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This forum.
Post # 1
Not saying I am the definitive in spell-casting but I guess I'm as good as any. Came to this site to see if there was anyway I could help and was frankly astonished to find it is frequented by teenagers who for some unnaccountable reason think they are gods.

Let me tell you kids you are not. Don't know what bad parenting caused you to this but the fact is you ain't.

Another business is this desire for demons, vampires, time-travel, eye colour change and so it goes.

Kids, this just doesn't happen in the real world and that is where we live and no amount of wishing or thinking or listening to folk who think they are this god or that will change the status quo. Nor will anyone who claims they have control of your mind. They are just sad beasts, akin to nonces who think they do. Nothing further than the mind of an anenome.

These supposedley dark hearted and mindless, egotistical self-demons will have you believe they are the answer, through domination, of your chance to be totally free and with that the power that can come with it.

Each of you was born free, with an idependant personailty and with the freedom to become who you are.

It grieves me to see so many looking for demons and faeries, wanting to taste blood. This largely seems an adolescent thing, devoid of adult guidance.

There seems so many help me quests that are of abhorrent range and it seems to me, we, the undertakers of spell magic and what is good are derelict in duty.

Web servers agree on protecting the innoccent. What less are we? Demons;vampires;time warps; gods and godesses? Are the spell-masters here so ignorant? Or just too scared to say?

That's it. The gloves are off.


Or is there no-one here but me?

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Re: This forum.
Post # 2
if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.....thats what i was always told when i was growing up.....oh and another one is....opinions are like butts, every body has one and they always stink....

basically what im saying is its best just to keep your mouth shut, and not read the threads that ask for help, if you dont want to actually help....
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Re: This forum.
Post # 3
I agree Greylights there a way to many of them even myself had a phase where I researched demons (I even called Behemoth, Astaroth and Moloch) but in the end it was just bad just plain bad
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Re: This forum.
Post # 4
"Let me tell you kids you are not. Don't know what bad parenting caused you to this but the fact is you ain't"

I AM NOT A KID (hahahah Jokes)

Anyways, I am quite old for the average user on this site.
^_^ and I am not a heavier user of magick, nor I claim to be a witch....but I have perform few spells such as eye coloring ones, and they worked for me (but I will have to admit that using color contacts should be more easier). As time traveling goes, the only one I have done or can do is the astral traveling one which takes me to different places, and different times... ^_^ ( I am no good at it just yet)
-_- So as the site goes I came here where hardly there was a threat....actually I saw no threats at all nor covens.. *_* I am quite surprised to see that there is so many spells and covens and many other fun stuff to read...

^_^ all I can say is that most people in here are dabblers (no, I am not calling people fake, because I believe that will be so not my type of word to use...)
I, myself will follow on the category of a dabbler since I only give certain space of my life to magick and no my whole mind to it ( I feel to do so for necessity).

But, I believe Greylights that is not just teens that act once in a while like this but adults as well, and parenting is not much to blame. ^_^ well that is just me saying anyways, after all I am the one saying that magick can change your eyes colors....( I cannot be serious too long, it is not good)
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Re: This forum.
Post # 5
I too agree that there are many younger people found on this site and some of the things that they are looking for may seem strange to me but I would also rather try and help or advise than allow them to make serious mistakes. Youth is the future so why should we not help and direct when we can. Was there not someone there to help and direct you in your youth? Do we not have a responsibility here? I believe that we do and to leave the youth to their own would be wrong. So even though they may not always listen.....we should at least be here to try
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Re: This forum.
Post # 6
And by the way....I am not a kid nor a dabbler but rather one who was raised in a magical family and this is my way of life as it is with my own children.
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Re: This forum.
Post # 7
Rainbow, you do not fall on "the most" ^_^ So, it is very cool.
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