Making an Alter

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Making an Alter
Post # 1
I want to make an alter. Does anybody know what i should put on it to make it most effective?
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Re: Making an Alter
Post # 2
any thing as long as its not satanistic
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Re: Making an Alter
Post # 3
any thing as long as its not satanistic
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Re: Making an Alter
Post # 4
To my knowledge, Satanism doesn't exclude the use of altars... Anton LaVey even had some, er, interesting ideas of what an altar ought to be.

What makes it most effective is whatever most effectively brings you closer to your personal tradition or faith... so, if you don't already know what to put in it, by following a tradition or faith or necessity or just your gut feeling of what belongs on an altar, then you probably don't need one. But that's just my opinion.

If you absolutely must have one, I guess you could start off with learning to use the traditional magician's tools: paten, cup, wand, dagger. A cauldron, maybe, and (after taking fire hazard precautions like candle snuffers and baking soda or an extinguisher in case it comes to that:) a stock of candles or incense sticks/cones (and a proper place to burn them so there aren't wax dribbles or incense dust all over the place.) Many many pictures of Zac Efron or Miley Cyrus. (Kidding! Seriously, though, whatever you want. It's your altar.)
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