Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 1
Dec 20, 2009
Astral Projection & Relaxation Techniques for Beginners
Now to start off it's best to attempt full mid and body relaxation techniques in a semi seated position. The reason for this is some people cannot achieve full mind and body relaxation sitting up and others are unable to do it laying down, but most recorded successes of learning how to astral project have been achieved in a semi seating position.
Ok now relax your body concentrate on releasing all then tension from your muscles. The easiest way to do this is to start either from your head or at your toes either way but take a methodical approach to full mind and body relaxation.
Start at your face, feel the muscles around your eyes let go, relax your jaw again focusing on each muscle and let it relax. You'' soon find as you do so other muscle tension will become noticeable allowing you to shed off muscle tension as you go.
Now relax your shoulders and then your neck move on to relaxing your arms...
Ok by now you should be getting the idea of what I am trying to explain. By starting at either your head or feet and working your way up or down releasing all the muscles as you go you soon find it alot easier to reach a fully relaxed state.
The next thing we need to learn to focus on is breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, retain that breath for a second or two and then exhale through the mouth slowly and completely. While focusing on your breathing let the body know that on each exhale your releasing more and more and becoming more and more relaxed. It will take some time and practice but each time you will find it alot easier and faster to do.
Astral Projection Techniques So you want to try having an astral projection but don't know how, eh? Here's some astral projection techniques for you. I'll talk mainly about my usual one, of course, but there's a couple other techniques you can try out as well. For some people, this comes naturally, others have to work at it for a long time and still they don't find results. Let me tell you though - anyone can do it! If you're having trouble starting off your astral travels, keep trying because it's completely worth it. I have times where I'll go as long as 6 months with only 1 or 2 lousy little projections. This can be very discouraging but if you keep trying it will happen. At the time of writing this I've gone probably 2 months without an astral projection that I knew for sure wasn't a dream, but I still try all the time.
Sleep paralysis is a good thing!?
For starters, if you have problems with sleep paralysis, believe it or not, you're probably a natural when it comes to obes. Yes, those dreadful nights are really a good thing and you probably don't know it. If you have these problems, you might want to read my article on sleep paralysis before continuing on here.
Eating and Drinking before an OBE
When it comes to getting out of your body (obe - out-of-body-experience), there's many things that make this possible. For starters, the food you've eaten can have an effect. If you're going to bed full or if you've eaten a lot of spicy foods during the day you're probably going to have trouble. I remember one time in particular where I'd pigged out on pizza (mmmm...) and I was able to get out of my body but I was stuck at the stomach. It just happened that my live-in spirit, Diane, was standing at the end of the bed watching me struggle. I'll finish more about that story somewhere else since you probably don't care much else than trying to have an obe right now.
Anyway, the foods you eat can have an effect. You'll have to try and figure these out as you go along because it may be different from one person to the next. Also, caffeine is known to cause problems, however, I'm a Pepsiholic and I still have obe's after downing 3 Pepsis before bed. I think the caffeine will actually help keep your mind awake as your body drifts to sleep but the right dosage may be needed. I'd try it without first and see the results.
With my healthy Pepsi habits said and done, let's get to the good stuff. There are a number of different techniques people use to have an astral projection. I'm going to start off with the best-tested technique I know of - my own! I'll give you a couple other ways I've found but the way I do it is generally the easiest and most common one. I have some techniques of my own I use so I'll throw those in. I personally like sharing my secrets for things like this.
Lying Down and Relaxing
I start by lying down (obviously) with my head on a single pillow and the covers pulled up to my neck. Too much heat or cold can also have an effect so it's best to be just comfortable. By the way, make sure you've drained your bladder before even attempting to crawl under the covers because that little urge to urinate will be extremely intense during an astral projection and you'll wake up. OK, so we're lying down flat on our backs. Ideally, our heads should be pointed north but this isn't always possible. I keep my body completely straight and rest my hands on either side of my groin area (get your mind out of the gutter!). Sometimes if I'm just taking a nap and wearing my jeans I'll let my hands hang from the pockets. Either way make sure you're completely comfortable and relaxed. Also, remember not to cross your legs since this somehow messes with the energy fields.
Concentrate on your breathing
I then start by getting some deep breaths in. I keep trying until I get the perfect breath (sometimes mixed with a yawn) that stretches your lungs with that great breath feeling (does that make sense?). Once I've hit this point I let my breathing slow down to nothing. I try to get my breaths to last from 3-5 seconds in and 3-5 seconds out. I don't usually count the seconds, I just know. These are not deep, heavy breaths. These are so light that others will think you're sleeping and you won't hardly feel the air flowing in and out. I think this in some way is also tricking your body.
Focus on the blackness behind your eyelids
Once I have concentrated on getting my breathing down to nothing, I then focus on the blackness behind the eyes. If you slightly roll your eyes up towards your forehead you'll notice the black becomes blacker. Focus on the blackness until you don't notice that you're rolling your eyes. All in all, the breathing - once perfected - and the focusing on the blackness should only last a few seconds. Next you'll want to start your visualization techniques.
Visualization Techniques
I have 2 methods for this part depending on the sleepiness I'm feeling. When I'm having trouble falling asleep and getting my mind to stay focused I try to picture some kind of cartoon figures. Anything from a dog to a clown or even some creature you've never heard of works. I flip through pictures of different cartoons in the blackness I'm looking at. They're not far away, I believe they're in what some people call ''the mind's eye'' but I could be wrong on that. Once the cartoons start to move on their own without your help you know that the dream state is taking over. It might sound harder than it really is, but I've kind of perfected this technique so I know it works the best for me.
I should add that I normally use this technique when I'm having trouble getting my mind off things that happened throughout the day or things I'm worrying over. These can be anything like financial problems or family troubles. It's those things that keep you lying awake at night not being able to sleep. I often use that technique just to fall asleep when things get really bad. This technique is a good starter if you have trouble falling asleep but is actually a harder way to begin an obe. You have to catch yourself within the first few seconds that the cartoons move on their own. This is pretty much dreaming and you'll lose yourself quickly to sleep if you don't move on to step 2 immediately.
Counting down to your astral projection take-off
If you're having no trouble falling asleep, it's usually better to skip that step completely and go straight to step 2 here. This also calls for another visual technique. You need to focus on something. A countdown of some kind usually works best. If you continue using the same technique, you will eventually know automatically that you're about to have an astral projection and it will all come more naturally and easily. My visuals for this looks like a number inside a ball. It's kind of like a white pool ball with a black number on the side looking at me. I found starting at 10 and working down to 1 was too much counting or not enough - who knows? - so for some strange reason I've used the countdown 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1. I think somehow my mind tries harder to think as I count how many times I've shown myself each number. It keeps the focus higher and your mind a little more active. 3 numbers, 3 times each.
If I lose focus or if the sleep paralysis doesn't set in, I immediately picture the first 3-ball again and start counting down. On good days I'll barely make it to the 2-balls and I'll be enjoying the tingling paralysis throughout my body. Those times I can often be 5 minutes from the time I lie down to the time I get out-of-body.
Sleep Paralysis sets in
The tingling sensation I talk about I can only reference in the physical body to being something along the lines of your foot falling asleep - but a lot more enjoyable. You can feel the energy of the astral plane flowing through your body. By this point you should not be worrying about the blackness, numbers or, hopefully, your breathing. I sometimes start breathing heavier during this part and lose it all together by waking. Just keep your mind on the flow of energy you'll feel. If you've been terrified of this before knowing it was the beginning of an astral projection, this adjustment can be hard - I've gone through it myself. I now love this feeling but still do have times after all these years where I'll get some of that old fear back and I'll lose it.
Lifting out of your body
At this stage you can often hear strange noises. It's usually a sound something like rushing water. You can sometimes hear knocking or other wierd noises. A lot of this gets into Kundalini which I won't go into here. As you picture yourself floating up out of your body, you will probably hear a loud crack or pop or bang of some sort. This is the sound of your astral body separating from your physical body. Although frightening to some people at first, this is the sound you want to hear.
Now that you can feel the energy, don't worry about anything except floating out of your body. You might even be able to open your third eye (located in your forehead) or astral eyes as I like to call it. If everything's still dark - which it usually is - don't worry, the sight will come. Imagine yourself floating up above your body. Sometimes you will go so high that you're looking only inches away from the ceiling.
Rolling to your feet
Whether you can see yet or not, think of yourself going down to the end of your bed in a huge arc. For some reason, this feels perfectly natural to me - even the first time I did it. It's kind of like being on a big ball and rolling feet-down to the ground. Don't fight to open your eyes if everything's still black. This happens sometimes. The less you try the better chance you'll have.
The strangest feeling you'll ever have in an astral projection
First things first - turn around and look at your body lying in bed. If you're not able to do this on the first try or two, at least do it sometime in the future. Being able to look at yourself sleeping in bed is one of the wierdest things you'll ever experience. If you want, go up and study yourself.
Another thing you should do on one of your first tries is to spot something in the room that you can verify when you wake up. This can be anything like a paper on the dresser, the position of your pillow (my first verification) or even the way a shirt is hanging over the laundry basket. Doing this and then checking it when you wake up is the best way to convince yourself that this astral projection really happened. Nobody will ever be able to convince you otherwise once you're able to verify it on your own - and that's a great reassurement for yourself.
Other astral projection techniques
Now if you're having trouble using my technique or you would just like to use something else first, here's a couple more quick ideas for you. When it comes to my number-balls you can use pretty much anything you want, but numbers do tend to work the best because as you're reaching the end (#1 in my case) your mind will begin to automatically know that an astral projection is coming on. You can count sheep, cars or rocket ships - it doesn't matter.
Rather than numbers, you can picture yourself in another place. This works best if you try using an imaginary place in your mind. Try a fountain or a park or anywhere peaceful. Just make sure you use the same place every time and you will eventually transfer your conciousness to that area. This doesn't always work the way you'd want it to. This can produce lucid dreams. I've got a technique for lucid dreaming in that article if you're interested.
The rollout method
There's also the rollout method. I've used this technique a few times. It works best on those occasions where you're stuck. Just sort of get a rocking motion going and then continue to roll right over and out of your body. I use this most if I'm falling asleep on my side instead of my back. Most times you'll be rolling over sideways but I have heard tell of people being able to somersault instead - forwards or backwards. Using the sideways roll technique I once rolled right through the back of the couch - quite an amazing feat when it happens.
The Rope-climbing method
The last astral projection technique I can think of right now is the rope-climbing method. I've never been able to get this one to work for myself although, I've only tried it a few times since the first way works for me. Some people actually find this method the easiest but it's whatever works for you. With the rope-climbing method, you're on your back, going through the first few steps I gave you earlier until you're at the visualizing step. You're going to want to imagine climbing a rope using just your hands. One hand over the other, over and over, slow and relaxed. Put all your effort into climbing that rope that's hanging above your chest. Feel your arms working as they climb and climb. If you're doing it right your astral body will pull itself up and leave your body behind - sometimes without you knowing it. I think this method is credited to Robert Bruce.
Ok, I think we're done for now. If you end up using a completely different method, let me know and I'll post it here. Everyone needs some good astral projection techniques! Good luck with yours!
Astral Projection Myths Exposed
Don't believe everything you hear about Asstral Projection.
There are a lot of erroneous beliefs about Astral Projection 'floating around'. Let's get things straight, and shed some light on them.
Myth 1 : Astral Projection is very rare.
Truth : Astral Projection is a very common phenomenon indeed. 6% to 14% of the world's population has experienced a conscious Out of body experience at least once. This means around 32 million in the United States alone!
Myth 2: Astral Projection is always spontaneous. You cannot learn it.
Truth: Rubbish! You can learn to Astral Project. There are loads of techniques that teach you how to have an OOBE. Since every individual is different, no single technique is best for everybody. You have to find out which method is best for you. Just like anything in life, you have to practice and get good at it.
Myth 3: Not everyone can learn to Astral Project. It is only for a selected few.
Truth: Lies! Anyone can Astral Project, but it requires some practice and open-mindedness. Just like you learn to walk, drive a car or play World Of Warcraft, Astral Projection is a skill you need to learn.
Myth 4: Only adults can Astral Project because they are more matured.
Truth: Don't believe it! Age is never a factor for Astral Projection. It's a fact that children can Astral Project more than adults. The reason is that children are innocent and they believe everything is doable, so they achieve Astral Projection more easily. Adults don't believe everything easily. The sooner we can be open-minded and start accepting Astral Projection as real, the easier it will be to Project. But age, in itself, is never a roadblock for Projection. The only obstacle is your level of belief.
Myth 5 : Astral Projection is unsafe.
Truth : Astral Projection is a natural experience reported in every culture and society of the world. It is safe for most people. But anyone who has acute psychological problems should avoid it.
10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms.
DON'T attempt Projection without these!
Remember the story of a drowning man who lost hope because he couldn't see the land? He stopped swimming...even though the shore was just a
mile away! Unfortunately, he didn't know how close he was!
Most people quit too soon because they don't see immediate results. But if you know what signposts to expect along the way, you will know that you
are right on track. you have read scores of Astral Projection techniques, tried some of them and still haven't experienced a conscious Projection? Don't quit
too soon. You may be close...very close!
Below, I have listed some common pre-Astral Projection sensations. The more knowledgeable and prepared you are about the initial sensations
associated with out-of-body exploration, the more success you are likely to achieve.
1. Vibrations
Vibrations are probably the most common of all pre-Projection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it.
You might feel as if a part, or all of your body begins to ''vibrate''. These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you experience this for
the first time, you might get startled and feel that your entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the vibrations can be very intense,
they are not physical vibrations because nothing physically vibrates.
Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you are very close to a successful Astral Projection..
2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you might experience during your Astral projection practice.
Sleep Paralysis is a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely ''paralyzed'' that you simply cannot seem to budge any part of your body at all.
If you don't know what's going on, it can be quite scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs because this condition is perfectly safe. Astral
Paralysis means you are very close to the actual exit.
3. Buzzing And Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing, rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck, knocking,
thumping, voices of people conversing with each other, gunshot, loud bell.
Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common pre-Astral Projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are hundred
helicopters in your ears!
These sounds are temporary and subside once the separation process is complete.
Recognition of such sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on track.
4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything imaginable.
5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom.
The exact reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a
side effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and calm.
6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the feeling would soon subside.
7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the start
of the Astral Projection sequence as the Astral body starts to separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your Astral body has
''loosened'' from the physical confines!
8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur.
You may suddenly feel that your body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are weightless.
9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might have the sensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.
10. Temperature Changes
This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you.
People are different. Therefore, the sensations you experience will be based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of these
sensations will vary from person to person.
Each Projection attempt may yield different sensations, in a different sequence.
These were some of the sensations you might come across. There are many more. Just be aware of them so that next time you experience
something similar, you know you are on the right track!
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 2
Dec 20, 2009
Many people are unaware of the presence of non-physical energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of places such as a house or room.
These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely lost to the western world. Growing materialism and fast paced, complicated lives have shut down many peoples non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc. In the past 2000 years there has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of western religions have lost their vision and know how of clearing.
Where do entities come from?
Mainly these entities come from peoples astral bodies when they die as the astral body breaks up without the physical and etheric body to hold it together. Conflicting parts of the astral body (mind/emotions) can no longer hold together and as its vibration rises it shatters mainly into astral dust which is reabsorbed into the astral planes. Unfortunately some chunks hold together and retain a consciousness of their own becoming astral fragments/ entities. These would be the most crystallized parts of the astral body.
These astral fragments need etheric energy (life force) to hold them together or they will eventually break up into astral dust and be reabsorbed. The only place they can get enough energy to survive is from a person or animal but they certainly seem to prefer a human host.
When they find someone suitable often with similar emotional characteristics to itself, the entity will try to get into the persons energy and live there. This will drain life force (etheric energy) from the person and also impose emotions on them (astral energy).
Very large fragments with enough etheric energy may survive without a host and these may live in houses or public places. These large entities are usually referred to as ghosts. They may attach to a person with a cord of astral/etheric energy while remaining in these places and then affect the person similarly to a smaller fragment inside their energy.
Other entities that can parasitize people include nature spirits, elementals and others which are not so easily categorized.
Entities are actually quite a problem at present with most humans being the home for one or more. With our senses being so dull due to such crystallized astral and weak etheric bodies we can only feel the effects of the entity. Often these effects will be lack of energy, depression, anxiety and all types of other negative emotions. We assume that these emotions are our own and therefore have no idea that an entity is causing such problems. Actually the entity isn't the sole cause of the problems. To attract an entity you must first resonate with it to some degree. So you had some feelings of loneliness or whatever and so did the entity. This is what attracted it and so your initial negative emotions are amplified by the entity and it also drains your etheric energy making it harder to stay on top of such negative emotions.
An entity can only get into your energy if there is a weak spot or hole in your aura. Most people have some weak spots which become worse when under pressure or emotional stress. It is due to ego structure and astral crystallization that weak spots occur. In fact the very nature of astral substance attracts entities. When it comes to astral substance, like attracts like so you have a situation where different types of astral substance pool together and keep on attracting more. This is how the negative astral planes have been created, basically all the negative energies have come together to create negative dimensions of astral substance, usually of a very low and chaotic vibration. Intoxication by alcohol or other drugs is a common way to resonate with these negative astral planes and attract entities into your energy. In pubs and clubs you will find a strong connection to such planes and an abundance of entities looking for a potential host.
At death if you are experiencing extreme emotions such as anger and hate you will be taken straight to these negative astral planes as soon as you leave the body. This is because your astral body will be resonating with the negative planes and because like attracts like in the astral world you will suddenly find yourself in these realms. Once there you will likely see all kinds of hallucinations such as monsters and the like until your astral body begins to shatter (this is often referred to as the after life wandering or the Bardos in Tibetan Buddhism). At this point your Light body will be released and you will continue up into higher dimensions but the part of your astral body that was attracted to the negative realms will likely break off as an entity. If the emotions felt at death were very common and very much a part of your personality while incarnated then the entity will be larger. Once separate the entity will first try for a host with someone or somewhere familiar such as your home or your friends and family. If it can't host on these people it will probably go for the nearest pub.
The lines along which the astral body shatters are along the lines of crystallization. The more crystallized your astral body and therefore the more rigid your personality was the more entities will be created and the larger they will be.
The information here should not scare you as you have probably been living with entities for years. With the practices available in Past Life-Regression you will be able to find and explore entities and even begin clearing them. It is amazing what a difference it can make when a core entity is cleared. Emotional issues that have plagued people for years are sometimes cured almost immediately. The person must continue the work of clearing their own energy as well but the difference can be very tangible when an entity is thoroughly explored and cleared.
If you clear your own astral body while still alive you will not leave any entities behind for others to clean up. Through spiritual work your astral body is cleared of samskaras and merges with the Light body. This merger transforms the astral body into a lighter and more malleable substance that does not shatter into pieces at death. This is referred to as the transformed astral body.
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 3
Dec 20, 2009
Astral Substance
Astral Substance is what makes up your Astral Body. Before incarnating into the physical body the Consciousness of the descending soul passes through the Astral Layers around Earth and collects various astral forces to build the Astral Body that will be used as a vehicle to incarnate into matter. The specific Astral Forces collected depend on the soul itself and its chosen life on Earth.
The Astral Substances or Forces around Earth come from the surrounding planets. The planets are the physical bodies of some very large beings that have incarnated as planets. These beings have an Astral body which is an expression of them in Astral Substance.
Consciousness expresses itself through various dimensions of light with Astral Substance being the lowest dimension of this light. While the light of the higher dimensions vibrates very fast the Astral light has been slowed down significantly so that the consciousness from the highest dimensions may incarnate into matter which vibrates slower. The dimensions of light come from the higher dimensions of consciousness and so this light is an actual expression of the higher consciousness (it?s just a slower vibration).
Earth is situated with surrounding planets which all have an Astral Body which is an expression of the being that has incarnated into the planet. These beings are sometimes called gods and the Ancient Greek, Roman and Hindu Mythologies of the gods do well in depicting their personalities and interactions. As the human?s astral body is made up of the astral substance from each of these so called Gods, the interactions occur both within the individual human and between individuals and groups. The human being collects astral substance from these so called gods on the way through the lower dimensions of Astral Substance before incarnation. Depending on the positions of the planets in relation to Earth and each other the Astral Substances acquired will differ and hence the science of the Horoscope.
So a Consciousness (Spirit) which has a high dimensional light body gradually descends into lower vibrations and gathers astral substance around the Light body and then incarnates into the physical and energy bodies of the baby. The actual incarnation occurs at birth as this is when the being is brought into the 3rd dimension. During the pregnancy the Spirit has a connection to the fetus and so is partially incarnated but its main substance is waiting in the higher dimensions. It is when the baby is born that the spirit has really begun its incarnation into the 3rd dimension. Although birth is indeed the beginning of the incarnated life it takes time for the various astral substances, light and consciousness to merge with the physical body. It takes a normal person about 28 years to incarnate all of the astral energies they have brought with them. In fact the incarnation process does keep on going for the entire life but it seems that 28 is the critical point. Before 28 years is reached it is almost impossible for a being to have incarnated all that it has intended to.
The Spirit does not incarnate all of itself into the third dimension and much of its higher energies and substance stay in the higher dimensions. The higher selves of all individuals reside in these higher dimensions and will never incarnate during earthly life. An exception to this rule is for the Spiritual seekers who spend many years meditating, purifying and incarnating higher energies. In the past these beings have been few and far between because the purpose of life on earth has not been to incarnate these parts. Earth has had a very specific purpose. Now however this purpose has been fulfilled and many are joining these spiritual seekers to raise the consciousness of the planet and to actually raise humanity into the 4th dimension.
When the baby is born, the astral body is very clear as the substances which make it up have come straight from the higher/more pure astral layers. The astral substances have characteristics as they are an expression of the beings which they belong to. The consciousness and higher dimensional light body which has incarnated is therefore experienced through this astral body. If you shine a light through a colored lens, the light that comes out and is experienced on the other side is distorted by this lens as the color has been changed. This is how the baby experiences its higher light, through the astral body. It is still very clear and the higher light is still very clearly experienced albeit through the lens of the astral body. All the innocence, love and positive virtues of a baby are a result of the higher light shining through the astral body and into the third dimension. The more specific personality characteristics are a result of the astral substances which make up the astral body. So the personality of the baby is a mixture of its higher self and the astral body (horoscope) as well as the instincts that are a part of the physical body and the forces from lower dimensions.
The higher self of the baby is an extremely sensitive and loving being. It has come from a place of absolute love, safety, wisdom, intelligence and sensitivity. Life on earth is very different to the place of its origin. As soon as it is born a huge disconnection from its home occurs, leading to immense heartbreak, fear and need of nurturance. When the being feels nurtured and secure you can clearly see the higher aspects of its spirit. When it does not feel these things from its environment you will clearly see the pain and grief that the baby feels. Whenever this pain is felt by the baby the disconnection from the spirits essence (home) is increasing. The only treatment for this pain is for the astral body of the infant to begin to crystallize to shut out the pain which in effect shuts out the higher energies as well. When the baby was first born the astral body was like a colored lens but as parts begin to crystallize its like putting scratches on the lens which further distorts and blocks out the higher light. This is the formation of the ego. Every time the baby feels unpleasant emotions the astral body crystallizes further to block out the pain. Eventually the astral body has become a crystallized structure which successfully blocks out the pain of the spirits disconnection from its source.
Once the Astral body has become crystallized to this point it is a fully fledged ego structure. This structure reacts to the world depending on its inherent astral forces or horoscope and the way its structure was formed as everything that is experienced becomes shadowed by emotional traumas and conditioning. The more emotional pain felt by the individual and the less nurturance, security and love received during infancy the more crystallized will be the ego structure and therefore the more distorted and blocked the incoming higher light from the higher self.
The astral body incarnates into the physical body through the chi body and the Chitta which are both greatly involved with the CNS (Central Nervous System) which includes the brain, spinal cord and all nerves running throughout the body. You feel emotions throughout the body because of this interaction. Your heart Chakra is in the middle of your chest (within the Light body), the emotions felt here in the astral body transfer into the chi/ etheric body and then into the physical body through the nerves. When you feel broken hearted you feel physical pain in the area even though the emotion is located in the astral body because of this interaction. The structure in the Astral body can be seen and felt in the physical body as tension because the Crystallized Astral grasps the etheric which in turn affects the nerves in the area. The ego structure in the Astral body always effects the flow of etheric/ chi energy which in turn causes stress/ tension in the physical body which leads to poor health, weakness and rapid aging of the physical body.
In ordinary individuals the ego structure created during infancy remains until death, being the base of personality through which life is experienced. At death the astral body leaves the physical and etheric bodies and begins to rise into higher dimensions. As this occurs the crystallized parts shatter under the pressure of higher vibration. Much of the shattered astral body goes back to where it came from and becomes as it was before the incarnation but some very crystallized chunks remain intact and stay on earth where they become etheric/astral parasites.
Once the astral body has shattered the parts of the higher consciousness and light of the being that incarnated will go back to the higher dimensions from where they came. The spirit will see clearly once again, remember who and what it is and realize that the life it just lived was but a tiny (but very meaningful) experience on its journey throughout the universe.
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 4
Dec 20, 2009
Cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two peoples subtle bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and chi between the two. It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so it is still effective from the other side of the planet.
All babies have a cord going from their belly to their mother after the physical umbilical cord is cut. Some may have extra cords going from the heart, solar plexus or even the head to various parts of the mothers energy body. The cord or cords that exist during infancy last for a few years and gradually drop off as the child becomes more independent from the mother and does not need the connection any more. Well ideally this would be the case but here on earth so many people have emotional issues that very often the cords can last well into adulthood. The cord is supposed to be there to support the baby but in actuality many mothers are emotionally needy and actually use the cord to nourish themselves from the babys fresh and abundant energy. Of course this is subconscious and the mother is not really meaning to do this. The baby is usually quite aware of what is happening and will even give the mother extra energy and emotional support through the cord at will. The baby is a very pure and loving being at this stage with only a small amount of astral incarnation and very little ego structure so they want to do all they can for the mother.
Unfortunately as the baby grows up it gradually loses its perception of such metaphysical things and so forgets about the cord. The transfer of emotional energy becomes subconscious for the child as well as the mother and continues to operate for possibly a very long time. Cords between mother and child that last for prolonged periods often cause serious friction between the two parties leading to dysfunctional feelings toward each other. The relationship will suffer as there is bound to be resentment and negative feelings. Imagine you have been drained of energy by your mother for 30 years through a cord that has become thick and gross with negative emotions and emotional neediness. You do not know exactly what is happening but you sense that somehow you are being drained by her. You move to another country to get away but wherever you go it almost feels like she is there with you, she is draining you from afar. This situation is just an example; there are many ways to interact through a cord.
Another common cord is between two lovers. Each wants to share their energy with the other and during sex this is amplified greatly. The feelings of love and sharing are often enough to build a cord. Often these cords are between the bellies but can be in other areas like the heart or solar plexus, etc. So when two people have been in an emotional relationship for a time there is a good chance that the two people have a cord. Depending on the emotional issues of the two the cord can become gross or can stay fairly clean and be a good thing which helps the two with emotional nurturing. If one partner is needy it is likely that they will drain the other which could eventually lead to resentment by the drained partner. Some cords that become too gross can cause serious problems for a couple and could certainly lead to a break up. Clearing a cord can help alleviate the emotional intensity so the couple can progress to a more balanced relationship. If a breakup does occur the cord may stay for a long time and continue to operate, making it hard to let go and to move on with another partner. In this case clearing the cord can do wonders.
Cords can be created between any two people or even groups of people that have emotional relationships. Friends, workmates, enemies can all have cords. They can be used by entities and other dimensional beings to connect with us and drain our energy. It is possible to send a cord to someone you don't know if you really want to get to know them. For example say you fall in love with someone but have not yet talked to them. It is possible that your desire to have them may send a cord into their energy. It is also possible to consciously create a cord to another person but this is in the domain of black magic. You should never use psychic means to purposely control or affect anothers energy without their permission. There are no exemptions from this rule and the karmic repercussions are enormous!
There are many types but whatever the case a cord is basically a connection between the astral and etheric bodies of two or more beings which allows for an exchange of emotional and/or etheric energy.
Fortunately all cords can be cleared fairly easily. It only takes one of the people to clear the cord and it will be cleared from the other. Through the practices learned in Past Life-Regression you can become aware of all your cords and learn to clear them. Interestingly while exploring a cord you can remember when and how it was created, how you felt about it and how it has been operating while it was there. Often cords can be seen and felt very tangibly and their effects become very apparent. As you enter the subconscious through the third eye you can actually remember what was happening in your subconscious during any part of your life. These can be excellent lessons in self exploration.
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 5
Dec 20, 2009
Material Forces
there are many dimensions of reality. Material forces come from the lower dimensions below the 1st and Forces Of Consciousness come from above the 9th. In the 9 physical dimensions the Forces Of Consciousness have used the Material Forces from below the 1st to create form.
The 1st dimension is the lowest of the 9 physical dimensions and is where physical substance is at its densest. As we move up to the 9th Dimension the physical substances become progressively lighter and have a higher vibration. The 3rd is where we are now and is quite a dense dimension with a low vibration. Much of the 3rd dimension is not inhabited like it is on Earth as the environments on many of the Planets here are not hospitable. There are other beings on far away planets that are both similar to us and very different who do live in the 3rd Dimension.
The 2nd dimension is less inhabited than the 3rd but does have certain hospitable areas where civilizations and various beings reside. The 1st Dimension is almost completely uninhabited by beings as we know them. It is however, vital in giving the rest of the physical dimensions a ground.
The dimensions below the 1st are not physical dimensions like the one we live in. These lower dimensions contain the Material forces that are used to create the physical dimensions. They contain various forces of creation or materialism with each dimension containing different forces and energies. These forces are ready to be used by the various Creators throughout the Universes and Beyond in the creation of anything physical. These Creators are part of the Forces Of Consciousness.
The lower centers of energy within the energy body, including the Base Chakra, the Sex Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra are connected to these lower dimensions. There is also a column of metaphysical substance that extends from the Base Chakra all the way down through the lowest Dimensions to the Source. As previously described the Material Forces and the Forces Of Consciousness both come from the same Source of Oneness or Unity often called the Void.
Experientially the column actually goes down, through the earth but into lower dimensions. While meditating you can actually travel down this column with your consciousness and explore these Dimensions for yourself. Of course for most people the column is quite blocked as are the lower Chakra's which will make it impossible to take your consciousness down. After you have cleared enough emotional and energetic turmoil in your lower centers you will be able to descend and explore.
Besides being connected to these lower dimensions through the inter-dimensional gateways of the lower Chakra's, The Hara and the Column, our physical and Etheric/Chi bodies are actually made up of the energies and forces from below. The Chakras and column feed the physical and energy bodies with the necessary forces for their survival. If the Chakras are blocked then the health of the organism will diminish as will conscious contact with the lower dimensions.
Although there are many dimensions below and there are many forces and energies in these dimensions there are 4 main ones that relate to life on earth and to our Spiritual Awakening. These include Chi, Ching, Jing and Kundalini. These will be briefly described. The Column, Chakra's and Hara also relate to these forces so the sections on these will expand your knowledge.
Chi/ Etheric
Chi is the life force energy that permeates the physical body and gives us life. We receive chi from air, food, water, and the sun. The chi received from these sources is digested by our etheric body (chi body) and then becomes a part of our life force chi. The life force chi circulates through the system of meridians or channels which permeate the body.
The organs all have an energetic reservoir which holds and supports them. If you lose a physical organ you will still have this energetic part which will continue to function on the chi level, although often not as well as if the physical organ was still there. The organ reservoirs transform the life force chi into the type of chi that the particular organ needs. For example liver chi is different to kidney chi. The system of meridians takes the various organ chi and circulates it throughout the energy body to wherever it is needed. The organ chi is still very similar in form to life force chi and is constantly changing as it runs through the body. If an organ is low on energy or there are blockages preventing the flow, the organ will suffer, becoming weak and susceptible to disease. If this happens then the meridians that rely on this organs chi flow will also become weak or blocked. This will lead to various physical symptoms related to the meridians and their flow. As the whole system is connected and chi is continually moving and transforming this will inevitably affect all other areas of the energy body. Acupuncture is based on this system and works by adjusting the flow of chi through the effected meridians.
Note: I do not want to create confusion but I would like you to understand something here. There are astral forces which interact with Chi. The chi of a grapefruit is different from the chi of a watermelon because they interact with different astral forces. They are still life force chi and are both digested by the chi body when eaten. Similarly the organs have different types of life force Chi because of the Astral forces they interact with. For instance the liver resonates with the Jupiter Astral force and the Kidney with Venus. It is the interaction with the Astral Force that makes the chi slightly different by changing its vibration.
The belly is the storehouse of life force chi and can hold a huge amount for use by any part of the body. The intestines are like a coil that can absorb many types of chi, mix it and store it. The chi stored in the belly is basically chi that may be used anywhere in the system where it is easily transformed into the type of chi needed. For example if the liver is weak and the liver chi has become stagnant, instead of using acupuncture we may consciously send chi from the belly to the liver which will get the stagnant liver chi moving and therefore revitalize the liver and all meridians running through it.
Chi can be felt quite easily as it is fairly close to physical substance. It can be felt as a kind of buzzing or tingling feeling or just the feeling of energy.
Ching/ Sexual Energy
Ching is sexual energy which is produced and stored in the testicles or ovaries. It is a synthesis of all other types of chi as all of the organs and glands, including the brain give some of their chi to the reproductive organs for the production of sexual energy. The testicles/ovaries are unique in that if you lose the physical organs you cannot create ching; it is a very special energy that requires the physical organs for its production.
The production of this highly refined energy is very taxing on the energy body as it takes a large amount of organs, glands, brain and life force chi to produce just a small amount of ching. 30 40% of your daily chi energy goes into the production of sexual energy and this energy is then put to use in the production of sperm or eggs (the eggs are already there from the females birth but a massive amount of ching goes into the eggs that are becoming ready to be released through the menstrual cycle. These eggs are brought to fruition and made ready for fertilization through their interaction with the ching). Sperm and eggs are overflowing with ching. It is the substance that can recreate life, a fully potent creative energy. Our bodies are basically factories for the production of this vital power.
Ching is far denser than life force chi or the various organs and glands chi and has a much stronger vibration. In fact everyone has felt this energy as it is so dense and has such a strong vibration. When you have an orgasm, the sensations you feel are simply the release of ching from the Testicles or Ovaries. The ching is so dense and strongly vibrating that your physical nerve endings are stimulated by it and this is where the orgasmic feelings come from. When the ching is aroused which is basically whenever you are sexually aroused it expands enormously and begins to vibrate more strongly. Most people have some serious energetic blockages in the lower abdomen, anus, genitals and perineum so the ching (sexual energy) cannot rise up the body and is restricted to these lower areas. Because of this the pressure can build very quickly and then it must be released. In men the release of this pressure comes through ejaculation where the ching along with the sperm are released into the universe. In females the built up pressure is released through orgasm also but for them the ching is simply released into the genitals and the surrounding areas and does not leave the body. For this reason they do not lose nearly as much ching through orgasm as men.
So the orgasmic feelings are caused by the aroused and expanding ching being released and therefore stimulating the physical nerve endings of the genital region. For a male this release means that the vital ching is lost and now more must be produced which is very taxing on the Chi body and in turn the physical body. For women it is menstruation that expels sexual energy into the universe. The lost eggs, uterine lining and blood are overflowing with ching.
Ching is basically a highly refined, super potent form of chi which we have all felt in the form of orgasm. It can be easily assimilated, transformed and used by any part of the energy body and is the greatest nutrient available, especially for the brain. It can rejuvenate the brain like nothing else and bring superior health, strength and vitality to the entire body.
For a male, if he was to stop ejaculating his vital ching into the universe and to instead draw it into his body, cultivate it and transform it he may find an orgasm that fills his entire body, stimulating all nerve endings, organs, glands and brain which can go on, in pulsating bursts for as long as he wishes. Similarly females may experience this bliss through stopping the loss of ching through menstruation by drawing the energy out of the ovaries. This will firstly reduce the amount of energy lost in the evacuated eggs and eventually can even reduce the physical period in length and flow until stopping menstruation completely. This is reversible by simply discontinuing the practice and if you instead draw Chi into the ovaries you will be producing extremely healthy eggs, which you would not have otherwise been capable of.
Ching or sexual energy is extremely important when it comes to spiritual awakening and inner alchemy. Trying to raise and strengthen your energetic vibration and consciousness to higher levels can be sped up enormously by cultivating sexual energy and must not be neglected if you desire real spiritual transformation. If you continue to expel your ching into the universe your progress will be slow and arduous. Tantric sex techniques for raising, transforming and cultivating sexual energy are essential
Jing is a more elusive type of energy and is not simply produced by the refinement and transformation of chi energy. It is much harder to feel and direct as it is basically what holds you together. More than energy, it is better described as a force. It is the foundation for life, a primordial force that animates life in the first place, the glue that holds your cells together. It regulates growth and form in the same way as DNA but it is not DNA. It is actually the force that holds DNA together, you could call it DNA Chi. Jing is found throughout your entire body holding you together, regulating growth and also the flow of Chi and production of ching.
You are born with a finite amount of jing which is stored in the Kidneys. It is burned up through life itself and as the jing throughout the body is used up you begin to draw on the stores in the Kidneys. When these are all gone it will lead to weakness, disease and eventually death. Excesses such as drug use and high stress will deplete the jing faster while inner power martial arts methods combined with tantric sex, or other specific etheric exercises can strengthen it and make it last much longer. By doing such exercises the jing is not only strengthened but the rest of the body becomes strong and healthy so there are less unnecessary loads on the jing.
Jing is used in the production of sperm and eggs but is not simply a part of the sexual energy. It is another level of substance altogether and without it the sperm and eggs would be infertile. Since we only have a finite amount of jing, every time a male ejaculates or a female menstruates some of their jing is lost forever. This is the reason that fertility decreases so dramatically as women age. Also the rate of Down syndrome babies born increases from (1 / 1500 at the age of 25) to (1 / 32 at age 45). The jing is vital for babies as it is this that gives the base of primordial substance for their growth. When a woman has an already depleted store of jing, less is given to the egg as the womans body needs it for her own survival. The same goes for the man accept that each sperm may still have the same amount of jing, but he will produce less of them. Therefore the age of the father is not nearly as important.
When the two jings of the parents combine, it causes an implosion into the lowest material dimensions allowing a massive expansion of the two jings. Being a primordial substance means that the jing can actually expand enormously by reconnecting with the primordial source from whence it came. At the moment of conception this occurs, therefore expanding the jing given by the parents enormously (only a tiny amount of the mother and fathers jing is given in the sperm and egg so it must expand to give the baby a full store of its own jing). This will never happen again for the given life and this original amount of jing created at conception will last for the whole lifetime. It can then only be strengthened and stored, or expelled and exhausted.
The lower dimensions are the background of all matter in the physical dimensions and hold all things together. It is the ultimate yin energy being totally passive and ready to be formed into anything. It is important to realize that the expansion of jing at conception is an expansion of the two combined jing's of the sperm and egg. If the jing of either of these is weak or depleted then the expansion will not be as complete and so the life form created will not be as strong and healthy. (Down syndrome is a problem with the DNA and is actually caused by weak jing as this is the force which animates DNA and holds it together).
Jing is extremely precious and should be looked after to the utmost. By strengthening the jing your physical body can become amazingly strong and vitalized. A long and disease free life can be had with energy to do with as you wish. Your creative powers will not diminish and your brain will stay vigilant to the end. gives some important practices for strengthening the jing and also shows how to use the power it can make available. Smashing large river stones with a light slap of the bare hand is just one demonstration of the possible powers of the cultivated jing. In the martial arts chi may be sent into an opponent causing damage to the chi body but to cause internal physical damage or to damage physical objects it is the jing that is used. Jing is the force that can smash material by splitting the actual force that holds that object together. When this is done you do not lose any jing at all. If you were to send Chi into an opponent you would lose this Chi. When jing is used in the Martial Arts, your jing simply smashes the jing of the object or opponent.
Another interesting point is that of morning sickness in newly pregnant women. On a metaphysical level it is caused by the sudden huge expansion of jing in the new life form. As it is inside the mother this force will play havoc with the organs, especially in her sleep when her body is relaxed. Similarly the glowing radiant skin of pregnant women which most people have witnessed is due to the enhanced jing. After giving birth it is not surprising that many mothers suffer from post natal depression as they suddenly lose the large amount of jing that was in their belly.
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 6
Dec 20, 2009
There are two types of Kundalini which both come from lower dimensions. These are Earth Kundalini and Body kundalini.
Earth Kundalini
Earth Kundalini comes from the core of the earth which is actually a large iron crystal. This crystal is like an interdimensional gateway which goes into a lower dimension. This dimension contains the Kundalini force which is infinite and is the ultimate nurturing force of all material creation. This force travels upwards from the iron core crystal and enters the human body at the perineum, the location of the base chakra. When the base chakra is activated and all associated issues have been cleared it becomes possible for this force to enter the body and travel straight up through the middle of the body and out the top of the head. It passes through all the chakras on its way through and fully activates them.
If the base Chakra is blocked and not properly activated the Kundalini will not be activated at the iron core crystal and will not connect with the base chakra located at the perineum. The base Chakra and the iron core crystal work together and some esoteric schools actually say that the core crystal is the true location of the base Chakra. From my perspective the base Chakra and the iron core crystal are distinct structures although they do operate in unison while incarnated on earth. The Earth Kundalini remains almost entirely dormant for most humans as it is cut off from us when we are still very young. The formation of the earthly ego and personality, the many emotional blockages and sexual issues and the reactivation of past life traumas stop the flow of the kundalini at a young age.
Body Kundalini
While the earth kundalini travels from the middle of the earth up through the perineum and straight through the middle of the body and out the top of the head the Body kundalini begins at the base of the spine and travels up the spine and out the top of the head. They are two distinct channels and the forces themselves are slightly different. The body Kundalini comes from a chakra like structure which is located at the base of the spine and which needs to be activated to create a gateway into the lower dimension from where the kundalini comes.
If either Earth or Body Kundalini is successfully activated before the energy body has been cleared and prepared the force would blast through the system finding the easiest way out. Blockages could send it in any direction which could cause serious burning out of the energy body along with the possible burning and damage to organs. Even more serious it could do damage to the physical structure including the spine and the brain. Insanity could easily take place as the force rushes into the head, which may still be full of negative beliefs and illusions. As the third eye is forced open the individual would suddenly be confronted by an array of perceptions that would fast become uncontrollable and they would have serious trouble closing the eye.
The above scenario has occurred numerous times to ascetics and spiritual practitioners in the past as well as spontaneously to many hospitalized psychotics and schizophrenics.
However, if the system is ready for kundalini then all the Chakras would be fully activated and the crown would open for higher consciousness to descend into the body. This would be the culmination of the spiritual work of an individual and lead to a true spiritual incarnation. Many amazing powers would be awakened including powers of healing, clairvoyance, clairsentience, powers over nature, in particular over snakes, powers of creation and creativity, and many others.
Kundalini cannot be held, stored or strengthened but must be allowed to move. It is an infinite force from very low dimensions that nurtures the body, mind and spirit like nothing else. To overcome the fear of death and therefore the egos most basic root the kundalini must be awakened and without this the spirit cannot dwell within.
Forces Of Consciousness
Forces of consciousness come from the dimensions above the 9th. The Chakra's all connect to various higher dimensions creating a vortex which allows for the incarnation of these higher forces. Just as the column extends below the body from the Base Chakra through the lower dimensions, it also extends above your head from the Crown Chakra all the way up through all the higher dimensions to the Source. It is one column which goes through the body but it is blocked at the Base Chakra and the Crown Chakra in normal Humans. If it was not blocked the forces from below would ascend through the body and out the top of the head and the forces from above would descend through the Crown and into the body. Actually this is occurring to some extent in us all but the flows are often very blocked.
It is possible to explore the higher dimensions by either going into the Chakras or by ascending your consciousness upwards through the column. Of course before energetic and emotional blockages have been cleared it is not quite that simple.
The highest dimensions are ones of pure consciousness and these dimensions seem almost completely clear and devoid of any light or color. There are individual beings here so there is differentiation but the consciousnesses are very clear and are very much a part of the consciousness of the dimension itself. The vibration is so high here that light cannot exist but only consciousness itself. Below these dimensions there are many dimensions of light with different colors and frequencies and in all of these there are many beings. These beings live in a dimension of light and they have a light body. Just like we are living in the third dimension and have a third dimensional body, these beings live in light and their bodies are made of light.
As the higher dimensions get closer to the 9th the light becomes somewhat denser until it becomes what is called astral substance. Astral substance is still light but it is denser and its vibration is much slower than the light in the higher dimensions. Astral substance is what incarnates into matter. As matter is vibrating slowly, consciousness must gradually slow its vibration by entering Light and then astral substance before incarnating into the physical world.
As the human is a part of a much larger being which has parts of itself in many different dimensions it is possible for the Human to become aware of these other parts during meditation. By taking your consciousness upwards through the Column you may become aware of yourself in higher dimensions. The higher you go up the column, the higher the dimension you will become aware of. The Chakra's each connect with other dimensions which contain parts of you. By clearing and awakening your Chakra's you make it possible to bring the forces of consciousness from their respective dimensions into your body for use in the physical world. The goal of the Spiritual Practices and Alchemical processes here is to clear your subtle bodies, and activate your energy centers to incarnate these higher dimensions of yourself into the physical world. When this is done you can experience your higher dimensional aspects while in ordinary consciousness and not only while in a deep meditative state or while taking your consciousness up the Column.
Astral Substance
Astral Substance is what makes up your Astral Body. Before incarnating into the physical body the Consciousness of the descending soul passes through the Astral Layers around Earth and collects various astral forces to build the Astral Body that will be used as a vehicle to incarnate into matter. The specific Astral Forces collected depend on the soul itself and its chosen life on Earth.
The Astral Substances or Forces around Earth come from the surrounding planets. The planets are the physical bodies of some very large beings that have incarnated as planets. These beings have an Astral body which is an expression of them in Astral Substance.
As stated earlier, consciousness expresses itself through various dimensions of light with Astral Substance being the lowest dimension of this light. While the light of the higher dimensions vibrates very fast the Astral light has been slowed down significantly so that the consciousness from the highest dimensions may incarnate into matter which vibrates slower. The dimensions of light come from the higher dimensions of consciousness and so this light is an actual expression of the higher consciousness (its just a slower vibration).
Earth is situated with surrounding planets which all have an Astral Body which is an expression of the being that has incarnated into the planet. These beings are sometimes called gods and the Ancient Greek, Roman and Hindu Mythologies of the gods do well in depicting their personalities and interactions. As the humans astral body is made up of the astral substance from each of these so called Gods, the interactions occur both within the individual human and between individuals and groups. The human being collects astral substance from these so called gods on the way through the lower dimensions of Astral Substance before incarnation. Depending on the positions of the planets in relation to Earth and each other the Astral Substances acquired will differ and hence the science of the Horoscope.
So a Consciousness (Spirit) which has a high dimensional light body gradually descends into lower vibrations and gathers astral substance around the Light body and then incarnates into the physical and energy bodies of the baby. The actual incarnation occurs at birth as this is when the being is brought into the 3rd dimension. During the pregnancy the Spirit has a connection to the fetus and so is partially incarnated but its main substance is waiting in the higher dimensions. It is when the baby is born that the spirit has really begun its incarnation into the 3rd dimension. Although birth is indeed the beginning of the incarnated life it takes time for the various astral substances, light and consciousness to merge with the physical body. It takes a normal person about 28 years to incarnate all of the astral energies they have brought with them. In fact the incarnation process does keep on going for the entire life but it seems that 28 is the critical point. Before 28 years is reached it is almost impossible for a being to have incarnated all that it has intended to.
The Spirit does not incarnate all of itself into the third dimension and much of its higher energies and substance stay in the higher dimensions. The higher selves of all individuals reside in these higher dimensions and will never incarnate during earthly life. An exception to this rule is for the Spiritual seekers who spend many years meditating, purifying and incarnating higher energies. In the past these beings have been few and far between because the purpose of life on earth has not been to incarnate these parts. Now however this purpose has been fulfilled and many are joining these spiritual seekers to raise the consciousness of the planet and to actually raise humanity into the 4th dimension.
When the baby is born, the astral body is very clear as the substances which make it up have come straight from the higher/more pure astral layers. The astral substances have characteristics as they are an expression of the beings which they belong to. The consciousness and higher dimensional light body which has incarnated is therefore experienced through this astral body. If you shine a light through a colored lens, the light that comes out and is experienced on the other side is distorted by this lens as the color has been changed. This is how the baby experiences its higher light, through the astral body. It is still very clear and the higher light is still very clearly experienced albeit through the lens of the astral body. All the innocence, love and positive virtues of a baby are a result of the higher light shining through the astral body and into the third dimension. The more specific personality characteristics are a result of the astral substances which make up the astral body. So the personality of the baby is a mixture of its higher self and the astral body (horoscope) as well as the instincts that are a part of the physical body and the forces from lower dimensions.
The higher self of the baby is an extremely sensitive and loving being. It has come from a place of absolute love, safety, wisdom, intelligence and sensitivity. Life on earth is very different to the place of its origin. As soon as it is born a huge disconnection from its home occurs, leading to immense heartbreak, fear and need of nurturance. When the being feels nurtured and secure you can clearly see the higher aspects of its spirit. When it does not feel these things from its environment you will clearly see the pain and grief that the baby feels. Whenever this pain is felt by the baby the disconnection from the spirits essence (home) is increasing. The only treatment for this pain is for the astral body of the infant to begin to crystallize to shut out the pain which in effect shuts out the higher energies as well. When the baby was first born the astral body was like a colored lens but as parts begin to crystallize its like putting scratches on the lens which further distorts and blocks out the higher light. This is the formation of the ego. Every time the baby feels unpleasant emotions the astral body crystallizes further to block out the pain. Eventually the astral body has become a crystallized structure which successfully blocks out the pain of the spirits disconnection from its source.
Once the Astral body has become crystallized to this point it is a fully fledged ego structure. This structure reacts to the world depending on its inherent astral forces or horoscope and the way its structure was formed as everything that is experienced becomes shadowed by emotional traumas and conditioning. The more emotional pain felt by the individual and the less nurturance, security and love received during infancy the more crystallized will be the ego structure and therefore the more distorted and blocked the incoming higher light from the higher self.
The astral body incarnates into the physical body through the chi body and the Chitta (explained later under Chitta) which are both greatly involved with the CNS (Central Nervous System) which includes the brain, spinal cord and all nerves running throughout the body. You feel emotions throughout the body because of this interaction. Your heart Chakra is in the middle of your chest (within the Light body), the emotions felt here in the astral body transfer into the chi/ etheric body and then into the physical body through the nerves. When you feel broken hearted you feel physical pain in the area even though the emotion is located in the astral body because of this interaction. The structure in the Astral body can be seen and felt in the physical body as tension because the Crystallized Astral grasps the etheric which in turn affects the nerves in the area. The ego structure in the Astral body always effects the flow of etheric/ chi energy which in turn causes stress/ tension in the physical body which leads to poor health, weakness and rapid aging of the physical body.
In ordinary individuals the ego structure created during infancy remains until death, being the base of personality through which life is experienced. At death the astral body leaves the physical and etheric bodies and begins to rise into higher dimensions. As this occurs the crystallized parts shatter under the pressure of higher vibration. Much of the shattered astral body goes back to where it came from and becomes as it was before the incarnation but some very crystallized chunks remain intact and stay on earth where they become etheric/astral parasites. This will be covered in detail under Entities.
Once the astral body has shattered the parts of the higher consciousness and light of the being that incarnated will go back to the higher dimensions from where they came. The spirit will see clearly once again, remember who and what it is and realize that the life it just lived was but a tiny (but very meaningful) experience on its journey throughout the universe.
(Ka) Light
Ka is basically light from the higher dimensions. Above the dimensions of Astral Substance there are many dimensions of light. The light at the highest dimensions has the fastest vibration and is the brightest and as we come down in Dimension the light becomes less bright until we reach astral substance which is the least bright but much more dense. The main difference between Ka and Astral Substance although they are both essentially light is that Astral Substance has a density which allows it to crystallize, and crystallized astral substance tends to block and distort the light. The Ka cannot crystallize like Astral Substance as it is vibrating too fast. Anything in the Dimensions of Ka is an expression of the Consciousness that created it.
We all have Light Bodies which are made of the light from these higher dimensions. While in your light body you are in touch with your true self and most essential nature as it has not been distorted by the lens of the Astral Body or the Physical body. You know who and what you are and are at one with the universe. You can travel to almost any dimension in your light body.
We all have this Light Body so where is it? It is waiting for you for when you leave your physical body. When you die and your astral body shatters, the consciousness and light that you incarnated during the life will remerge with the rest of your Light body. At this point all veils will be gone and you will remember everything. What is important to understand is that there is a Light body along with many of your higher selves waiting for you after each life and you will remerge with these parts. I say many higher selves because there is more than one level of your higher self. While on Earth you could become aware of your higher self and even partially incarnate it. You would then realize that there is still another higher self than this one and so on. You have higher selves in many dimensions with many different perspectives and views of the universe and even of your life here on earth.
Most people when referring to the higher self are talking about the lowest one. I would like to clarify that by higher I do not mean better. All of creation is equal, nothing more holy than anything else. Higher just refers to the dimension where the consciousness resides. The higher the dimension the more expansive the consciousness, the larger the view and the greater the powers of vision, knowledge, wisdom and love. Your own higher self in the very high dimensions is nothing short of a God. It has many parts of itself incarnated all over the universe, including you. Well if you go high enough you'll probably find that there is only one higher self at the top and it is all that is. The point here is that the parts of yourself that you are aware of are only a tiny portion of who you really are.
The work of spiritual transformation and incarnation is basically the clearing of what is not you (Astral Crystallization or ego structure) and the incarnation of more and more of your self (higher dimensional forces of light and consciousness). Another important part is the strengthening of the physical and etheric bodys vibration. For your body to be able to incarnate higher forces the physical vibration must be increased. The raising of sexual energy is essential here along with the clearing of the meridian system.
Back to the Ka, Quite simply Ka is higher dimensional light. The body of light is somewhat like the Astral body in that it contains different types of light which are mixed in together. The mixture is determined by your spirit (higher consciousness) and is put together in accordance with what the spirit wants to do. Just like choosing the Astral mixture before incarnating on earth your spirit chose a mixture of Light in the formation of its Light body. This Light body was formed for the spirit's purposes in this universe.
The Light body includes the Chakra's, Column and the MerKaBa along with other structures of light which will be described later. The Light body is partly here and incarnated but it is very blocked and is not functioning properly which leads to the state of consciousness of the normal individual. Because of the way we have incarnated into such dense matter, the dualistic nature of the 3rd dimension and the purposes for which we have done this our bodies are all out of whack. In a nutshell the goal is to purify the astral layer, clear and raise the vibration of the etheric and physical bodies, incarnate more of the light body and get its structures and energy centers balanced and functioning properly. Through this the Spirit is able to incarnate into matter.
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 7
Dec 20, 2009
The original differentiation from the void or absolute into forces of consciousness and material forces was the beginning of spirit. The Forces of Consciousness begin as pure Spirit. This can be seen as the highest dimension before the void. It is a dimension of pure consciousness. There is no light or material but only clear consciousness. What there is however is movement and the beginning of differentiation. While in the void there is no movement and no differentiation but as soon as the division into Consciousness and Material takes place movement begins. The material forces become a fertile Chaos waiting to be formed by consciousness and Consciousness gains the movement of desire. Without the balance of the void, consciousness immediately desires to create and is full of inspiration.
So at the highest dimension there is conscious movement and an impulse to create. The consciousness here begins to differentiate between different impulses and this can be seen as the beginning of individual spirits. The next levels of dimensions are still a clear consciousness but movement is increasing along with differentiation along the lines of impulse. This differentiation into individual Spirits is the birth of Creator's. These Creators all receive their impulse to create from the highest dimension of one spirit but they are in a dimension where they are individuals (although still experiencing oneness). These creators first create the dimensions of light which literally come from their own consciousness. Within these dimensions of light each creator differentiates into many beings that again have more specific purposes and impulses. Every being created is also a creator but the powers, responsibilities and impulses change as lower dimensions are created. This type of differentiation occurs all the way down to the dimensions of dense astral substance.
Humans and all other sentient life are a part of this creation. We are impulsed from the dimensions above and receive all of our consciousness, power, love and wisdom from the creators above. We too are creators and our impulse is to incarnate into matter and create within it. The only way for consciousness to create with the material forces from the dimensions below, is to enter into it. The incarnation of spirit into matter is the way the entire universe is created. Everything in the universe has a consciousness associated with it. All the planets are conscious beings incarnating into matter. They each form the material forces around themselves to create whatever it is they desire. All incarnating beings are simply the part of a larger being that is merging with the forces from below. In nearly the entire universe, for anyone who has incarnated into anything, they remain aware of their higher parts and are truly Multi-Dimensional beings. They are aware of the many dimensions around them and of their higher and lower parts, and of the oneness of all that is. They are aware of their source as well as the universes around them. They are aware of their spirit which is nothing less than a part of the Great Spirit at the highest dimension. All spirits are a differentiation of this one spirit, as is yours and every other life form's.
Humans are different. We have come to Earth with a very specific purpose which required a disconnection from our own spirit and a veiling of our higher and lower aspects. Our memory of where we come from, whom and what we are and the Metaphysical nature of ourselves is disconnected and we are left in a state of isolation from the oneness of the universe. The reasons for this will be explained in A New Mythology. For now it is important to understand that we are not in a natural state of being but have joined in an experiment which has made us what we are for a very specific purpose. We have been cut off from our own powers of creation and we did choose to do this. Fortunately we have come to the end of this experiment and its time to clean up and reconnect. The veils are being lifted and the techniques and knowledge available here and from many other Authors are becoming available now because the time has come to remember who we are and our true purpose.
Spiritual Awakening, Transformation and Incarnation have never been so accessible, fast and easy. You will become aware of your own Spirit very soon and the need to read about these things will disappear as you begin to experience and remember for yourself.
All the Universes and beings within them are made up of structures of light and energy. Nothing is created without structure and the same goes for human beings. The highest dimensions of pure consciousness do not have structure but are made of pure consciousness implused to create. All the dimensions of light are created by the structuring of this light. The lowest dimensions are ones of fertile chaos, all forces required to form the material dimensions are within these lowest dimensions but there is no structure at all. The forces are in complete Chaos, ready to be formed by the structures created by the forces of Consciousness. All physical structure begins as an idea or impulse within the higher dimensions of consciousness which is then imposed upon the forces of material in the lowest dimensions to create form.
The physical world is clearly made up of structure. Our bodies are formed by the idea found in our own DNA. The entire structure is present long before the body has been formed. The same goes for the metaphysical and Multi-Dimensional aspects of the human being. The Light body, the Astral body, the Etheric, the Chitta and the Chakras are just a few of the structures that make us up. As physics is the study of physical structures and the laws of physical forces, Metaphysics is the study of non-physical, Multi Dimensional structures and the laws and forces that hold them together.
What we are concerned with here are some of the Metaphysical structures found in the human being which are vital for our Spiritual Transformation. A brief understanding of these structures will help you enormously with your work on Inner Alchemy.
Chi/ Etheric Body
The etheric body is made up of Chi and forms a structure of meridians throughout the body. These meridians run through all the major organs, glands, nerves and energy centers. This system of etheric energy permeates the physical body, supporting and sustaining it.
All life forms including plants and animals have an etheric body. Nothing physical can be alive without the etheric body as it feeds the physical with energy which is vital for its health and survival. Astral forces interact with the etheric layer and thereby transform basic life force chi into many other types. The Astral actually grasps the etheric and this is how it incarnates and creates with the physical substances.
To explain how the interaction works I would like to talk about weeds and plants. Weeds like all other life forms have an etheric body. However, they have very little interaction with astral forces and this is the reason for their rapid growth. Without Astral forces grasping the etheric of weeds their life force energy is allowed to expand easily. If unhindered they will grow and grow, taking over an entire area. Plants are different in that they have more interaction with astral forces. They do not have an astral body as such but there are astral beings like fairies or nature spirits that are involved with their growth. A fairy has an astral body but does not have an etheric or physical body. They do not incarnate like humans and animals but do interact with the etheric and physical planes. By the interaction of the fairies astrality with plants, the growth of the plants is slowed. The life force chi is transformed by the interaction with the specific astral forces creating a different kind of chi specific to the particular plant. Flowers are a result of this astral interaction along with slower growth and a specific type of chi energy. This is the reason for plants having healing properties that may not be explainable through the actual physics of the plant. There may seem to be no interaction on a physical level but the chi of the plant can affect the chi of a person which leads to healing. Understanding the astral forces and resulting chi energy of plants is where healers and medicine men of various tribes and civilizations gained their knowledge. It was not a trial and error science but one of feeling the essence of a plant and knowing what it may be used for.
This interaction between the astral and etheric is the same in humans and animals. The main difference is that humans and animals have their own astral body whereas plants receive astral forces from fairies and other beings as well as the astral fields surrounding the planet. A humans astral body concentrates certain astral forces in various places throughout the body with the organs and glands being the main locations. By the interaction in these areas the chi is transformed into organs and glands chi which is then circulated throughout the meridian system. The health of the astral body directly relates to the health of the etheric body which in turn affects the physical body. If any channels are blocked or there is poor circulation of chi the physical will suffer as well as the astral/ mental and emotional state of the person. All disease and weakness of immunity comes down to the health and strength of the etheric body.
So basically you have a body of energy that permeates the physical body, giving it sustenance, health and vitality, without which the physical body could not be alive. All etheric energy comes from the lower dimensions.
The strengthening and clearing of blockages in the meridian system is extremely important for spiritual growth. Tantric Sex techniques are vital in increasing the vibration of the etheric and with proper techniques is the most powerful way available to give it strength and vitality.
The Hara
Note: The Hara is sometimes called a Chakra in certain metaphysical schools. Although similar to a Chakra the Hara is fundamentally different, it's in a league of its own.
The Hara is located at the navel, about two inches inwards from the skin. It is the Gateway into the etheric envelope surrounding the planet. This portal is called the Hara by the Taoist's and is very often referred to in Martial arts. Hara means sea of energy and this is exactly what it is. The etheric envelope is like an infinite ocean of energy. It is no coincidence that as a fetus you were fed through the navel. In fact you could still feed (on energy) through the Hara if you were to open all energetic blockages in the belly.
When the umbilical cord was cut when you were first born you suffered a trauma due to the physical pain which caused your etheric body to close at this point. The physical body closed from the outside as the skin healed together forming the belly button and at the same time the etheric body closed from within cutting off your connection to the Hara. The Hara is a gateway, opening into the planets etheric. It is a passive portal and does not force anything into you. To gain energy from the Hara it must be sucked out, so to speak. For example: as a fetus you were drawing nutrients through the umbilical cord and at the same time drawing energy through the Hara. When the umbilical cord was cut you stopped drawing nutrients through the navel and also stopped drawing energy through the Hara. Because you stopped actively drawing energy through the Hara and because of the physical and emotional trauma the energies around the Hara quickly closed over. As samskaras formed and your energy bodies became more chaotic with age the Hara was buried deeper still, cutting you off from its powers.
The Hara is the center of the etheric or chi body. It is about an inch in diameter and is the gateway into the ocean of chi. Around the Hara and with it as the center there is an envelope of energy called the Tan Tien. This Tan Tien is a ball of etheric energy about the size of a soccer ball. It is filled from the Hara and is often called the Cauldron in Taoist Alchemical texts. This ball of energy interacts with all the organs and especially the intestines as it is where food is turned into energy. Energy is taken from the food and mixed in the Tan Tien or Cauldron before being distributed throughout the body. Having the Hara open and a full Tan Tien is vital for real health and vitality. Unfortunately most people have many samskaras and energetic blockages in this area and the fullness that should be felt in the Tan Tien is absent. This is the main cause of many addictions especially to food. Constantly eating and overeating are an attempt to feel full despite a blocked Hara and empty Tan Tien.
The Hara and Tan Tien are very important for the work of inner alchemy and especially with the work of Tantric Sex and Inner Power Cultivation. By following the tantric sex practices in Tantric Secrets you will quickly open the hara and become aware of your Tan Tien.
Astral Body/ Emotional Body
The Astral body is made up of astral forces and is gathered before each incarnation and will be different each time. When incarnating into the etheric body various astral forces are attracted to certain parts of the physical body. The organs each attract a certain astral force so depending on the astral body's makeup the organs will receive differing amounts of required astrality. For example: if the incarnating astral body has an abundance of Venus astral force the kidneys will be overflowing and so they are likely to be very strong. As the Venus Force goes into the kidneys the chi there will be transformed into kidney chi and will likely flow strongly throughout the meridians. If this astral body has very little Mars force the stomach will be weaker and so less Mars Chi will be created to flow through the meridians. While young the strong kidneys will likely be helping the weak stomach as it will draw energy from the kidneys to function properly, but as this person gets older, if no strengthening has been done, it will eventually put a strain on the kidneys and all other systems.
As the meridians are flowing with an excess of Venus and lack of Mars force they will become out of balance with some having very little flow and others very strong. As these two forces also relate to all the others, they will all be affected, leading to greater unbalance. The physical body will be affected by this unbalance leading to weakness in some areas and most definitely poor posture. Your mental and emotional aspects are situated in the astral body so any unbalance here will also show up in your psychology. The astral body is the main hindrance to spiritual awakening and is the most important body to be cleared before higher forces can be incarnated. If you have poor posture, a weakened etheric and weak physical parts as described above the only way for this to be cured at its root is by healing the astral body. You can work on your posture which will help, but as long as the imbalance resides in the Astral Body it will continually be reflected in the physical.
If you heal the Astral body and do no work on the etheric which has been damaged by the years of unbalance, full healing of the physical and etheric are unlikely to occur. This is why work on all levels is essential for fast and steady progress. As the level of vibration of consciousness increases there is a corresponding need for the vibration of the etheric and physical to also increase so as to hold or maintain the higher consciousness. If not it becomes more difficult to stay at this new level of consciousness and will likely fluctuate between the higher states and lower ones.
Now that we are talking about the astral body it is important that we discuss samskaras. Under Astral substance I mentioned that due to emotional traumas the astral substance will crystallize. These crystallizations are called samskaras.
An example: as a baby you were left alone and wanted your mother. She was not there and it left you feeling insecure and alone. You cried because of this feeling of aloneness and she still did not come. The feeling was very painful and felt very much like heartbreak. In the area of your heart the astral substance was pulsating with emotion and because of this going on for an extended period the Astral substance began to crystallize. This helped to reduce the pain. The emotion was actually condensed into a small ball and became hard. This ball is full of the emotion of heartbreak and aloneness but has been condensed and enclosed. When mother finally came to the rescue it was too late. The ball of emotion had been formed and was now crystallized. Although her presence was able to release the emotions that had not been crystallized it was not able to release the ball. Now that this ball was within your astral body the feeling of merging with your mother could not be as complete as before. You felt different. It is now a dull sense of being alone which lies in the background of consciousness whether she is there or not. Now when a similar instance occurs the intense emotions within the ball are released a little which causes the emotions to intensify and a further crystallization to occur. You grow older and have this feeling of being alone. It is not huge but it is there. When you are in a relationship the feelings inside the ball may be activated leading to a fear of being abandoned by your partner. If your partner does leave you the ball may certainly become larger still and the underlying sense of being alone may increase. This is called a samskara and it can last a very long time if nothing is done about it. What is important to note about the formation of samskaras is the intensity of the emotions at the time. The more intense the emotions the more likely it is that a crystallization will occur.
Samskaras can be caused by any emotional trauma whatsoever. They do not have to be large but the larger the trauma the larger the samskara created. After a while the astral body is full of these samskaras and they are the very root of mental and emotional conditioning.
The feeling of love and peace that accompanied your mothers presence before the samskara's creation was due to your own light. Your light would shine through your astral body and give you the feeling of love and peace. This is one of the characteristics of your lightbody and higher consciousness. The problem is that as a baby this part of your lightbody has not fully incarnated yet and so without the mothers presence the light cannot ground and shine through. It seems to the baby that the love and peace come from the mother but in truth it actually comes from its own higher self or lightbody. Now once the samskara has been formed this same light cannot shine through as it did before. The crystallized astral substance blocks and distorts the light so the child can no longer feel it as it did before. Once the astral body is full of samskaras the light of the higher self may have trouble shining through at all.
Samskaras cause increased grasping of the etheric body which in turn leads to blockages in the etheric and tension in the physical body. So now we have a state where not only can the mix of astral forces effect the health of the etheric and physical but samskaras also effect this in very profound ways. The samskaras formed will depend on the original astral body as well as the environment the child grows up in. The formation of the Ego Structure/ Astral Crystallization is very complicated and has led to all the personalities and mental/ emotional problems that the human race has seen.
Now with a little understanding of samskaras we can explore what happens at death and how past lives can affect your present life. When someone dies with a crystallized astral body, most of it will shatter as mentioned in astral substance. The problem is that some of the very intense samskaras have actually become attached to the light body of the individual. These samskaras are like tiny seeds but they are very condensed and hold a huge amount of emotion. These seeds are stuck to the light body and so travel with it into the higher dimensions. While in these higher realms the samskaras have little effect on the experience of bliss and love which is present in these dimensions. They are simply there but cannot really be felt. When the next incarnation on earth occurs, on the way through the astral dimensions the samskaras do play a role in the collection of astral substance for the new astral body. This can be why an unbalanced astral body is formed in the first place.
Once on earth these samskaras from previous lives gradually incarnate and begin to affect the new life just like they did in the past. As a baby not much of the astral body is incarnated (it takes 28 years for full incarnation) but if the baby has a trauma which resonates with one of these past life samskaras it will be drawn in and activated. The present trauma will likely make the samskara even more powerful. If this occurs the samskara will have incarnated. It is much better that these large samskaras are activated and incarnated later on, for if incarnated as a baby they will certainly cause much pain and many problems for the individual's entire life (unless cleared with the proper techniques). This is why a good upbringing with as much love and nurturance is so important. Think about a samskara that was built over lifetimes, it is huge and full of intense emotions. Many of the emotions within the samskara would have been crystallized as an adult in a past life so when activated in a baby you have a situation where some very powerful adult emotions are within a little innocent baby. If you think about some of the extreme hate, anger and violence that has occurred on this planet you will certainly see that some adult emotions do not belong in a young child. This is where the term "bad seed" comes from. It is not a bad soul but just a large samskara (seed) which incarnates too early.
So the astral body becomes crystallized through emotional trauma's creating samskaras which affect every aspect of a persons life. They are ever present in the background of experience and are the root of the earthly ego. The light of the higher self is blocked and distorted by this structure of samskaras. At death the astral body shatters but some of the large samskaras stick to the light body and continue to the next life. They will then gradually incarnate with the rest of the astral body and most likely form a core part of the new ego structure in the next life.
Chitta/ Mental Body
Chitta is an envelope of subtle energies which surrounds the head and permeates the brain. The Astral body is the emotional body; the chitta is the mental body. They are both intimately linked and operate together.
Ching is sexual energy and is a synthesis of the chi produced in the various glands and organs throughout the body (the etheric/chi body). Chitta is similar to ching as it is a synthesis of the various astral forces which make up the astral body. It is also a synthesis of the chi energies and ching. The brain is fed by the chi from the various organs and glands as well as ching (sexual energy). A very subtle envelope of chi is created through this process which is able to interact with the physical brain as well as the astral forces. The astral body interacts with this envelope of refined chi and as a baby grows up the structure of astral substance in this area grows more and more complex. When the baby is young the chitta is basically this refined chi and has not been filled with astral substance. At this time the higher light of the baby is reflected through the chitta and so the consciousness is very clear. The astral substances have not yet crystallized in the chitta so the light shines through.
As the baby grows up and the astral forces are impacting into the etheric body they are also impacting into the chitta (incarnating). As the chitta is such a refined and subtle form of chi the astral forces can interact with it better than the rest of the etheric body. Thought processes become more complex as more astral substance becomes a part of it. The astral substances begin to mix with the chi layer of the chitta, creating a synthesis of chi and astrality. Each belief or piece of knowledge the baby gathers is formed in the chitta as astral crystallizations. The more complex the structure formed by these crystallizations, the more complex the thought processes become. So eventually the chitta becomes a very subtle and refined but very complex structure of astral and chi energies. The more complex the structure the more it will block the light of the higher self just like the crystallized astral body. If the belief patterns formed are true and in line with the truth of the higher self the structure will not be as solid and so the light will not be blocked as much. False beliefs however, whether they are about yourself, others or the world around you need to be more solid. Because your higher light is sending the truth to you at all times, a false belief will require a more solid crystallization in the chitta. If the chitta is full of false beliefs it will block the higher light more.
The structure in the Chitta is just like that of the astral body and can also be seen as being made up of samskaras. The difference is that the samskaras in the astral body are caused by intense emotions and tend to be much larger. As the chitta is such a refined substance, samskaras can be created very easily and are much smaller. Large emotional samskaras are also created in the chitta and these ones will again form a foundation of personality just like the astral bodies samskaras. The two bodies interact with each other and any large samskara in the astral body will be accompanied by a group of smaller ones in the chitta. The repression of the intense emotions in the astral body is helped along by the chitta and its increased structure. This structure can be very complicated and its purpose is to keep emotional pain under the surface.
The increased structure in the chitta and its repression of emotions in the astral body lead to a state of being stuck in your head. The thoughts will not stop and you have no control of them.
The chitta depends on ching for its health and optimum functioning. There is an intimate link between sexual energy and the chitta. When puberty is reached we begin to lose sexual energy and so the chitta loses a large part of its nutrition. When girls begin menstruation and boys begin to ejaculate a large amount of ching is lost. If this loss did not occur there would be far more energy for the chitta and it would be much healthier. When sexual energy is lost, the chitta will actually give some of its energy to the making of new ching which is used in the production of sperm and eggs. If this is then lost through further ejaculation or menstruation, the chitta will again give energy. If this loss of sexual energy is stopped through the proper tantric techniques, the chitta will instead be fed by the ching and will not have to give itself to produce more sexual energy. The cycle of loss is turned into enormous amounts of energy for the chitta which in turn will make the brain far healthier. The consequences of this interaction should not be overlooked especially if you are on a spiritual path.
The Aura
The Aura is created by the interaction of all the energies and inter-dimensional forces that make up the human being. All of the energies and forces that are in and around you are meshed together and extend outwards from the body. The etheric usually extends about one inch but can extend further under certain circumstances, the Astral body and chitta extend outwards further, usually between 2-4 feet and the light body can extend a very long way even hundreds of miles.
Depending on the state of your subtle bodies and your conscious control of them your aura can be very open or quite closed. In fact the state of the Aura can vary very widely. On some planets the inhabitants leave their Auras wide open as there is no negativity and they can allow themselves to merge with each other and their environment. For life on earth the ideal Aura is fairly closed with a solid border to block negative energies. This is needed here because there is a huge amount of negativity floating around, mainly in the Astral realms and it is best not to be absorbing this into your subtle bodies. Some peoples Aura's are quite closed due to a very solid ego structure which protects them from outside energies while others may have holes and be open due to gaps and a generally weak ego structure. If the structure has gaps or is weak then it is a good idea to take control of your Aura and learn to seal it. If the ego structure is solid then the need for this is not as great unless you begin with spiritual work. At the beginning of spiritual work the ego structure must be dismantled. This can leave the aura open to external influences.
The Light Body
The Light Body is a structure of light from higher dimensions. Like the physical body it is a vehicle for consciousness. As your physical body contains organs and other physical structures, your light body contains various structures of light. The Chakras, the Column and the MerKaBa are all structures of the light body. Between lives you journey in the Light body to various places and dimensions and it is the central vehicle used to incarnate into any of the nine dimensions. For incarnation into the third dimension the light body needs an astral body.
This astral body incarnates into the physical dimension through its interaction with the etheric body. The Light body incarnates by shining through the Astral body. It is much larger than the Astral body and is around and above it. For Light to incarnate into matter it needs something to ground in. A baby is too small to really hold the light body and give it a ground which is why nurturing is so important. When the baby is with the mother and she is open enough, the babies light body grounds with the help of her body. So while this is happening the baby can feel the love which is a part of itself (its light body). This is the beginning of looking for love outside of oneself. The baby believes that the love comes from its mother because she grounds it. Without her the baby cannot feel its light body in the same way because it lacks the ground necessary to hold it.
This effect will be apparent to anyone who has meditated alone and in a group. It is often much easier to meditate in a group because the others are helping to create a ground for light. The meditators Light bodies as well as angels and guides can ground through all of the physical bodies which makes it much easier to have spiritual experiences and deeper meditation. This is commonly called a space. The space is created by the grounding of higher energies. When meditating alone it is more difficult to give these beings and your own Light body a ground and so it can be more difficult to enter into a space. Once a space has been established either alone or in a group, much metaphysical and alchemical work can be done. Your Light body and the various other beings that come to help are essential to any real spiritual development and without them no progress could be made.
As a person grows up and the astral body incarnates into the physical, the samskaras from past lives are activated along with new ones being created through emotional trauma. The astral body and chitta become far more structured and crystallized which blocks the Light body from shining through. The Light body is more grounded now but its light is blocked by ego structure. The Light body remains in, around and above the physical body but depending on the persons ego structure, it is not strongly felt and what is felt is distorted by the astral. While meditating or doing spiritual practices the Light body is pulled into the astral body. A ground is created for the light and as it intensifies its incarnation into the astral samaskara's begin to dissolve. The light raises the vibration of the astral body which causes samskaras to break up and dissolve. The reason the astral substances are able to crystallize and stay that way is because of its slow vibration. By raising the vibration of the astral it will begin to break up the crystallization. Once the astral body has been cleared of crystallization in this way the Light body can shine through it and ground into the physical.
The Light body is very large and contains many structures. It is beyond our purposes to describe all of its parts and functions. The ones that are most important for our Spiritual Awakening now are the Chakra's, The Column and the MerKaBa.
Chakras are structures of spinning light. They are located within the light body and their purpose is to create a gateway into higher or lower dimensions of consciousness. The Light body is made up of many dimensions of light but to incarnate higher consciousness (Spirit) into this light body a certain type of vortex needs to be created. These vortexes are the Chakra's and each one is a gateway to a certain aspect of higher consciousness. As discussed earlier the highest dimensions do not contain light but only pure consciousness. From this consciousness the dimensions of light are created. The higher dimensions of consciousness are the source of the dimensions of light. Now for an individual consciousness from the very high dimensions to explore through the dimensions of light, astrality and physicality it must do so through some kind of structure. The Chakra's are the main gateways through which consciousness incarnates into the Light body.
The spinning light of the Chakra's form a vortex or dimensional gateway through which consciousness enters the Light body. If the Chakra stops spinning the aspect of consciousness that it opens to will be blocked. For instance if the heart chakra stops spinning, the aspect of love will be blocked. If all the other Chakra's continue to spin it will feel like a loss of a part of oneself (the loving part) while the rest of the person is still there as it was. However, when one Chakra is blocked or not spinning properly all the others will be effected as well. The longer the heart Chakra is not spinning the more the entire Light body will be affected. Other Chakra's and structures of light are bound to break down and cause problems.
So the Chakra's are essentially structures of spinning light which form gateways into higher dimensions of consciousness or lower dimensions of material forces. It is important now to understand what happens to these structures during incarnation and between lives.
In between lives the Chakra's are spinning freely, allowing for the various aspects of consciousness to enter and come together in the Light body. In this state the higher self is who you are with nothing to block its experience. The higher selves above are in clear communication through the Chakra's and other structures of the Light body. Various large samskaras from previous lives are contained in the Light body but are not greatly felt. They do however affect the type of life chosen and how soon the next incarnation may occur among other things. The point here is that they do not affect you in the same way as while incarnated on earth. On earth they may become the center of your awareness, disconnecting you from your higher self but in between lives this is not possible. They are like a tiny speck or blemish on your being and do not have the power to affect consciousness to any great degree.
During earthly incarnation the Chakra's are drawn into the Astral Body and thereby into the etheric and physical bodies. It is not the entire Chakra that is drawn into the Astral body but a large part of it. It does take many years for this to occur and it is only complete at around the age of 28. As the Astral body becomes crystallized and at the same time the Chakra's and Light body are being drawn in, the Chakras are affected. They begin to spin more slowly and become chaotic as the crystallized astral impacts upon them. This leads to a state where they are not creating the dimensional gateways needed to incarnate higher consciousness and so various parts of your self become blocked or disconnected. This is the typical state of our Chakra's although the degree of Chaos and slowness of the Chakra's differs among individuals.
The lower Chakra's (Base and Sex) are part of the light body but also open up gateways into the lower self which comes from the lower dimensions. The lower self includes the instincts which are more than most people assume. Most people think of instincts as automatic processes but they are actually more like a separate being that has a personality of its own (the lower self). The personality of this being is one of joy, playfulness and curiosity and it is one with the earth and all of nature. As a child we are all intimately tied with this being and indeed it makes up a large part of our early personality. All children are playful and curious and what they do is largely automatic. They do not think like adults, they have not structured theyre ego yet and are basically running on instinct. In fact the lower self is just like a child and always will be. If you have lost your childish playful nature you have been disconnected from your lower self. Some people when on a spiritual path may find theyre connection to the lower self and assume it is the higher self. Although high states of consciousness have been achieved it is not the higher self, but it is a necessary step on the way.
Most adults become very disconnected from this lower self as the astral body crystallizes and the lower chakras slow down and become blocked just like the higher Chakra's. We forget how to play and to simply be joyful with our surroundings as life has become complicated and the constant disapproval of our parents and shame of our sexuality has taken its toll on our lower Chakra's. The lower self has been disconnected. In times of need the instincts still kick in, such as adrenalin when we must run from a would be attacker, the autonomic nervous system still works (food is digested, breathing occurs, the heart pumps etc) and we desire sex but our intimate connection with the lower self with all of its joy, enthusiasm and personality has been badly severed. Sex is one of the only times that some connection still exists and is the last playtime left for the emaciated adult. Sex is extremely important in reconnecting with the lower self and should always have a playful element. So many people are disconnected from their lower self that sexual issues and dysfunctions have become epidemic. All sexual dysfunction comes down to the closure in the sex and base Chakra's due to emotional trauma and various samskaras.
As the Chakra's incarnate through the Astral body which in turn incarnates through the etheric, both of these bodies are affected by them. The Astral Body and etheric body both have centers of energy that correspond with the Chakra's, so it could be seen that the Chakra's have an Astral and an etheric part. This is true to some extent as these corresponding Astral and etheric centers must be free and open for the chakra's to function properly and allow for their incarnation into the physical. The physical body also has counterparts to the Chakras. It is very common for samskaras to be in the area of the chakra's as these astral center's have greater sensitivity. Because of these samskaras the etheric energy points are also likely to be blocked at these points and so the physical counterparts are affected as well. A good example of such interaction is that of the Pineal gland. This gland is the physical counterpart of the crown Chakra and in most humans it begins to shrivel up to a pea sized gland at a very young age. It starts out as a very healthy gland producing many hormones needed for the growth and health of the body but as the crystallized Chitta blocks the action of the Crown Chakra the Pineal shrinks to a pathetic version of its former self. Only through a thorough clearing of the astral body and chitta, the raising of sexual energy into the brain and the activation and incarnation of the Crown Chakra can this physical gland become healthy again.
Re: Astral projection
By: nephilim
Post # 8
Dec 20, 2009
The Column
The column is a structure of light which goes straight through the middle of your body from the top of the Crown to your Perineum (the area between the genitals and the anus). This tube extends upwards from the crown through all the higher dimensions and downwards from the Perineum through all the lower dimensions. The 7 Chakras previously described are situated along the column within the body. There are numerous other Chakras along the column all the way up and down. Full explanations of these are beyond our purposes here but you should be aware of their existence.
The column is the central channel of your light body. It is through this channel that your awareness can move between dimensions with ease. Of course this is the case while you are not incarnated but while here on earth it isn't quite that simple. Because of the interaction between the astral body and the Light body the column is usually quite blocked and you may have trouble even feeling it. It is usually blocked at the top of the head and the perineum (as well as through the body) so it may be difficult to take your awareness up or down the column at all. A large part of spiritual work involves clearing the column and relearning to ascend it into higher dimensions or descend it into lower dimensions. Once this has been achieved it becomes easy to become aware of and communicate with many aspects of yourself from many different dimensions. The vastness of who you really are becomes known beyond a doubt as you have direct experience of metaphysical realities.
Besides communicating with parts of your self the column also opens up possibilities of communication with many non-physical and multi-dimensional beings throughout the universe.
The MerKaBa is a spinning structure of light similar to the chakras. It is similar in that when spinning properly it works as an inter-dimensional gateway so that higher consciousness may incarnate into the physical body. The difference is that the MerKaBa is much larger, encompassing the entire body. In fact the MerKaBa is the structure of spinning light which allows for the incarnation of the Light body itself. Without the MerKaBa being activated the other parts of the Light body such as the Chakras cannot incarnate properly and may not be stable.
When the MerKaBa is activated it forms a counter-rotating field of light which creates a dimensional gateway for the Light body to stabilize within the physical body and for its other structures such as the Chakras to activate and stabilize as well. This allows for the possibility of incarnating higher consciousness permanently as well as raising the vibration of the physical body. If successful it becomes possible to take the physical body into the fourth dimension. In Hebrew MerKaBa is spelt MerKaVa which means Chariot and indeed thats exactly what it is. It is a vehicle which can take you and your body between dimensions. Once raised into the fourth dimension the physical body will become much more subtle and may live for much longer. The possibility is also there to rise into even higher dimensions. When the MerKaBa spins at a certain speed, a disk of light shoots out from the base Chakra, in the perfect centre of the spinning star tetrahedron, to around 50-60 feet in diameter (illustrated above). This is what your activated MerKaBa would look like and in fact this field of light has an electro-magnetic component that can be seen with the appropriate instruments on a computer monitor.
The Chakra's, The Column and the MerKaBa are only a small part of the Light body but they are the main structures that we will be working with. For spiritual transformation to occur it is practice that is needed. You can study anatomy and biology all you like but until you do physical exercise your body will not become fit. Similarly, studying the structures of the Light body will not awaken them. Practice will.
When the MerKaBa spins at a certain speed, a disk of light shoots out from the base Chakra, in the perfect centre of the spinning star tetrahedron, to around 50-60 feet in diameter (illustrated above). This is what your activated MerKaBa would look like and in fact this field of light has an electro-magnetic component that can be seen with the appropriate instruments on a computer monitor.
Multi-Dimensional Beings
All beings are multi-dimensional including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. The variety of beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening your third eye and spiritual transformation is truly amazing. From nature spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny beings in particles, there are beings everywhere. An explanation of the infinite variety of beings in existence is beyond the scope of any book as it is truly infinite. By awakening your spiritual senses you will inevitably become aware of many different beings and you will be able to communicate directly with them. The communication used is telepathic although sometimes you may actually hear words. Generally telepathy involves the transmission of feelings which the receiver can then put into words much like a translation. There will always be information lost in translation just like when trying to explain to someone an experience you have had. Can they ever really know how you felt by your description alone? Can you know the taste of a piece of fruit by a description? You may get some idea but you can never know until you taste it. Indeed even with friends, loved ones and others here on earth telepathic communication could rid the world of so many misunderstandings.
When communicating with beings in other dimensions it is sometimes a good idea to save the translation for later. While communicating simply use the means available and wait until the end to try to put things into words. Telepathy and inter-dimensional communication is based on feelings. The reason most cannot communicate in this way is that they are not in touch with their feelings.
There are some beings that are working with humans here on earth who are helping with our spiritual transformation. These include Guides, Angels and Extra-Terrestrials. There are other beings that can and do interact with us but these are the main ones that you will be in contact with and who will be helping with your spiritual awakening. For this reason I will give a brief description of these three types of beings.
Guides are usually other beings who have incarnated as humans before. They are just like us accept they are not incarnated while they are your guide. They may or may not incarnate again on earth but generally they have incarnated at least once before. They are fit to help guide you because they know what it is like to be here and they are not currently incarnated. They are essentially residing in their light body in higher dimensions and so they have a much broader view of reality. They are not distorted by the astral body and chitta so they can communicate with many levels, beings and dimensions clearly and with ease.
They have agreed to help guide you from the other side for this life. They are in contact with your own higher self and they know your purpose for incarnating on earth. They know a lot about you and your future and will help in whatever way they can for your highest good. However they cannot help you if you do not want them to or if what you ask is against your higher self's purpose. All beings in higher dimensions respect your free will and it is a rule that they may not impinge upon it. If you ask them to help you they will certainly do all that they can (as long as what you ask for is within your highest good).
Angels are from higher dimensions and do not incarnate into matter. They are like creators messengers and healers. They will always come when asked and help to heal you and send you love. As they come from higher dimensions of love and light they are unable to really feel and understand what it is to be human. They can send us love and healing and help to guide us through certain periods of life. They are essential when it comes to spiritual work as they send vital light and love to help heal our energy bodies, activate the Light body and repair its structures. Without their help spiritual transformation would be extremely slow if possible at all.
There are different types of angels with specific tasks. For example a certain group of angels play a huge role in pregnancy and birth. If you tune into a pregnant woman with your third eye you will see and feel a huge amount of gold light around her which is the light of these angels. Incarnation into matter is a very hard process for the incoming spirit and these angels are vital for the process.
In the last 20 years a huge number of angels and other beings have begun to help with our spiritual awakening and transformation. Prior to this it was far more difficult to make real progress as the energies needed to transform and activate our energy bodies were not here for us. 20 years ago it was extremely hard for an experienced meditator to have a past life experience. They would have to meditate away from the city for days and have the help of a connector before an experience could occur. Now with the help of so many angels and other beings it has become very easy for even a total beginner to have a past life experience first go.
Through your practices you will quickly become aware of the presence of angels around you and you will be able to connect with them and communicate at any time. They are truly amazing beings...
Extra Terrestrials
Extra Terrestrials are any beings incarnated in the 1st to the 9th dimension that come from a planet other than Earth. There is an amazing variety of life in this universe and the number of life forms is nothing short of miraculous. There are civilizations and cultures living on and within many planets all over the universe. They come in all shapes and sizes such as insect like giants, dolphins or other humanoid beings. In all of the 9 material dimensions there is a birth and death experience as a being incarnates into the life form and eventually leaves. In higher dimensions it is not uncommon for beings to live for thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands. On these planets and in the dimensions inhabited by such long lived beings you would find places of amazing harmony and spiritual knowledge. To us these worlds would seem like heaven and in a sense they are. In fact compared to our lives on earth almost the entire universe is heaven from a dualistic point of view.
It is quite possible for humans to incarnate on other planets in between lives on earth. It is also possible for ET's to incarnate here for a life and this has occurred many times throughout history. However there is a group of beings who make up the human race and these are the ones who make up the vast majority of people here.
Some people who have recently incarnated on other planets may have strange memories of such a place and know very well that it was another planet. They may be able to telepathically connect with beings from the other planet or may be visited in dreams by these beings. It is not just the angels and guides that are helping us but also many ET's from many different planets and dimensions. The connections formed through a few of us having lives on other planets were to help ground some of the forces from various planets and dimensions onto earth.
There are many ET's around earth at the moment in various spaceships and the like. Many are in higher dimensions and so cannot be seen but there are also ships that can become third dimensional. These ET's are mostly here to help us to shift into the 4th dimension and to see what has been happening here. We have been involved in something never tried before and the results will affect the entire universe. So we have aliens all around us and many of you will have connections with certain groups. These groups are here to help us and use what they know about healing to help heal our subtle bodies. During meditation and sleep you may be visited by various ET's, they will help heal you and speed up your spiritual transformation.
Although most ET's are good and are here to help us there are some that are not good. If an ET comes to you and you are not sure about its intensions simply ask it are you of the light and working for the divine plan. If it is not, or does not answer, tell it to go away and it will. There are rules about free will and even the seemingly bad ET's will respect your will.
Animals are far more than meets the eyes. Most come from other areas of the universe and in a certain respect they are Extra Terrestrials incarnated on earth. The bodies they inhabit on their home planet may be completely different to their bodies here or may be very similar. As humans are involved in a reincarnational cycle on earth, each group of beings throughout the universe has there own reincarnational cycle. The beings of each cycle have a similar consciousness and have similar personalities. They are expressing a part of the creator simply by being themselves. All life is evolving to a certain extent and so as each group continues its incarnations it gradually changes and becomes more of itself. Individuals can incarnate into different cycles for a life and return to their cycle or even leave their cycle and join another one if they desire to do so but generally groups tend to stay together. The reason for this is that the individuals in a group all have a connection to the same being of higher consciousness. For example all humans have higher selves which have higher selves which have higher selves which eventually meet up with each other. We are in fact the expression of a huge being that incarnates through all of us. The same goes for other civilizations and groups of beings.
The interesting thing about earth is that the Human race has been doing something very unique which has never been done before Due to this it was necessary to have connections to all areas of the universe and to all types of consciousness. So the animals are beings from all over the universe incarnating into life forms here. You can tune into any animal including insects, birds, mammals, fish, etc and you can follow the consciousness of the animal to wherever they come from. Of course awakening your third eye will make this much more vivid but anyone can look at an animal and get a feel of its consciousness.
It is important here to understand that the animals spirit or higher self comes through its light body which like ours does not shine through with perfect clarity. Like us, animals have an astral body which incarnates through the etheric and physical bodies. The light body only has a tiny part actually incarnated in the physical and this part is obstructed by the astral body. To see the being behind the animal (the higher self and the connections to higher consciousness) you must follow its column above its head. Animals are in fact in greater contact with their higher selves than humans so they know where they come from. While asleep they dream of their home planet and maintain a conscious connection even while awake. The connections held by animals on earth have been essential for the work we have been doing. They are like grounding rods for high spiritual forces of light and consciousness.
Animals may seem to be less evolved than humans but if you were to see them on their home planets and in their multidimensional bodies you may realize that they are in fact very advanced. They have incarnated here into bodies that are very restricted and very much controlled by the instincts of the lower self as we reside in the 3rd dimension where matter is extremely dense. Remember that it is only a small part of them that resides within the body and as the instincts take control of their body in most situations many conclude that they are of lower consciousness than us intelligent humans. This is an illusion which was important for our purposes on earth.
Tuning into animals is probably the easiest way to awaken your spiritual senses and begin to feel the various higher forces that are a part of our world. All animals resonate with vast beings of higher consciousness and are but a part of these beings incarnating into the third dimension. They have come here to help us with our purposes and are all beings of infinite love and light.