
CovenDivine Spirits ► Scrying
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Post # 1
I've had a few requests lately on scrying not only in a crystal ball, but for black mirrors as well as flower scrying.

These kinds of scrying are impression based scrying methods. In other words, they rely on the impressions you get, and the occasional images you may receive in your minds eye.

Crystal Ball and Black Mirror Scrying Both have a similar approach to working with them. First you need to be confident and trust your impressions no matter what you may be doing, but this is a great way to get comfortable with them. You need to be relaxed and in a position of comfort where you know everything is fine and there are no worries. Some prefer to cast a circle around them or at a minimum bless the area or cleanse it. The use of a white candle, or the reflection of the moon is usually cast on the object that you are using as well. Some prefer not to do this, but honestly I find that it aids in the focusing process when you first start out. These particular methods require a lot of focus and if you know how to work in a trance like state, it makes it a lot easier to pull the information you need.

A similar method to the above is Flower Scrying. This is a method I use personally and really enjoy. Again this is about impressions, but you can also use the images you see in the flower buds. Depending on the type of reading that one is requiring, say for Love, I would use Rose buds and petals to do a reading here, or for those wanting to find peace in their lives, I would use Lavender Flowers. Like Tea Leaf Reading, certain images hold significance, as well as their location. A few examples of Images and Meanings:

APPLE - achievement

AXE - difficulties; if at top overcoming of difficulties

BABY - small worries

BAG - a trap; if open, escape

BALL - variable fortunes

BELL - unexpected news; good if near top

BIRDS - good news

BOAT - visit from a friend, protection

BOOK - if open it's good news; if closed you need to investigate something

BUSH - new friend or opportunities

BUTTERFLY - fickleness

CABBAGE - jealousy; with dots means at work

CANDLE - help from others

CAP - trouble

CAT - deceit, a false friend

CHAIN - engagement, a wedding

Most importantly though is always go with your first impression. For flower scrying you don't really need a candle or anything like that, just a bowl and pinch or two of flowers. This, like tea leaf readings, are always difficult to start out learning, so I would say start with divination methods like Tarot or Runes first. Something that is predominantly pictorial in nature.

If you have any further questions, just drop them in the comments and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. (No I will not be doing readings, lol)

Re: Scrying
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
This is great information =)
I've done scrying myself since the beginning of my path 4 years ago...One of the divination scrying i've done most is wax scrying...I have developed my own method of doing this and i use my own sense of symbolism as well as the basic scrying symbolism that our priestess has just mentioned. What i do is add the herbs that correspond to the question i am asking first...let's say i wish to know about my love life (the time should be kept in your mind(past, present or future)). I will ALWAYS add Marigold as it is a perfect herb for enhancing psychic abilities and in this case a crushed rose hip.

Then i light a purple candle (Yes i use a lot of correspondences lol) that will help me with my psychic abilities, and let the scrying bowl bathe in the candle light for a few minutes while i enchant it with a chant of my own (there's allways a different one i never use the same chant twice). When i start, I stir the water up a bit and pour the candle wax in. The wax will harden in the water immediately and start to form figures. The answers you seek are in those figures =)
I once got a dragon that i took a shot at and is in my profile in the pictures section, there's also the goddess in a fetal position that is very clear...take a look you will be suprised how clear they are =)
Blessed be!

Re: Scrying
Post # 3
I've not really tried scrying that much, the only time was with a clear quartz seer stone(window Quartz,Dreamers Crystal,Emma's Egg) that I have, the time that I used it for the puropose in scrying the only thing I saw was the number 5 in the crystal, I haven't actually used this crystal in awhile, so my question is can these crystals be used as you would use a crystal ball or are they more attuned to being used as meditative tool for images in your minds eye?

Love and Light

Re: Scrying
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Well, as you know everyone's craft differs so it really depends on what you're comfortable with. But yeah sure you can use pretty much anything with a reflection or a clear volume to gaze into, as long as you are comfortable using it or attached to it (it has moral value to you...a present maybe). I myself use a black mirror the most next to the wax method mentioned above, because i love anything old and has that "witchy" touch to i am comfortable with that method and it works best for me =)

Re: Scrying
Post # 5
Thanks Brim I havent used that crystal in awhile think I might get it back out and try with it again, and see what I prefer doing with it.

Love and Light

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