magizine)
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Re: Body Change
Post # 4
look at this
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Re: Body Change
Post # 5
look at that site i put up
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Re: Body Change
Post # 6
Sweet, thanks =D
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Re: Body Change
Post # 7
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Re: Body Change
Post # 8
The link has been removed from youtube
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Re: Body Change
Post # 9
there are a few of us who are playing with a few things at the moment, eye colour is pretty easy for Kao he uses emotion (not spells) so i can tell how he is feeling just by looking at him (especially handy when he is tired) and he does it conciously to change his eyes from blue to brown to green depending sometimes yellow and even just black. im not so good at it yet, but im getting there, i can change my eyes any range of brown to black (no blue or green yet ;( and only streaks of yellow) we are also currently working on tatoos. using only pigment and scaring with energy (this is hard tho because energy burns are hard to keep located in a pattern or specific shape) but so far we have managed to get about 15 centemetres solid and clear and looking quite amazing) and also (tho not of my own wishes, it just happens naturally) when i am at full energy level my hair starts going blond and white, Kao's hair is going white also. um, thats all i can think of right now, but ill let you know if we find anymore cool things, also give us ideas to play with if you can think of any.
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