Hi everyone. I know i havent been here very long and I shouldnt be "rocking the boat" or whatever, but I think theres something that I want to try to give to this comunity.
First off, Im half-Japanese, and I lived a few months in Kyoto with my mom when dad ran off (long story). I spent a lot of time in the shrines and learned some ofuda talismen and cleansing ceremonies from the miko priestesses. I handled a few omikuji fortune tellings and I brought back a kamitai when I left (mirror imbued with spirit, tecnically I shouldn't have one, but it was a gift).
I came here to learn more about western spells and I really want to teach a few japanese spells too. The problem is that most of the spells here are spoken. Japanese ofuda uses writing to focus kami, so the english text doesnt work for it. Drawing kanji (japanese symbols) is necessary. If this site would allow pictures in spells it could let us diagram symbols (not just kanji, but runes or circles ect).
I really want everyone to grow in these arts and I think that this could help.
The site programming used to allow pictures in the spellbooks, ritual books, and forum posts (which was good for people who use a lot of sigils or things like Seals of the Goetia too) but now I think only the ritual book allows it. :( I guess it was too easy to abuse?
Lessie... images or not, I think I can let this useful one slip:
Alright, this might sound a little silly, but it is all the rage in Japan with the oil crisis. A lot of people will take their cars to have them enchanted by the priest at the local shrine, for protection, saftey and gas mileage (a recent addition at the request of a lot of people). If you have a car, this might be exactly what your looking for. i saw a lot of people come back in a few weeks really excited because their car has been acting really well. I asked a priest about it and he told me how to do it.
Alright, first you'll want to take your car and park it outside (nearby to trees and nature because the kami spirits will help you with this). Next, you'll need a rod called an oonusa. You can make one by taking a 2-3 foot long stick and tying folded, lightningbolt shaped papers(called shide)to it. Once you have enough to almost cover the entire stick, go to your car and open the trunk, the hood, and the doors. Then return to face your car and bow respectfully. Walk VERY slowly around the car (facing it the entire time) and shake the oonusa while chanting this:
O great kami, o great kami. My vehicle is meager and filled with evil. These words I speak to honor you. My mind is pure and heart is lawful. I set myself before you. Bind yourself to this vehicle and make it pure and pleasing.
At each step you make around the car, shake the oosuna. When you finish your circle around the car, bow again and you are done.
I have personally done this to my car and can tell you that I go all over the place and get like double the mileage I should and have NEVER gotten in an accident (kinda suprising cause I drive kinda crazy). I wish I could give more, but I would need to show proper caligraphy for it. I'm glad someone mentioned goteia because the seals necessary are complicated and require pictures to demonstrate properly.