Wheres the new spells?

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Wheres the new spells?
Post # 1
Is this website going to stick to it's word and put new spells on daily I have'nt found one I like yet so you need more please.

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Re: Wheres the new spells
Post # 2
i think they stop making this website (they gived up)
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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 3
yeah it has lost interest...do u know any other site where i can find some more spells?
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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 4
That can't be though because if you look at the bottom it says 1997-2007, that must mean that they are still keeeping it going, if not then thanks for the information both of you!
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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 5
well it dosnt matter if theyve given up because we can still share spells on the forums
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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 6
you can ask me for spells,i know nearly every magic site on the web so i know a lot of spells
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Post # 7
so what are some will tell me plz
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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 8
the lbrp (leeser banishing ritual of the pentagram)

~WARNING~Treat this Ritual with the utmost Respect! ~WARNING~

Take a few minutes to relax and when you are ready you may proceed. You will need a Dagger or if you do not have one you may use your index finger. You are going to be tracing Pentagrams in the air, vibrating sacred names of God, and calling upon the Archangels to surround you. You are going to have to visualize these things you do but after much practice you will see the Pentagrams and angels and not have to imagine, because they are really there!

Now... Take your dagger and stand facing the east. Place the dagger in your right hand and follow the next steps.
1. Touch you forehead and vibrate the name (ah-tah).
2. Touch the dagger to your chest and vibrate the name (mahl-koot).
3 .Touch your right shoulder and vibrate name (Vih-G'boo-rah)
4. Touch your left shoulder and vibrate the name (Vih-G'doo-Lah)
5. Fold your hands at chest and point them forward with the dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate (Leh-Oh-Lahm)
6. Keep hands folded and point them up with dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate the word (Amen)
7. Stay facing the east and trace a pentagram as big as you can in the direction

Start at the bottom left hand corner... Imagine that as you trace this pentagram it is done in blue flame. So you now have a flaming blue pentagram. Thrust at the middle of the pentagram with the dagger and vibrate the sacred name (Yud-Heh-Vahv-Heh)
8. From that point trace a single line in white fire to the South. By this time you should be facing south. Each time you trace a new pentagram, make sure that you are facing the direction that you are pointing in. Now that you are facing south, trace a pentagram in blue flame. Thrust at the middle and vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Doh-Nye)
9. Repeat this tracing your line to theWest. Thrust at the pentagram and vibrate the sacred name (Eh-Hehee-Yeh)
10. Repeat once again this time to the North.Thrusting once again vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Glah) Now trace a line back to theEast to finish off the circle.
***You now have 4 blue flaming pentagrams and a circle of white fire surrounding you.***
11 .Stretch your arms straight out to the sides and say...

Before me Ra-Fay-El behind me Gab-Ray-El at my right hand Mih-Chai-El at my left hand Ar-Ree-El around me flames the Pentagram within me shines the six ray star. Visualize theseArchangels standing a good 9 feet tall surrounding you. Believe me, they are there. Imagine seeing this six rayed star shining in the middle of your chest. This star is the Hexagram the same shape as the "Star of David".
12. Repeat steps 1-6 and you are done.
You are now protected by the Power of God and hisArchangels. All spirits that may have been around you are now banished. You are now in the presence of God. If you been conjuring up some type of spirit or have been using the Ouija board, you will want to use this ritual at the end of your Practices. This ritual should be done every day just to protect you and build up yourAura. There are psychic Vampires out there that looking to drain the energy out of the unepexting victim. This is a very simple ritual so memorize it, and do it well

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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 9
well i can trust this lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram because it is on a lot of sites and in my spell books
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Re: Wheres the new spells?
Post # 10
Dear friends!
After practicing "Tantra" and some other forms of the craft for nearly 12 years now...I can assure you...that depending on cut and pasted spells from various websites will not help in creating magick of any sort.
Be sincere, Be dedicated and Be focused!
Meditate! and build up your Aura/energy levels.
Develop your 3rd eye...Excercise your chakras or pressure points.
Learn to achieve a Trance and then gradually deep trance...
Asrtral projection at this level can help!
All this will help you to draw, create energy! Focus it and Channelize it where you wanto to.
Only once you are able to do this...learn and practice spells
You will actually understand and feel something out of the ordinary happening!
It takes Time! have patience! But you have nothing to worry about as you all have time...you are young and vibrant and ready to learn.
Kindly realize this that if learning the craft and practicing it would be so easy from websites then everybody on this planet would have become Master Mages by now...:)
Every one accessing net at home would have become Bill Gates through money spells and Everyone would have married Angelina Jolie through love spells and more... :)
My aim is NOT to discourage you but to request you to appreciate the true Magick which is based by Power of Mind and Will....and that will develop through meditation not reading cut and pasted spells from websites...
Its YOUR choice and YOUR life!
All The Best
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