wonderful power

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wonderful power
Post # 1
ive recently begun using tapping spells to tap into the power of souls and it is incredible u can almost become addicted to it. the power a soul radiates is amazing an fuel many spells instead of your energy.
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Re: wonderful power
Post # 2
where can i find this spells
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Re: wonderful power
Post # 3
i searched the internet and found it. search necromancing spells
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Re: wonderful power
Post # 4
be prepared to ake flak from alot of people necromaning is a very powerful magick and is looked down on by alot of casters. the spells are extremely dangerous so if u cast them be careful to do it right. if u wanna start slow try scryying first then move to summon scryying then more advanced spells
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Re: wonderful power
Post # 5
Caution is necessary!
We perform powerfull rituals in India on "shamshan ghats" (places where they burn the dead) at specific times of the year for the same purpose. I would not advise any new person to even try this. The energy can be negative and sometimes too negative.
It can affect your Aura to a great extent.
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Re: wonderful power
Post # 6
i agree. Necromancy is not a school of magic beginners should play around with.
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Re: wonderful power
Post # 7
hehehe...hemophobiac vampires...srry that was random lol
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