Reading this site, one spell that has got my attention is Time Travelling. Can anyone tell me of experiences of using spells to time travel, and if its really possible for someone who hasnt done spells before but yet believes in magik?
I really would like to go back 7 days, 9th November before 4pm, something terrible has happened that has turned my life upside down.
Right now Im just searching for ways and information on how to do this. I know its supposed to be sc-fi talk but surely spells can make it happen?
Time is simply a term for the cycle of the planet, the constant turning and such of our globe around the sun.
To actually turn back time would kill us all.
You can slow or speed up it slightly for yourself. But its simply an illusion.
Time is more then just that, Reborn. If our planet stopped revolving time would still move forward. Our planet is simply used to measure time, it does not create it. And turning back time would not kill everyone nor would traveling through it.
I wouldnt change something that has an effect on billions, but how much harm can it be to change a moment which effected just a few people.
I really want to do this, despite how deep it can get. I can say its nothing to do with money, or being late for work or anything like that, but something has ripped my heart out and I need to repair that heart.
wether u want to change something or not is completely irrelevant. if you kill so much as one bug one thing that wasn't supposed to live or die you could destroy space time all together.every second that you're in the past you are creating changes on a catasrphically massive level. for instance if you accidentally crush one beetle under foot you just stopped the bird that was going to use the beetle for food for it's chicks from feeding them. since those birds dont get fed that day the contract a sickness and die so the fox that was going to eat them starves cause it couldnt eat the bird. so when it dies the crap it was supposed to leave in the field to fertilize the grass the cow would eat DOESNT fertilize the grass the cow starves and so do the people who were going to eat it. so in effect by killing that one tiny little bug u just wiped out about 20 people if not more.
Time is not hours, minutes, days, the clock or the calendar. These things are used to measure and understand, to the best of our ability, the constant chaotic flow of life. I don't mean chaotic in this big loaded-word way; I mean that things are never in equilibrium. Every second is different than the last, on a grand scale and down to the atomic level.
You will never go back in time. It isn't the day you want to go back to, but the time. You don't want to go back 7 days, you want to back the equivalent amount of time we measure to be 7 days, but how do you expect o be able to grasp and control an intangible force that mankind has battled with since the beginning?
The best and easiest thing to do it to just move on. Keep going, always move and grow and learn and heal. Just when you think life has given you its worst it will always throw another curveball.
Heres another question, if Time Travel is not a good idea and that it would cause chaos, then why are there spells on this site saying you can travel back in time at all, isn't it best to remove them?
If this site is for entertainment purposes only, what if a pro-spell caster decides to travel back and accidentally kills a bug resulting in destroying space time?
In other words is any spell on this site safe and actually works effectively?
I'm just going to finish saying what I meant to say earlier and didn't have time to.
The reason we don't have time travelers is that it would take to much energy from the individual attempting to travel through time. Even with the help of technology that we have now, teleportation(which has been made possible) would take approximately four billion years(no exaggeration) to finish sending one individual person. If the computers we have now, which can get excess energy from proper appliances, takes that long to send someone a distance imagine how much energy it would take one person to travel through similar distance with the addition of traveling through time. We, as humans, do not have that kind of energy and thus can not travel through time without the help of machinery. Even with the proper machinery, such a machine has yet to be built.
I've heard of ways that you can see into the past and future but not of actually traveling physically into the past but who know maybe there is someone who could swing that amount of power around smoothly
Viper, that much energy in one being would likely kill the person. The individual may be capable of taking that much energy from other sources, however, and experiments are already underway to test that theory. So far, from what I can see, everything seems to be running ok, but there is still the matter of harnessing it into one spot to form a type of portal.