Magical Techniques

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Magical Techniques
Post # 1
This is NOT my work, its Scott Cunningham. He is a very well informed writer, that has written books on almost every subject pertained to magic.

Many people think that magic involves marking cryptic signs, uttering incomprehensible words, walking backward around cracked stones, and other unusual actions. They believe that such things are the beginning and end of magic.

In fact, such actions are the least important part of magic. They're meaningless unless they assist the magician in contacting energy in its many forms. Magic can, indeed, be performed by a person without movement, without touching physical tools, without even uttering a single word of power. For some, this is the most potent form of magic, for it uses only the power of our minds and bodies. But this isn't natural magic. Although the energy used in magic stems from one universal source, there are various manifestations of it. Additionally, magical energy also exists in nonphysical forms.

My next post will be on Personal Power, again by Scott Cunningham

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