i'm still new.pls help me

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i'm still new.pls help me
Post # 1
Hi everyone i would like to introduce myself i'm andre dominic im a 16 yrs. old i live in the philippines and i have a lot of questions about this stuff because sometimes there are happenings that i dont understand.... my dreams come true, i feel when something bad or good is coming, when i get emotional the climate is changing, chances of reading other peoples mind, sometimes seeing black shadows or i guess a ghost which is not clear? and talk to the 4 elements and heal people but they drain my energy... why is this happening? i need a mentor pls help me.... thank you very much
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Re: i
Post # 2
slow down...or maybe it was me reading fast...hahaha in any case, that does not sound so bad. You should take some time to meditate...meditation is always good (or maybe I meditate to much). In any case, what is the most problem you need help with?
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