Good and Evil

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Good and Evil
Post # 1
I am starting to wonder why
do people care in witch group the fill in.In white or black magick.
I think that good and evil are part of thecircl,or one think with different approach
And to obtain full Knowledge about magic and life we should have in mind that evil cannot exist without good ,and that good cant exist ithout evil
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Re: Good and Evil
Post # 2
Well now that all depends on your views of good and evil.

And black magick is often frowned upon because it is used mostly, not all of it but mostly, for selfish reasons. Love spells, harming another, etc. But like I said not all black magick focusses on that.
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Re: Good and Evil
Post # 3
Black magick does not necessary means "evil".... remember black magick is used to get rid of things (most of the time) so it is used in darkest nights, when the moon is not present (new moon)
O_O so, yeah it depends what is it that you are focusing to do black magick, but magick is magick the colors are representations for the subconcience to work with...since there is where are limitations lies. ^_^ so, I cannot say I practice, green, blue, black, white, grey magick...etc....
Because I am here for magick in general and not just the colors, but if I have to be in a group, I will say I am here for the rainbow magick...hahahak
This is info is from my head, so any one can correct me if suited to do so, or believe I am whack and do not know nothing, but here I go with colors...
Black Magick = to get rid of things
White Magick = to get things
Grey Magick = to perform magick for others
Green Magic = Time equals money
Pink Magick = Love magick
Red magick = Lust, passion
Orange Magick = friendship

O_o Ok I lost my train of thoughts....and forgot my colors...but what I want to say, every one has their own definition of what is good and evil....for what I believe is pure evil, for you might just be acceptable....or vice and versus...
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