Fabulinus; a minor god of infants in the Roman pantheon. responsible
for the first words a child says.
Faivarongo; God of mariners - polynesion - Tikopia.
Faraguvol - a votice god of Puero Rico and Haiti.
Faro; a river God of Bambara (Bali), regarded as the God who brought
order to the world at the time of creation.
Fauna; Vegetation Goddess, Consort of the Roman Faunus, guardian of
the woods.
Faunus; Roman, see above, similar in many ways to the Greek God Pan.
Fe, a Tutelary god, Gai on the Ivory Coast, arbitrated a dispute
between the two trive Chuilo and Nyaio.
Fe'e; God of the dead, Polenesian, shown as giant Cuttlefish.
Fides; Roman god of faith and loyalty. Shown as pair of covered
Fjorgyn, nordic (icelandic) early fertility Goddss. Vikings period
of 700AD to about 1100AD worshiped. Might have some similarities to
Iord. Sometimes said to be the mother of Thor. She is mentioned in
the Voluspa of the poetic Edda.
Flora; Goddess of Flowers, consort to Roman Zephyrus, She was
primarily worshipped by young girls, many sexual overtones. Ever
heard of Floralia!?
Fortuna; Goddess of Good Fortune. Mostly again, worshipped by Women -
particulary for oracular work. Similarities here with Greek Tyche.
symbols include the wheel of fate, temple to Fortuna Redux was buildt
by domitian to celebrate his victories in Germany.
Freya, Nordic, Germanic. Again worshipped in Viking period. Goddess
of Love, concerned with affairs of the heart, marriage and
prosperity. Sought after by Giants, and enjoyed sex with many
suitors, including other gods and elves! She rides upon a boar with
golden bristles, the Hildeswin.
Re: Gods F By: Axion
Post # 2 Nov 09, 2009
Freyr, swedish, germanic. Fertility God, Viking period. Uppsala and Trandheim were cult centres. He was one of the Vanir gods of Asgard, twin to Freya (see above) and married to Giantess Gerd. Some so Freya, but I have not found any references to this
Frigg, also Nordic or Germanic. Senior Aesir Goddess living in
Asgard, Consort to Othin.
Fujin, Gods of Winds in Japan (shinto), shown carrying a sack on his shoulder which contains the four winds.
Fulla, Germanic goddess associated with the second merseburg Charm as attendant of Goddess Frigg and possibly also her sister.
Feng-Po-Po - China - Goddess of the Winds. Replaced Feng-Po and rode through the clouds on a swift Tiger. Goddess of Storms and Moisture.
Fu-Hsi or Fu-Hsing - China - God of Happiness. Symbol is the Bat. God of Destiny, Love and Happiness