Looking for 3 Spells....

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Looking for 3 Spells....
Post # 1
Alrighty...I'm looking for 3 spells.
The first one I am looking for is a spell so I can remember my dreams. I'm currently looking for my totem animal, but since I can usually never remember my dreams, its nearly impossible to find my totem animal.
The second spell I 'need' is a spell to change eye and hair color. I've heard of the spell where you chant something and you'll see changes over the day. I've not tried it yet, but I will. I'd also like to see other spells for this subject matter as well.
Lastly, is there a spell for me to transform into an animal for a day or so? I'm going to try the cat/milk one, but I've yet to get some cat hairs ._. Any other spells for raelly any animal would be nice!

Thanks :)
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