Spycraft takedown

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Spycraft takedown
Post # 1
Everybody knows that the U.S. government shot down the spycraft in space right? Good. well while meditating with my quartz, i heard in the news that the mistle has been launched. I had a vision of terrifying deststruction. People all around were screaming, coughing, and collapsing. And fire was engulfing the place of this event. I was interrupted by my cat for she knocked the quartz out of my hand. Has anyone else had a related vision to this?
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 2
well i did have once...
i was having visions of walking with some of my friends..i mean comrades...then all of a sudden!
poeple screaming,killing and hell just broke loose
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 3
Do you know of the Illuminati? They are a secret society made up of Freemasons and Occultists. They are led by thirteen families that believe they are descended from King David, aswell Lucifer himself. They got control through sporting their families from the Middle-East out to Europe, and becoming the royal families and aristocracies of Europe. Afterwards, they started banking corporations in the new world, (North America), and gained more control from that. What is more, they decided to get high-ranking members into politics, so they control the politics of the country. The thirteen bloodlines constantly sonsult demons and occult beings, aswell as constantly promote the idea that the End of Days is near, and you must reform to Christianity or perish. They use the lie of Christianity as control. They control us all, we are their property, and we need to fight back as soon as possible or your visions may come true.
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 4
i see your point jahbulon but...
maybe they are in control as well?
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 5
Possibly. The Illuminati consult with demonic forces.
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 6
Hmmm I have heard of David Icke and Carter USM had him quoted in a song. NAh I do know of him and relate to his thoughts. And Freemasons and occultists, very scary. Scary in the fact that on a personal basis my dad was a mason ( he did get kicked out for some reason) and he tried to encourage me to be a aprt of this. Dont think so.

I cant say I have had a vision of this but I have held a thought or some kind of ideal for years about surviving in some kind of apocolytic scenario. Perhaps I am mad or some weird idealist but I dont have a clue about all lof this stuff on the site but was somehow attracted.

Any answers on my situation would be appreciated and also I see something about a quartz, what is the relevance to this

(apols for posting here under this thread but it intruiged me)
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 7
I know of David Icke, he was apart of the Illuminati, and consulted with demons, but was not high enough on the ladder to know the lie the tell us about Christianity. Look up Aaron Russo, a former film maker who was friend with the Nicholas Rockefeller, of the infamous Rockefeller banking dynasty. Rockefeller is one of the thirteen illuminati families.
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Re: Spycraft takedown
Post # 8
This is all very interseting to hear especially because everyone in my family is part of either the Freemasons or the Easter Star, neither of which they want me involved in. From what I know, the Illumnati are an underground group within the Freemasons that is trying to start a new demonic world order. Not to put too much of myself out here but coincidentally all of my uncles are high in power were they work.

Now Jahbulon, I agree that we should do something about the obvious control that they are having on the world but what. Needless to say my family themselves will silence me if I even ask of this matter.
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