A thought form is a structured interdimensional energy form intentionally created to carry out a specific task for which it has been programmed. It is created by you with the co-operative efforts of the universe.
A thought form is different than the various thoughts we have every day which also create, positively neutraly or negatively, but are chaotic and without guidance or structure. basic thoughts take on a life of their own,And are attracted to areas of like energy to combine with and become even more prominent. Most people are totally unaware of the forces they create every moment of every day even when sleeping.
A thought form can only do what the programming its creator has given it allows. It is like a machine, and has no concious thoughts of its own.
The creation of a thought form is fairly simple. I outline this basic procedure step by step. Remember that even though it is your creation do treat it with respect.
A thought form can be created in any form you can possibly imagine. Use one that best suits your intention and purpose for it.
The method of creation
NOTE...The word ''input '' means, send these directions to the thought form as part of it's programming.
Step 1) Determine precisely what the thought form is to accomplish. please do be specific.
Step 2) Tell your Spirit Guides what you want to do and ask them to work with you.
Step 3) Construct the thought form image in your mind. Be creative.Please do note that its form should be consistant with its nature and pupouse.
Step 4) Input...The thoughts...''mercy,kindness, love and compassion''or malice hate cruelty etc to ensure that it can work withing the range of its given task.
Step 5) Input...It's purpose or mission. Be specific. Example...Locate and destroy cancerous tissue,or induce carcinogenic reaction in the stated targets body.
Step 6) Input...Parameters to work within. Example...harm specified target only
Step 7) Input...Give it abilities you wish it to use. Example...A container with unlimited capacity to contain negativity or to contain and dispose of an illness,or with intention to contain condense and spead desease to an intended target.
Step 8)Input...You are ''invulnerable'' with unlimited energy to accomplish your task.Now designate the energy source to be drawn upon.
Step 9) Input...You have unlimited capacity to absorb anything without damage. Unlimited capacity is used so it always has more than enough of whatever it needs to accomplish any task.
Step 10) Input...You have unlimited maneuverability. With this input it can always avoid anything coming it's way.
Step 11) Input...Complete your task give guidlines for proper completion of the task given.
Step 12) Input...Return to the void/nothingness from which you came after completing your mission.Follow with a standard banishing, drawing the banishing pentacle in the air works fine.
These are basic instructions to help you get started once you become more advanced you can add your own extra steps and customize your thought form to be more effective for you.
Use Thought Forms whenever you feel the need or neccesity. Do not change programming once its task has begun. Just tell it to abort the mission and return to the void/nothingness from which it came. Send it on it's way with a standard banishing ritual. with a little practice and success it will serve you well.
--------------------By Nephilim & chimera-----------------------
I will be posting more in this thread about more advanced thought forms and the creation of various entities.