sex spell

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sex spell
Post # 1
Hi,has anyone got a easy spell so that this woman who is driving me crazy with desire will have sex with me.cheers.simon
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Re: sex spell
Post # 2
Becareful what you wish for my friend. Some of these sex spells are quite powerful and have adverse effects. Sure you might have one or two great nights with this person but things always seem to go south in a matter of days.
The usuall is jealousy, stalking, and control. Then later the violence starts up. Just becareful and think really long and hard before making a decision about casting a sex spell. Even attration spells are a little hairy.

Warlock Draco
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Re: sex spell
Post # 3
I have been practicing writing spells and like you i want the power to cast a spell to have sex with a girl also. so i wrote and cast this and it was a complete and instant feeling of energy when i came in contact with the person after the casting it worked out to be incredibly powerful with great results here it is:

1 Red Candle
1 Item of the person (picture of you and person is best)
5 Red Rose Petals
1 Lighter or Book of Matches

Take the Red Candle and either place it on top of the item or wrap it around the candle and then gather the rose petals and hold them in your left hand. close your hand and visualize you and the person engaging in what you would like to be in engaging until you have a solid image then light the candle and chant the following five times and drop one petal around the candle for each chant.

To Create a Passion too uncontrollable to hold and craving too emtreme to be tamed or told, physical attraction to the fullest degree, Pleasure for eachother only to see. When Together with bodies touched ignite the Fire of a Lovers Lust
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Re: sex spell
Post # 4
As Already stated be very very careful. What has been posted is basically a spell of pure lust. If you use these type of spells be ready to deal with the fall out at a later date.
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Re: sex spell
Post # 5
Yes but can it actually work? for real~???
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