Hi Spell assistance...

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Hi Spell assistance...
Post # 1
Well I'm doing my first spell on the upcoming full moon and I was wondering if there are any preparations or something that I should know.
Im kind of looking for a mentor or just someone who is willing to help
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Re: Hi Spell assistance...
Post # 2
I find a cleancing bath is always good before hand, it helps to cleance the body and mind. You can also try some meditasion too.
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Re: Hi Spell assistance...
Post # 3
try to brush up on yur reading like the goetia or maybe ask one of our council memberz to help you out they give some pretty good information.
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Re: Hi Spell assistance..
Post # 4
Ok. I've decided to postpone it.
So how do you draw a cleansing bath? I've heard of them but I've never gotten in depth with it.
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