
Forums ► Comments ► Lottery?
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Post # 1
Call me crazy, but is there a way to influence the that you could win?
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Re: Lottery?
Post # 2
To be honest with you a truely believe the lottery is rigged.
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Re: Lottery?
Post # 3
just try a genneric luck spell it will most likely(as long as you don't screw up) give you better chances at wining
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Re: Lottery?
Post # 4
if you really want, you can try this. i've been experimenting on this, coz many people asks me for a lottery spell.
but i can't guarantee. it depends on you. your will to win is not enough. even your greediness. lottery balls are material objects, driven by air from electricity.

first, focus on your power. have the greatest charge you can. concentrate. then get into the scene of a drawing lottery.
concentrate on the balls. fill the air, and the energy flowing from it. you can feel some ticking sensations. and a very rapid flow. then, vibrate the 6 numbers that you want. charge them with your energy so that they can be more powerful than any other balls. feel their charges. give them the tendency of coming out, like sprouting upside.

do this everyday. as i've said, it depends on your capacity.
i've tried this, but on only one number.
for almost week, it shows.
but, remember the law of three fold return.

lottery karmic feedback is really bad
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Re: Lottery?
Post # 5
Erm right now this IS what most people call personal gain. These kinds of spells don't normally work.
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