I have been questioning..

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I have been questioning..
Post # 1
I have been questioning everyone's intentions lately.
Along with my own.

Intentions of what you may wonder. But my only answer is I do not know. Of one's main intention.
I feel many strive for much power, those who want to lead many but know not what for, who believe it is a very simple task to gain much power, but they have nothing to do with it after, no plans for what lies ahead.

I will make this very clear now, this is meant to mean no one in particular, but in general as many are of that state of mind.
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Re: I have been questioni
Post # 2
wtf r u blabbering about?
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Re: I have been questioni
Post # 3
My simple feelings and observations. If you do not like what I have to say in this thread then please do not post on it. If you feel you've something 'offensive' to say to me please private message me.
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Re: I have been questioni
Post # 4
I think that on the magician's path, this is the first thing someone should question, and get clear with themselves. If you know exactly what you want, then you can more easily figure out where you're going, and how to get there. Not that a person definitely Will arrive there... people change, motives change.

I fully admit that I got into magic first to overcompensate for powerlessness and insignificance in other areas of life.
I used to pretend it was for altruistic or spiritual reasons, but as attractive that sounds, it just wasn't true.
After my hypocrisy was painfully attacked, I got to more technique-centered... information-centered... and frankly self-centered magical work, driven as much by curiosity as lust for power, (because I had experienced things only mysticism could explain and I needed to know how it worked.)

Those motives sound so much uglier than "want to heal people" or "Goddess worship just resonates with me", right? Even saying knowledge for knowledge's sake instead of curiosity doesn't make it less childish or dangerous. But it was honest, and that meant everything.

And what do you know, after I've sufficiently explored my personal power... got magical techniques down pat and indulged some selfish purposes... I graduated to a more contributing magical activity, and recently stumbled into a more spiritual perspective.

There's my path: mind and spirit is the ultimate future technology, our inner divinity and energetic manipulation is a birth right, and now to use these to work off the karmic burdens and leave the world a little better than I found it.

This is not something I mean to preach as the "correct" motives, since it won't be true for others until they've walked their own path all the way to the bend and fork.
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