now I know that Altars are one's own spirit on a table,
but sometimes... we hit a creative block.
sometimes, one simply doesn't know HOW they want to decorate their altar!
now we know the general essentials of what should be on your altar: athame, boline, candles, inscence, etc.
but what else do you put on your own personal altar? how do YOU like to set it up?
post Altar decorating tips and maybe even pics of your altar here, so that we may be able to help others figure out what they want to do with their special space. ;)
My Altars are very simple. I have a small black bookshelf. On the top of it I have a nice hand quilted piece from India. My Akuba statue in the middle and two black candles on either side.
Above that on the wall is a square shelf unit. That "Altar" is devoted to my son who passed away.
all mine is, is a medium size table with a black blanket over it,a 4 horned goat skull with one white candle in the middle of them, pentacle plaque over a white rabbit skin in back. and my incense burner and 2 of my nasty books. not to mention some herbs,herb harvesting knife, and ritual tools.
wow, a post that anit about a faker or that complains about sometihng. bravo lolz lately Ive been decorating my alter with lizard tails, saffron flowers, and a few dried, amaranth leaves/flowers. Nothing much out of the usual, I guess.
I have a blue cloth on mine. On that cloth are various items. i have a glass artwork of a wolf with the full moon behind him. I have my wolf athame in front of it. I put sea glass that I collected from the beach throughout the alter. I have three tall candles (lady galaupe (sp), god, and another one. I have my tarot cards on the side. My pendulum is on one side. I have a gold bag with a white ball in it. I keep my bag of stones/gems on the alter as well and when needed I take them out and place them throughout the alter. Sometimes I'll put a flower on it as well. I change it up to fit my mood. Colored candles are also on the alter as well :). On the shelf below it where the cloth is covering has my books and supplies that are not needed at the moment
I think how it's set up is a highly individualized thing...what is comfortable for me might not be something you want or like. My altar is a desk in my room, Personally I have quite a bunch of candles, some mirrors, assorted tools, bottles of herbs all set on mine. Actually I'm starting to run out of space!
i live in the basement of our house with my parents, and the basement has 2 rooms, and in order for my dad or mom to go upstairs, they need to go into my room so its not that easy maintaning an altar
my altar faces south but thats only because thats where my dresser is
im not sure if it matters that much were it is faceing, aslong as you belive in it ect.
well anyway i have gemstones around a small metal vase that i put flowers in as an offering, i have a few larger gems around that. i have a small "harry potter" crystal ball, a crystal bell, a purple candel, 2 "rock" candels a small ashtray thinggy were i put cone insense, i have a small rock that looks like it has a pawprint on it, a small paintpot like stone [ [like an indian paintpot] ] , a sword letteropener that i use as an athame, i have salt hiding behind a pictureframe and i have a seashell that my bf gave me.
i also have a small salsa bowl [ [not in pic] ] that i picked up at the dollarstore it looks like a caldron [=
i made my altar look like random stuff on my dresser and no one has even noticed