a question.

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a question.
Post # 1
Well,i`m just going to say this and make it more wider since some ppl thinks i`m a fake.
So,i would like ppl to take time on me and think what i did and why do you think i`m a fraud?POST HERE ONLY!

Take your time on here and i`ll see how many are there to do it.Post what you think of me?
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Re: a question.
Post # 2
in my opinoin i dnt think n e body on this site is a fake..and if they r ...does it rlly matter?? i dnt think ur fake even though i dnt know u at all

o yea and wats up with this n e ways callin pple fake..its so intermediate
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Re: a question.
Post # 3
dont you so i'm not gonna judge you, unless i can walk a mile in your moccasnis
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Re: a question.
Post # 4
Mef I do not know you so I can not speak on your abilities but what I do know is that from what I have read here onthe forums and in chat.....most would rather fight and name call than discuss true magick as I had hopeed this sight would be about. Funny most who are fussing and name calling seem to target the same people again and again. Wonder why????? Fake or not there are many here who believe what they can do is real and that they have "power" but just because they do not believe or practice as others do thet are called fakes. This is most likely because beliefs are different and most never take the time to understand or allow for difference only judge from their own perspective and experiences. Does that make either a fake????? no just different. SOOOOOO the next time someone fells the need to call another a fake maybe they should consider both perspectives and then decide.
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