
Forums ► Comments ► Attention!!!!!!!

Post # 1
Go to this site if you want to see how radical some people are about their religion

My goddess, they talk about eating endangered species at a banquet because God put them on this Earth for food for us.

They also mention about killing people from other religions, especially Muslims, Hindus and especially us magickal people.

I also quote them on this: "Our motto is "get saved, get to a Christian Clothing store, and get fitted for the kingdom." A man should dress and act like a man, and a woman should dress and act like a submissive female helpmate."

Geez, it's like a cult especially with these rules:

Reading of 'crime oriented' comic books, possession of alcohol outside of Post Communion Party regulations, idol worship, inappropriate dress in town or in church, dress related to 'counter-culture' movement, beards are not allowed except with special permission from Pastor Smith himself, long earrings on women, use of tampons is strictly prohibited, men with earrings or jewelry of any kind, hugging, possession of pornographic material (except for widowed or single men over the age of 65), failure to identify oneself to a church authority, failure to answer a call slip, witchcraft, dancing and/or skipping, association with Catholics, Presbyterians, Mormons, Methodists, Unitarians, Episkypols, or any other occult activity (unless under supervision by Dr. J. Edwards), failure to conform to rules and regulations, failure to submit to authority, the questioning of church authority is not tolerated and may result in dismissal, failure to bring at least one new guest to church a week, failure to win at least one soul a week, disrespect, lying, stealing, cheating, plotting, failure to have a demon-possessed infant sterilized, attendance at non-Christian owned picture houses, and rock music.

If one more christian tries to witness me to the "true religion" watch out. THis place is a cult and I am tired of being judged as a Wiccan and yet they promote this kn=ind of crap.

Don't get me wrong, these ppl don't represent the rest of them but if they try to tell me that Wicca is satanism, they will be very sorry
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 2
I sent hate mail to them. They are nothing but disgusting people who will be sent to a torturous realm of existance when this life ends for them.
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 3
It does not sound so bad...
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 4
I went to chearch once and was told "to be myself and not try to be some one I'm not" then I got told to get rid of all my stones, posters, books and anything else I had to do with magick, becouse their the devils tools. I just had to laugh at this.
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 5
Variados, no offense but are you for real? they are promoting the killing of innocent people who are not apart of their religion. Even those who are from different denominations of Christianity. How could you agree with that?

Beccadragon,are you saying that wicca is part of the devil's work? lol come on. Sure that is great that you have found yourself but if you are suggesting that wicca is associated with Satan I would be more worried about the pedophiles, corruption and the classification of women as submissive helpmates in your religion rather than the non-existent Satan in mine
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 6
Thats horrible...I don't understand how people can do that..
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 7

Well said EarthStag.

People demote so many others for having different beliefs.

And Wicca is not Satans work, far from the truth on that one.

Good work EarthStag =)
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 8
hey guys just had a look then had a look on wikipedia.

Thankfully its a joke site heres the link to wiki to read some more
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 9

but theres the forum addy go looky still scary
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Re: Attention!!!!!!!
Post # 10
i gota say this...guys, im a Christian, and that type of religious extremism is absolutely disgusting to me. im careful with magick here, and im watching wut i get myself into. but it simply sickens me to here things like skipping and rock music (and tampons????) called evil and satanic. utterly disgusting.

i am a devout Christian. and yes, that means that i do think others r going to Hell who r not Christian. but...that was hideous. and, trust me, i respect u guys. i wont preach to u. i know that everyone hates Christians cuz they always sound like "well, no matter wut u say, ur going to hell unless u aggree with me."

trust me, i know how that sounds...

but, just clarifying this guys...the only religions that Christians ARE ACTUALLY OBLIDGED to harm WERE muslims. this was simply because they WERE NOT considered religions, but heretics, being unorthidox branches of Christianity.

AND SO YALL DONT MISCONSTRU this, i dont think we should kill muslims or any religion for the sake of their religion. but im just saying, it has roots. all that the catholics were doing in killing muslims was trying to stop the distortion of their own religion...needless to say, it didnt work....
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