Healing and finding.

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Healing and finding.
Post # 1
This is for finding your TRUE love and healing YOUR broken heart.

Ok, one thing to try is to meditate and focus on the person you TRUELY love. Imagine you are standing next to her/him, and imagine you are facing him/her. Pretend there is a red "energy line" between you two. When I said energy line, Imagine a red line going from your heart to his/her heart. Then let your mind focus on that and see if you TRUELY want this person, and vica versa. See If you two are meant to be together. While you do that, you will get a "sensation like no other", meaning you will have a certin feeling that is special, and you will know if he/she is meant for you. Try this and figure out. If they aren't meant to be, don't ask them. AND!!!, If you don't get a BIG "sensation", but you get some kind of "sensation", You should try ------------------------------ But as far as healing a broken heart, try meditating, and focus on a broken heart.(A heart with a cracked middle.) Then imagine you are on one side of it, and the person(s) who broke your heart are on the other. Think of why they didn't except you. Then think of things that are wrong with THEM, and why you deserve better. For every thought that you have, imagine the crack in the center getting patched up. Then when it is complete, imagine the person(s) getting blown away by the power of YOUR heart. Then imagine the heart getting smaller, and eventually going into your chest. Imagine it is finally faded into your body, and you should know somebody else is out there. Someone good. (let me know if this helps.)

I tried some of this, and it works.

Please tell me if it works.
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