This thread consists of the individual threads on chakras that are within the coven's forums as a way of cleaning the place up without destroying any information on them.
Chakra Correspondences:
Posted by Stonicus (Sep 17, 2010) :
This is an overview of the Chakra correspondences and data. I've pulled this from dozens of sources and only included the information that the majority of sources agreed on. Some of the info may be different from what you know, such as color, so use it as you will. Be aware that this list is not exhaustive nor all-inclusive of correspondences, or it would be 60 pages long!
name: Muladhara
symbol: 4 petal lotus
location: between anus and genitalia
basic principle: the physical will to exist
sense: smell
color: red
antidote color: blue
astology: Aries & Mars, Taurus-Scorpio & Pluto, Capricorn & Saturn
gemstones: agate, bloodstone, garnet, red coral, ruby
element: earth
body parts: solid parts = spine, teeth, bones, nails legs, anus, intestines, prostate, blood
glands: suprarenal
hormones: adrenalin, noradrenalin
music: strong rhythms, ''Brahms' Symphony #1 in C Minor''
vowel: ''oh''
tone: middle C
mandtra: LAM
nature: dawn, sunset, fresh soil
aromas: cedar, clove
rotation: female = CCW, male = CW
yoga type: Hatha, Kundalini
positive power: stabilizing, grounding
sleep position: on stomach, 10-12 hours
Theme: primal vital energy, primal trust, relating to earth and material world, stability, power to succeed
body: physical & etheric double
name: Savadhisthana
symbol: 6 petal lotus
location: upper sacrum, about at the upper limit of the pubic hair
basic principle: reproduction and creation
sense: taste
color: orange
antidote color: indigo
astology: Cancer & Moon, Libra & Venus, Scorpio & Pluto
gemstones: carnelian, moonstone
element: water
body parts: pelvis, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and all body liquids
glands: reproductive, ovaries, prostate, testicles
hormones: estrogens, testosterone
music: flowing, ''Mahler's Symphony #1 in D Major''
vowel: ''o'' as in hot
tone: D
mandtra: VAM
nature: moonlight, clear water
aromas: ylang-ylang, sandalwood
rotation: female = CW, male = CCW
yoga type: Bhakti
positive power: purifying, beginning flow
sleep position: prenatal, 8-10 hours
Theme: primal feeling, flow of life, sensuality, eroticism, creativity, awe, enthusiasm in life
body: emotional
name: Manipura
symbol: 10 petal lotus
location: about 2 fingers above the navel
basic principle: shaping your being
sense: sight
color: yellow
antidote color: violet
astology: Leo & Sun, Sagittarius & Jupiter, Virgo & Mercury, Mars
gemstones: tiger's eye, amber, yellow topaz, citrine
element: fire
body parts: lower back, abdomen, digestive tract, stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system
glands: pancreas, liver
hormones: insulin
music: orchestral compositions, fiery, ''Mozarts Symphony #39 in E flat Major''
vowel: ''o'' as in boot
tone: E
mandtra: RAM
nature: sunlight, ripe wheat fields, sunflowers
aromas: lavender, rosemary, bergamot
rotation: female = CCW, male = CW
yoga type: Tantra
positive power: transforming, shaping, purifying
sleep position: on back, 7-8 hours
Theme: unfolding personality, developing feelings and experience,influence and power, strength, plenty, wisdom, experiential growth
body: lower mental
name: Anahata
symbol: 12 petal lotus
location: center of chest, breastbone
basic principle: devotion, self-abandon
sense: feeling (emotional)
color: green
antidote color: none
astology: Leo & Sun, Libra & Venus, Saturn
gemstones: emerald, green jade, rose quartz, pink tourmaline
element: Air
body parts: upper back, heart, ribs, chest cavity, lower lungs, circulatory system, hands, skin
glands: thymus
hormones: thyric
music: classical and New Age, ''Bachs Brandenburg Concertos in F Major''
vowel: ''ah''
tone: F
mandtra: YAM
nature: raw undisturbed nature, blossoms
aromas: rose oil
rotation: female = CW, male = CCW
yoga type: Karma
positive power: opening yourself, connecting
sleep position: left side, 5-6 hours
Theme: qualities of heart, love, compassion, sharing, empath, selflessness, devotion, healing
body: higher mental
symbol: 16 petal lotus
location: larynx area
basic principle: resonance of being
sense: hearing
color: light blue
antidote color: red
astology: Gemini & Mercury, Mars, Taurus & Venus, Aquarius & Uranus
gemstones: aquamarine, turquoise, chalcedony
element: Akasha
body parts: lungs, bronchials, esophagus, vocal chords, throat, nape of neck, jaw
glands: thyroid, parathyroid
hormones: thyroxine
music: overtone, meditative, New Age, reverbs, ''Bachs Brandenburg Concertos in G Major''
vowel: ''eh'' as in get
tone: G
mandtra: HAM
nature: blue sky, sky reflected in water, gentle waves
aromas: sage, eucalyptus
rotation: female = CCW, male = CW
yoga type: Mantra
positive power: communicating, transmitting
sleep position: alternate left & right sides, 4-5 hours
Theme: communications, self-expression, openness, independence, inspiration, accessing subtle selves
body: lower spiritual
name: Ajna
symbol: 96 petal lotus (2 x 48)
location: one finger above nose, center of forehead
basic principle: knowledge of being
sense: all, including ESP, especially sight
color: indigo
antidote color: orange
astology: Mercury, Sagittarius & Jupiter, Aquarius & Uranus, Uranus
gemstones: lapis lazuli, indigo sapphire, sodalite
element: all together
body parts: cerebellum, ears, nose, sinuses, eyes, primary nervous system, face
glands: pituitary
hormones: vasopressin
music: eastern classical, ''Mendelssohns String Quartet in A Major''
vowel: ''e'' as in heat
tone: A
mandtra: KSHAM
nature: nighttime sky
aromas: mint, jasmine
rotation: female = CW, male = CCW
yoga type: Jnana, Yantra
positive power: recognizing
sleep position: deep, 4 hours
Theme: recongition, intuition, developing inner senses, mental powers, projecting, manifesting
body: middle spiritual
name: Sahasrara
symbol: 1000 petal lotus
location: center top of head
basic principle: purity of being
color: violet
antidote color: yellow
astology: Capricorn & Saturn, Pisces & Neptune
gemstones: amethyst, clear or white crystal
body parts: cerebrum, cranium
glands: pineal
hormones: seratonine
music: silence, ''Bachs Brandenburg Concertos in B flat''
vowel: ''m''
tone: H
mandtra: OM
nature: mountain tops
aromas: lotus
rotation: female = CCW, male = CW
yoga type:
positive power: transcending
sleep position: half-awake, between sleep and awake
Theme: perfection, inner contemplation, union with the ''ALL'', universal consciousness
body: higher spiritual
The Upper Chakras:
Cobrais (Nov 13, 2010) :
As everyone knows, there are seven major chakras, but on top of that there are another five above the Crown Chakra
The basics of them are as follows, more descriptive knowledge will be posted on each later
The 8th Chakra :
The 8th Chakra, The Golden Crown Chakra (Sun Chakra) - It is found above the Crown Chakra center and contains the Akashic Records of the soul's incarnations.
The 9th Chakra :
The 9th Chakra, The Casual Chakra - It lies at the outer edge of the aura. In practice, it regulates Soulbraiding and enables the physical body to attune to the increased energy of Soul Consciousness and to the Higher Density Light existence that results from the Soulbraiding
The 10th Chakra :
The 10th Chakra, The Soul Star Chakra - It is above the Casual Chakra. Its name is self-explanatory for it is through this Chakra the Soul braids into the physical body at the time of incarnation, and it is through this Chakra the Soul leaves the physical body at death. It is also through this Chakra additional Soulbraiding occurs which results in the increased vibration and frequency of the cells and atoms of the body.
The 11th Chakra :
The 11th Chakra, The Stellar Gateway - It is located above the soul star chakra, which is often depicted as a tunnel of Pure Light or a Portal that connects the Soul to the Divine Source.
The 12th Chakra :
The 12th Chakra, The Cosmic Doorway - It is located above the Stellar Gateway. It enhances communication with Enlightened Beings that exist in the Densities of Light beyond the physical worlds.
More complete and detailed descriptions coming shortly
The 8th Chakra :
The 8th chakra is is the first of the spiritual chakras. It is the energy center of divine love, spiritual selflessness, and spiritual compassion. It also hold the Akashic record of your soul's life, including past incarnations. When it is open a new spiritual awareness takes place. The person begins to sense themself as part of a larger community of people. This chakra is the gateway to other ideas, concepts and abilities. This center enables the being to achieve out of body projection, spiritual perception, and spiritual wisdom.
Color: UltraViolet Light
The 9th Chakra :
The 9th Chakra is located four feet above your head. This chakra holds the karmic blueprint of the individual. It stores the skills and abilities learned in all lifetimes. This chakra also holds the key to the soul's destiny. The evolving human soul can be broken down into three main types or blueprints: the creator, the healer, and the teacher.
As a creator you will have spent multiple lifetimes creating things; families, artwork, organizations, etc... As a healer you will have spent multiple lifetimes healing things. And as a teacher you will have spent multiple lifetimes teaching. Many fit into more than one of these.
Color: Spinning Rainbow
The 10th Chakra :
The 10th chakra is located between eight and ten feet above the head. It is the chakra that allows you to remember and use the skills you earned in past lives once it is opened up. The barriers between the past selves break down and knowledge and wisdom begin to flow through time and space. Typically this chakra is responsible for divine creativity, synchronicity of life, the merging of the masculine and feminine within. This merging brings even more harmony into a person's life because they are not prone to either the masculine or feminine energy or the faults that each of those polarities tends to bring up. A gender balance exists within the person and the individual is free to tap into the best that each energy polarity has to offer.
Color: Intensive Blue Light
The 11th Chakra :
The 11th chakra is located 15 feet above the head. It contains the energetic connections necessary so the individual can manifest advanced spiritual skills, like, travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi-location, telekinesis and instantaneous precipitation of thoughts into matter. The reason for this advanced skill development is not so the person possesses some neat tricks. No, the reason these skills exist is to help prepare the person for the next phase of their existence after ascension. The eleventh chakra contains the path of the soul in its new form without the restrictions of matter, time and space.
Color: Rose light
The 12th Chakra :
The 12th chakra contains the ascension energies, which are used at the proper time to bathe all the chakra below it in ascension energy and cause them to accelerate faster than light. This eventually results in the annihilation of the physical body and the manifestation of the light body in its place. At this point the individual is fully ascended and can go anyplace in the universe. It is the doorway to the cosmos and beyond. For this reason many of the skills released here are meant to be used off the earth and beyond.
Color: Every Color, a spindle of colors
To get a deeper understanding of all the chakras you can go to http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/ It is wear I learned about them some eight years ago. The continually update their info and keep it accurate as well.
The Moon Chakra:
Posted by Laufia (Jun 30, 2010) :
As requested. PLease feel free to add to this thread or correct me as although I include the moon chakra in my personal chakra cleansing, my knowledge on it is quite limited.
Although to my understanding the sacral chakra is ruled by the moon, it has been brought to my knowledge that there is a moon chakra (soma chakra) above the crown chakra, above the head.
According to an online chakra cleansing course at universal class, the moon chakra represents the peace and tranquility of the moon and can be used to mellow out.
There are Satanic sites such as Joy of Satan and age of Satan which include meditations that empower the moon chakra amoungst other meditations.
According to Goswami Kriyanda of yogachicago.com. ''There are two more chakras that manifest on a higher level, the Ajna (solar) chakra and the Chandra (moon) chakra. The solar chakra deals with the fathers and the moon chakra deals with the mothers. Both are symbolic of authoritive figures. Or an impersonal level, the moon chakra relates to the home environmnt and things and events at the end of your earth incarnation. The solar chakra deals with creativity, children and pleasure.
I have also come across a site called , Lightworkers where they teach a meditation for the moon chakra which they call the soul star chakra.
There are a couple of people such as Milene Zuliani, a healer who on her website she talks about five more chakras being outside of the body.
In kundalini, Kriya and Laya yoga systems they use eight chakras including bindu which is known as the moon chakra.
I have also come across that the moon chakra is also a 1000 petal lotus like the crown chakra and that there are indeed transcendental chakras one of which begins with the moon chakra.
Posted by ShadowKilo (Sep 23, 2009) :
''The Chakras are thought to vitalize the physical body and to be associated with interactions of a physical, emotional and mental nature. They are considered loci of life energy, or prana, (also called shakti, or chi), which is thought to flow among them along pathways called nadis. The function of the Chakras is to spin and draw in this Universal Life Force Energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance.'' -Wikipedia, and I'd say it's a decent definition.
My definition is simply that Chakras are energy filters located in the body with corresponding locations in your ethereal or astral body that act as conduits or connectors between you and the Universal Life Energy. Each Chakra filters the Universal Life Energy into a different type of energy(emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, etc) that your body requires to function properly.
In a nutshell, Chakras are energy centers within the body.
There are seven major Chakras, but really there are many more, including some that reside outside of our physical and etheric bodies. For now, we'll just talk about the major seven. Here is a list of their location, color, and function starting at the bottom and working our way up.
Name: Root Chakra.
Color: Red.
Location: The base of the pelvic bone.
Function: This Chakra represents the physical, root, survival, security, your base.
Name: Sacral Chakra.
Color: Orange.
Location: The groin area, lower abdomen.
Function: Emotions, sexual energy, creativity.
Name: Solar Plexus.
Color: Yellow.
Location: The stomach or gut.
Function: Personal power, control, freedom, mental energy.
Name: Heart Chakra.
Color: Green.
Location: Heart and lung area.
Function: Love, compassion, empathy, healing.
Name: Throat Chakra.
Color: Blue.
Location: Throat.
Function: Communication, expression, speech.
Name: Third Eye.
Color: Indigo/purple.
Location: Right between your eyebrows.
Function: Intuition, psychic abilities, clairvoyance.
Name: Crown Chakra.
Color: White or Violet.
Location: Top of your head.
Function: Consciousness, connection to the Universal Life Energy
Your Chakras are always open, for the most part, but they may not be in optimal shape or as open as they could be. There are many ways to open up your Chakras, as with cleaning them you must find the method that is right for you.
Beginning with the root Chakra imagine a red ball of energy spinning in a clockwise direction around an imaginary pole going through your body from head to toe. Make the red ball of energy strong, clear, and powerful. Sometimes people let their Chakras pulsate with energy, sometimes Chakras look like spinning galaxies(that's how I visualize them), and sometimes they are cylindrical instead of in the shape of a ball. All you're really doing is activating the energy center. It may feel like you're imagining it at first, but don't let that stop you. In time you'll feel, see, or even hear a tonal sound when you spin your Chakras. Repeat the process with your second Chakra (orange) and all the way up to your Crown Chakra (white or violet).
As for closing down your Chakras, you don't really want to do that. The more energized your Chakras are, the better you will feel, and the better your life will flow. What you may be thinking of is shielding yourself, which is something you want to do if you are around someone with aggressive energy, or someone trying to leech your power from you. To shield you can visualize a shield of white or gold energy surrounding your whole body, leaving you cocooned inside. Or you can visualize a mirror in front of you reflecting the person's negative energy back on them.
As mentioned in my definition of Chakra I consider them to be like filters. Have you ever seen a coffee filter or vacuum cleaner's filter after it's been used? They get really gunky and filthy, they can't be used a second time. Here are a few examples of if your Chakras are clogged.
Clogged Root Chakra: You may feel paranoid or as if you are in danger when you are safe.
Clogged Sacral Chakra: Your emotions may be offset, you may overreact to minor things.
Clogged Solar Plexus Chakra: You probably feel scared or victimized.
Clogged Heart Chakra: You probably feel very disconnected from other people.
Clogged Throat Chakra: You may feel like you?re being suppressed or you've got something you want to say that you're not saying.
Clogged Third Eye Chakra: Your intuition is probably not getting through, your instincts may be slightly off.
Clogged Crown Chakra: You probably feel disconnected from the Universal Life Energy.
Clogged Chakras can cause physical problems related to the area where they function. For example, if someone is intimidating you, you might have digestive issues in your Solar Plexus (i.e. nervous stomach). If there is someone you really need to talk to but you just can't bring yourself to do it, you may end up with a sore throat if your Throat Chakra is clogged. Clogged Third Eye could result in a headache. And so on.
If you are empathic or psychic, you may be attracting other people's emotions and issues to you like a magnet. Other people's issues might stick to you because you don't release them, and that can cause your Chakras to get a little clogged as well. There is no earthly reason to carry around someone else's burdens or pain. You're just gumming up your own system.
Some people unconsciously (or even consciously) close their Chakras because they are afraid of the connection they are feeling to themselves, other people, and to the world around them. Naturally, this isn't a good thing to do and if you close your Chakras you'll need(in my opinion) to open them back up and face your fears.
In the physical world filters need to be replaced after being used to much, but fortunately we don't have to remove our Chakra, buy a new one, and install it. We can clean these filters out.
Everyone has a different best/favorite method. Some people just do as their Chakra is supposed to do, forcing the Chakra to open up and flow. For example if your Throat Chakra is clogged; write a speech, find an audience, and give it to them verbally. If your Third Eye is closed, rely on your intuition so that the Third Eye is forced open again. Other people simply meditate and focus on balancing themselves out, using visualization to clean and clear the clogged Chakras.
Forcing the Chakras to clear and open up is easy, I've already posted lessons for meditation, but for visualization it's best to know what to visualize. Locate your Root Chakra and imagine a red energy spinning clockwise in that location. Use the force of the spin to remove and clear any dark spots or psychic gunk that has accumulated there. Just imagine it all spinning away. When that Chakra is spinning with clear, red energy, you're done. Move your awareness to the next Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, and do the same thing. Spin it clockwise, imagining an orange light whirling around in the area of the Sacral Chakra. Clear it and move to the next Chakra. Do this all the way to your Crown Chakra.
Some people may cleanse one, stop visualizing it, move on to the next, cleanse, stop visualizing that one, move on to the next, and so on, but I like to keep visualizing each one even though I may switch to focusing on the next one(as needed) while cleansing. At the end some people like to pour white light all around their body, and sometimes they add golden light for protection, or green light for healing, etc. How you end is up to you, the important thing is that your Chakras are cleared and cleansed.
There are many ways to clear or cleanse your Chakras and in doing this you may open them up more as well. Find the method that works for you and if you don't see it in this thread feel free to share your method here.
Cleansing your Chakras should only take a few minutes. If you do this every day, you'll notice less and less psychic gunk and you can get them clear really fast (within 30 seconds or so).
When your Root Chakra is closed you may not feel safe. You may feel paranoid, in danger, alarmed. Obviously, this is not a good way to live. Nobody should have to live in paranoia for any reason. Having your Root Chakra open will not only help you to feel safe, but also help you to realize when you really are in danger, help you to be alert, to defend yourself or flee accordingly, having your Root Chakra open can keep you alive.
A closed Sacral Chakra can result in mood swings, depression, unexplained anger, and a lack of self control. Opening the Sacral Chakra will balance this out, opening it up all the way will result in complete control of your emotions. You will know fear only when you accept it, feel anger only when you wish for it, and have peace for as long as you desire it.
If your Solar Plexus is closed you may feel trapped or victimized. You may feel powerless, out of control, and exhausted. Opening up your Solar Plexus gives you the sense of freedom, power, strength, you will have more energy and you will have better self control. By opening your Solar Plexus you go from being the victim to being the victor.
If your Heart Chakra is closed you may feel isolated from other people. You may feel unloved, uncaring, and hateful. Opening your Heart Chakra not only allows you to feel loved by others, including yourself, it also makes it easier for you to care and not feel hate toward others. Besides that it will also help you to heal from the emotional injuries caused by others.
When your Throat Chakra is closed you may find it hard to say what needs to be said, to express yourself and your beliefs, and to communicate with others. Opening your Throat Chakra makes it easier for you to express yourself, to share your beliefs, to communicate with friends and family. It also allows you to be more diplomatic and charismatic.
Your Third Eye Chakra gives you intuition, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, etc. With it closed you would be a 'normal' human being since most humans close the third eye. With it open, however, you can gain many abilities. The ability to read minds, to gaze into the future, see Spirits, Demons, and Angels. Things that most people call 'paranormal.'
The Crown Chakra is your consciousness. Without it, you may find it harder to decipher the difference between what is right and what is wrong and to feel connected to the world around you. With it open you'll find it easier to reap the benefits of every other Chakra, you'll find it easier to feel good about what you do, and you'll feel a little more at peace no matter where you go.
Posted by darkermaster (Jun 07, 2010) :
The first four posts in this thread can be found at -
Opening Blocked Chakras:
Posted by Chaotic_Evil (Sep 19, 2010) :
There are several ways to open blocked chakras. It is best to do them all and be consistent. You can work this into your daily meditation program. Normally, there are three major knots. One at the base, one at the heart and one at the 6th chakra. Usually, our base chakra is open. A burning sensation or feeling of intense pressure in one of the chakras usually indicates the one above it is blocked. For example, some people experience a burning in the throat, which indicates the 6th chakra is blocked.
1. Hand Energy
One way to unblock and empower a chakra is once you have a strong energy flow through your palm chakras and fingertips, you can apply this to your individual chakras. You should feel a tingling sensation and heat radiating from your palm chakras that indicates they are empowered and active.
Place your hand over whatever chakra you feel needs more energy and relax. Direct the energy from your palm chakra into the selected chakra for anywhere from 5-15 minutes. A warm or burning sensation in the chakra during and afterward, indicates the chakra is receiving the energy.
Doing this regularly will strengthen the selected chakra.
2. Chakra Breathing.
Inhale and breathe in color energy into the blocked chakra. The energy should be the same color as the chakra you are working on.
Hold your breath for a count of six and visualize your chakra opening. Most agree the best method is to visualize the bud of a flower blooming. Make sure you visualize the correct color.
Exhale and brighten and expand the chakra
Inhale through your base chakra brilliant white-gold light and direct it up your spine and through the chakra you are trying to open and direct it out your crown.
Exhale and visualize your chakra bright with the white-gold energy and expand it.
Repeat the above exercise several times.
3. Sexual Orgasm
This is what the old alchemy texts implied. Just keep hitting it with orgasmic energy. Visualize a brilliant light ascending into and through the chakra. This works well to open a meditation.
4. Breathe in through your entire aura and body the color energy of the blocked chakra. Visualize this energy growing brighter and brighter and expanding with each exhale. Repeat several times. Eventually, the chakra will be strong enough to naturally take up energy on its own. Strong chakras can absorb energy. Weak chakras that are blocked are depleted and unable to attract and absorb energy on their own. Weak and blocked areas create diseases associated with the particular chakra and visa-versa- diseases create the weak chakra.
Choose one of more of the above exercises and do it/them daily until the problem is corrected.
-JOS Ministries-
Posted by Rikka Jan 17, 2011) :
Cited from: http://www.666blacksun.com/Open_Blocked_Chakras.html
Chakra Meditation:
Posted by Orian (Jan 02, 2011) :
This meditation will help open you chakras, cleanse them, and energize you.
Any stone that matches the chakra you're going to place it on will do, so I will go by the colors of the stones instead of naming any.
1. Go to an area where you can meditate that is also big enough for you to lay down on your back.
2.Lay down.
3.Place the stones on you in this order:
*White/Clear stone behind the top of your head
*Purple stone on your third eye
*Blue stone on the center of your throat
*Pink stone on the center of your chest
*Yellow stone in between your belly button and the center of your chest
*Orange stone on your belly button
*Red stone on/near genitalia or just in between your legs
4.Close your eyes.Starting with the top stone(the one behind your head) visualize the stone glowing its color(white) and see that color going down your body, feel that warm feeling caressing your whole body, feel that chakra opening, feel it healing you, filling your body with energy. Once you feel you are done, move down to the next stone and chakra, since it is purple it will glow purple, do the exact same thing you did for the first one to all of them.
5. Once you feel you are done, open your eyes and take the stones off of you, thanking each one as you remove them. You should feel energized, healthy and craving free.
Note:If you do not have stones, or you cant afford them, you can always visualize the stones are there, or even use colored pieces of paper.
Posted by Zea (Jan 03, 2011) :
Very good, I like this you kept it nice and simple. ^_^
And I agree, stones are like candles and incense, they are used for emotional and mental stimulation. As long as you are able to achieve the necessary mental state.
Posted by Orian (Jan 04, 2011) :
Thanks ^_^ I find that if you keep things simple, they're usually easier to understand and remember lol
Posted by TaraCraft (Mar 11, 2010) :
I only am adept in basic chakra, so I am going to give just a low down of the basics.
The word chakra is ancient sanskrit for wheel of light.
The body has seven major chakra points and twentyone minor ones. I will only work with the seven major for now.
Our chakras run in a vertical plane. They give us energy and allow us to heal.
Four lower chakras work with the elements, base=earth, sacral=water, solar plexus=fire, and heart=air.
the three others are more spritual in nature throat, brow, and crown.
Here is a basic list of the seven major chakra points:
CROWN: color= white; association=universal consciousness, wisdom, and transformation in a spiritual way; body areas= brain and pineal gland; emotional=peace, purity, cuts through mental confusion, encourages growth of new ideas
BROW(THRID EYE): color=violet; association= intution, insight, paranormal abilities, connecting with a group mind, and universal consciousness; body areas=face, nose, sinuses, ears, eyes, brain functions that include pituitart gland, central nervous system, and cerebellum; emotional=knowledge, spiritual advancement, cleanse emotional addictions, release painful memories, and brings the cycle of sleep into balance.
THROAT: color=blue; association=creativity, selfexpression, and communication; body areas= neck, throat, and thyroid; emotional=peace, calm, serenity, frees the power of the spoken word, releases mental confusion, and permits looking back at the past and learning from it
HEART: color=green; association=love, compassion, healing, bridge from physical to spiritual, living in balance; body areas=heart, lungs, blood and air circulation; emotional=clarity, stability, healing for both body and mind, balance, and focus
SOLAR PLEXUS: color=yellow; association=storehouse of spiritual energy, keeps other chakra healthy(when grounding magic this is the area we focus on); body areas= lower back, digestive system, and spleen; emotional= forgiveness, removes depression and negative thinking, self esteem, energy of joy, and releases fear
SACRAL: color=orange; association=purification, joy, feminine energy, recptive to nature, helps against disease; body area=pelvis; emotional= helps incase of mental breakdown, and breaks down barriers
BASE: color=red; association=vitality, survival, stability, and the root of collective unconsciousness; body areas=bones, teeth, nails, and blood; emotional=renewal, strength, gives the power to do something you dread, support, willpower, and courage.
Basic Chakra meditation(the one my mother taught me anyways)
Assume basic meditation postion, and starting with the crown visulize your spritual energy moving from there through all the other chakra points removing blockage as you go, repeat from the base and remove any blockage you may have missed. Then you should be able to visulize a steady stream of spiritual energy connecting all chakra points.
As I said this is just the basic of basics, if I missed anything please post it, I always enjoy learning more about this.
Blessed Be
Posted by ginseng (Mar 12, 2010) :
Thank-you Tara ive been meaning to post some stuff on chakras for our new members, the other way of cleansing the chakras is by spinning them , this is done by visualizing a ball of colour associated with each chakra and visualize it spinning in a clockwise motion, looking into the ball you should be able to see any blockages ect, when you become more adept with this you will feel them pulsating and hear them spinning. i will do a lesson on this shortly if anyone wishes.
Bright Blessings.
Chakra Exercise:
Posted by Alek (Dec 30, 2010) :
I'm posting this because it's good practice for getting in tune with your chakras. I've included a quick reference to the chakras, their colors, and their names in Hindu here.
PART ONE: Chakra Color Reference Sheet
Crown/Sarhasrara: Top of your head. Crown's color is violet.
Third Eye/Ajna: In the center of your forehead. This is probably the most famous of the chakras. Third Eye's color is indigo.
Throat/Vishudda: This one's obvious. :P It's at the base of your throat. Throat's color is blue.
Heart/Anahata: Again, this one is obvious. It's at the center of your chest. (Yes, I know your actual heart isn't in the center of your chest. :P) Heart's color is green.
Solar Plexus/Manipura: This chakra is located just above your belly button. I've noticed, in my work with Reiki and with the (admittedly few) healings I've done with Reiki, that this seems to be a problem area for people. Solar Plexus's color is yellow.
Sacral/Swadhisthana: This chakra is located at your reproductive organs. It gets its name from the bone in the body called the sacrum, which is at the base of the spine, between the two hipbones. Sacral's color is orange.
Root/Muladhara: This chakra is at the very base of your spine, at the tailbone. Root's color is red.
PART TWO: The Exercise Itself!
The point of this exercise is to get you in tune with your chakras. When you're in tune with them, it's easier to find imbalances and fix them before they get serious. I've found that this exercise also helps keep your chakras pretty clean. I would say you should definitely try this every day if you've never worked with the chakras before.
Sit so you are comfortable. Take some deep cleansing breaths. When you are ready, focus on your crown chakra. Feel it moving, feel it spinning. Feel which way it is spinning, and how fast. Clockwise and fast means that it is working okay, counter clockwise and slow means there is a blockage. If it is blocked, ask your angels/guides/personal deities/Higher Self/etc to repair it, and see if you can't get it to spin faster, or even move clockwise. Don't force it, though. When you're ready, visualize a violet light emerging from your crown chakra and swirling around you. See the ribbon of violet light swirling all around you, from your crown chakra down. Breathe here for a while. Feel the ribbon of light surrounding you. Then move to your third eye chakra and repeat, but when you visualize the indigo light, visualize it going up around your head as well as down.
Do this for your other chakras, your throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras.
When you have finished, sit in meditation, visualizing yourself surrounded by the colors of the chakras. This would be a good time to do other meditations, as well, if you have the time and the focus.
Posted by Luminious (Jan 01, 2011) :
It's a good exercise. I'd advise people to try this and use incense and/or herbs to get in a trance-like state. That'll help visualize ;)
Posted by Draggy. (Jan 01, 2011) :
Luminous I am not in anyway a well taught LeVeyan practitioner but I am also not completely in the dark, if you are actually what you claim to practice then why would you post on chakra work?
I believe you should have stuck with your ''non-theurgical'' statement in the introduction thread. As non-theurgical (which is ritual work where you do not invoke any other gods or deities), since a true LaVeyan worships himself as his own god. And ''Laveyans do not practice chakra work as it does it hold any rationality in our doctrine...'' ~ Darkermaster a true LaVeyan and well qualified LaVeyan instructor.
Now I have no clue where you learned your version but I assure you it's wrong. And if you are true to your studies and path, Darker has left many threads in here on the subject, read up and if you still need help we can get it for you.
Posted by Luminious (Jan 02, 2011) :
I actually don't see chakra as it is in Hindu and Buddhism.. I see them as glands from which, with practice, you can extract hormones that help concentrate during occult practices.
Posted by darkermaster (Jan 02, 2011) :
So they are not called chakra at all, from what you are saying they are the endocrine system, which is a rational approach, completely natural parts of human anatomy
Posted by fairyblossom (Jan 06, 2011) :
Excelent excerise Alek,
We know them as the Chakras, and indeed darker they are the main points and life force to the human body we commun with, the vital too as if not cleansed say after healing or using our enegies for what purpuse our main energies points get stale and congested they like a mustle and have to excesized the same as eating breathing.
The more we a tune to our bodies the better it is for us as the body will talk and tell us when we have something wrong with us before it happens, I will know if I'm going to ill before it happens!
So when we speak cleanings of the Chakras we taking about bad feelings emotions from other ppls sadness we may have stored up and dispersed or we may have depressed etc, cleasning is vital to re-new and allow healing to take place whether or not you have anything thing wrong with you, in this case it healing is the soul.