Master Wand Thread

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Master Wand Thread
Post # 1
Hokies, this may seem a bit weird for a newbie, but I think we need one master thread per subject :3 The same questions keep getting asked again and again!
Now, personally, I think we need-
~Good trees to use
~Crystals to use (and how to attach them to the end!)
~How to charge, purify, bless etc.
~How to align with a certain element
~Websites that tell you all this

^^ Ta very much!
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Re: Master Wand Thread
Post # 2
i agree
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Re: Master Wand Thread
Post # 3
i agree to
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Re: Master Wand Thread
Post # 4
Ok, well, Let's get some results;
A page on the wand making process (and more)

Click Here

One on crystals and their properties:

Click Here

Another on the woods (for wand making):
Click Here
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Re: Master Wand Thread
Post # 5
Thankyou this information has really helped out, I think I will begin making my own now this is the sort of information I have been waiting for!
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