some1 cast a spell on me

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some1 cast a spell on me
Post # 1
Hi im a new member to this forum and I need your help. I dont care what coven you belong to or what magic you practice. Im a college student and I believe someone has cast a spell on me. I believe a women that used be my neighbor has cast this spell on me. She is older around 45-50(not really sure). Every night i used to smell things burning, i actuallly smelled like hair burning. Everytime she used to visit my house i would get this terrible pain in foot. Te pain went away when she moved from my floor(she lives 2 floors above now). I used to be a very good student but as time went by i seemed to be more distracted, and things got so bad that I actually had to take a year off. There are also some other terrible things that are happening to me that I never thought would happen. I would appriciate if any of you can help me.
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