
CovenFirst Path ► Grounding
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Post # 1
This is a basic Grounding technique that can be used to ground yourself after a spell.
or even used when stress is just too high.
To begin, either stand with your feet filmy planted on natural earth, or just sit on your rump. While it can technically be done anywhere, I strongly recommend doing it outside on a natural surface like a patch of grass. It is a casual enough process that no one will be able to tell what you are doing, so your yard or a public park will do just fine. Calm your mind and adjust your breathing to a slower and deeper rate. Visualize roots made of pure light extending from your feet or the base of your spine and extend these roots deep into the earth. When you go deep enough, you should sense a large reservoir of raw energy. With the roots dipped into this source, soak energy up by visualizing it being pulled through your tendrils and allow it flow back into your body. Take in a good drink of energy as you inhale, letting the light spread into every corner of your body. Do this every other inhalation until you feel your body is highly charged. Enjoy the buzz for a moment before sending the energy back down your roots and into the ground as you exhale. The idea behind this is that you are washing your body in pure energy that mixes with your old energy. Cycling the energy in and out of your body is to purify and dispel some of the old energy while refreshing invigorating your system with movement.

Continue the flow of incoming and outgoing energy. Saturating your body with fresh energy helps to dispel any negative vibrations in your system. When you feel this process is complete, slowly pull the roots back into yourself, dispersing their form as they reenter you. Remain still for a few moments longer and then continue on with your life refreshed and balanced.

If you feel heavily burdened by negativity, additionally visualize black or tainted energy being pushed down your roots into the earth below. See the negativity absorbed, overwhelmed, and then purified by the strong natural energies of the earth. Take additional pure energy to replenish that what you then expelled

Re: Grounding
Post # 2
Grounding is also a great way to basically recycle excess energy. You gain this excess energy by meditation. This enegry is not a bad thing but you basically dont need it

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