Power of will

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Power of will
Post # 1
i believe that all we call magick done with power of will only sso the stronger the will the stronger the "spell" so if someone knows a good way of chaneling your energy

my way:
get a wish (it should be spontaneous like i want ice cream or afull heart wish but no things like i want money )then i visualiose i take energy from the earth through the root chakra move it through the rest of the chakras combine it with my energy send it to the crown chakra and release it then wish strongly the thing you want

for spontaneous wishes you dont have to do all the energy stufff for me it just works
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Re: Power of will
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
i don't cast spells unless i do it for domeone else
I only cast with will power. I don't really know how i do it i just do it. Visiulization is a big part, but there is a certain energy present that i can just...cast i don't know how else i could explain it.
i allways use willpower instead of casting spells or performing rituals
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Re: Power of will
Post # 3
will is like spirit in that cartoon. firy spirit will keep the heroes save while he try to save his friends. but that is just my naughty mind thinking.
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