Diff types of witches

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Diff types of witches
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Kitchen Witch: It practices by home and hearth, mainly dealing with practical sides of the religion, magick, the elements and the earth

Ceremonial Witchcraft: Mainly use ceremonial magick (obviously) in their practices. They commonly use Qabbalistic magick or Egyptian magick in their rituals

Satanic Witch: This deosn't exist. Why? Witches don't believe in Satan remember

Celtic Wicca: Goes by the elements, the Ancient Ones and nature. They are usually healers or respect them highly. They work with plants, stones, flowers, trees, the elemental people, the gnomes and the fairies

Eclectic Witch: Doesn't follow a particular religion or tradition. They study and learn from many different systems and use what works best for them

British Traditional Witch: A mix of Celtic and Gardenarian beliefs. They train through a degree process and the covens are usually co-ed

Alexandrian Tradition: They are said to be modified Gardenarian

Gardenarian Tradition: Follow a structured root in ceremony and practice. They aren't as much vocal as others and have a fairly foundational set of customs

Dianic Tradition: Includes a lot of different traditions in one. Their prime focus now-a-days is the Goddess. It is the more feminist side of 'The Craft'

Pictish Witchcraft: It's originally from Scotland and is a solitary form of The Craft. It is more magickal in nature than it is in religion

Hereditary Witch: Someone who has been taught the 'Old Religion' through the generations of their family

Caledonii Tradition: Also known as the Hecatine Tradition, it's the denomination of The Craft with a Scottish origin

Pow-Wow: Comes from South Central Pennsylvania and is a system based on a 400 year old Elite German magick. They concentrate on simple faith healing

Solitary Witch: This is one who practices alone, without a cover etc.. following any tradition

Strega Witches: Originally coming from Italy are the known to be the smallest group in the US. It is said their craft is wise and beautiful

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