Witchling with questions:

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Witchling with questions:
Post # 1
Hi I am quite new to the site and recently got intrested in the Wiccan ways and I recently joined as a member. I have some questions and I would appreciate some honest answers please.
(Sorry If I appear dumb or a n00b but im 12 my sis age 20 oversees what I do cuz' im too young to have an account)

Well...I got interested in the beauty spells on here and a few revenge ones cuz' Im ugly -but smart and nice- but others just don't see past my troubled skin,my hair is a disaster and I'm constantly teased and bellittle'd by my family when they think I don't hear,friends behind my back and the people who bully me.

I want REVENGE on my classmates so bad...and I wan't to be able to laugh smugly at them ALL! and make them PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID TO ME! Nothing big just some small satisfactury revenge.

I want to be pretty so I may laugh in there faces! (that sounds vain but its true!)And so I can make my mom and sister proud to be there relation so they can take me out more rather then leave me in my room it makes me feel like Im a shameful burden.

Most of all I need some spell advice.

I try quite hard but as I said I'm favoured by teachers,bellittaled by all others.

I need a basic spell for luck as fate seems to hate my guts.

Also when I read spells there's a big need for specific coloured candle's can someone explain why to me?

I also need a spell for flawless skin. (some hair spells too but I'm not to bothered)

I need advice on how exactly spells and magic work from you well experienced lot,I have not yet cast a spell but my friend cast the (good) familier spell on his cat Merlin (while I was there) and his eye's had this werid ring of colour and the door BANGED nobody was there and Merlin hissed at the door BEFORE it banged and did'nt stop till the banging left.

CREEPY. It would help If you had general comments,advice on any succesful spells and share the results with others here

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Re: Witchling with questions:
Post # 2
Ahh...Revenge is sweet. I completely agree with you.

Different colored candles are used to symbolize what the spell might be used for, like orange is used for love spells. I read that colors can bwe used for a more personal level, like if you think of a certain trait every time you see one color, than use that color candle instead.

I found some beaty spells, but I haven't tried them yet.


Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it.
Light some vanilla candles and/or incense.
As you lie in the water,meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words:
Earth, Air, Fire, Sea
Let the Goddess' beauty
Shine through me

Skin and Acne Healing Spell

This spell is specifically for someone who has a skin problem that is persistant and makes them feel insecure or causes them irritation. This includes but is not limited to rashes, acne, bruises, and swelling.

Best if performed on a new or waxing moon, even better just before going to sleep. Following a bath, make yourself comfortable somewhere in your bedroom. You must be able to easily reach the problem area on your body or face. Place a hand over the skin. Close your eyes and imagine something calm and serene, specifically, a scene where there is water. This could be an ocean, a quiet lake, or rain in the tropics.

Chant three times:

"Goddess heal me
So mote it be!"

You can replace Goddess with the name of a healing deity if you wish. Move your fingers slowly over the infliction. Now imagine it is smooth, flat, and healthy. As you slowly pass your hand over the skin, it should feel almost as if it is already healed. Thank the Goddess or the deities invoked.

This spell, if successfully performed, will cause the skin problem to disappear within a few days.

I got them at these websites:

Hope this helps!
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Re: Witchling with questi
Post # 3
tho revenge may be sweet, always remember the Rule of Three: what you do comes back threefold. they will get theirs, but it will take time. i'm 20 and i still get teased, bullied, etc by peers, coworkers, and even my family (because of the way i look and all).

it will be hard to do, but try not to go to magick as your first resort of feeling hurt. you will need an outlet, but it shouldn't be automatically "revenge spell" or a hex/curse. i had a friend die because she did that (i will not go into details for personal reasons).

i bet you have amazing qualities! it's hard to do, (i've been doing it since i was 6 and it's still hard) but i promise you it will be worth it when you're older.

i may not be as experienced as many other's on this site, but i do wish to share what i know.

if you need any other help, just ask :)

hope this helps even a little
if not, i'm sorry.

blessed be
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