How dose magick work?

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How dose magick work?
Post # 1
I been thinking about this question from a long time and can't think of an answer. You see I believe everything in the world must have give and take. In magick, I do not see a give and take, all I see is you make a spell or a summoning and nothing is taken. So my question is how dose magick work and want is taken from the user?
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Re: How dose magick work?
Post # 2
There's been many different beliefs about how magick works. People who do believe have one shared belief regarding it though, it does. My oersonal theory a scientific one.
As you know, we all have energy coursing through our veins, it's the very thing that allows us to move, eat, sleep, talk, and function on a level that we pecieve as normal. Without said energy we'd most likely all be rock like. Unable to move unless moved by another. As it is life is kind of like that life goes on, even if we didn't move at all. Life would still keep on running it's course, and because of that we'd all be moved as well. As we are all a part of this universe. Now then, understanding that. We have another type of energy that does not allow us the bodily function of moving. But, a energy that allows us to alter lifes course, if we have enough strength. It's just like how if you have enough strenth you can move a rock, or run a marathon, and even though it does not allow us to do these things, it still does something on it's own. The concious mind is much less powerful than the subconcious mind though so in order to achieve the results we want some people will use magick to alter fate. Of course, because this is 'fate' no matter what radical thing a person does that's all in the cards, and most likely should not effect the spell. Unless they die that is... But, that may just be the result of poor spell casting, or having poor magickal energy. Magick isn't meant to be easy, though it may not seem it because alot of people percieve magick to be a quick fix, most of the spells that work the best are very complicated. That's why in the spells of the past they had things like White dogs excriments in the spells haha. Because though these things were hard to find, they did the best job. And, though most people just want simple and easy spells that will instantly make their life so much better, that's not magick. Alot of times with magick, infact you'll find that the thing you wanted isn't all it's cut out to be hence the saying "Be careful what you wish for" And, though you may reverse a spell, it will have already affected fates possibly joyous and happy course for you. It is true that magick isn't how most mudane people would like it to be, now that everything's automatic we wish that magick would be too, but it never will be. Magick is hard work and dedication, especially if you truly want your spell to work and are becoming impatient, but then again will is a powerful thing, and can also drive us.
In terms of what magick takes from the user, it can take alot of your energy, and cause you to feel very lethargic,but only for a short ammount of time. Ultimately as stated above though it taes hard work and dedication. Hope this aids you, and good luck on your magickal journey. Sorry this post is so long too, how I ramble.
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Re: How dose magick work?
Post # 3

In any case...magick does give and take...nothing is free in this world (that is one way to look it at it)
As I always say, what you owe you pay...and one example in magick is Karma, cause and effect. Just like in Alchemy, equal exchange..and stuff like that... For example, when I do tarot readings, my energy goes low, I feel very tire after performing two or three readings in a row (that is why I do not use it that much) Same goes when I cast protection spells, I use most of my energies to do so, so when you use magick, you do not get things handed to you. You work to get it. For example, you do a spell to get a job...well after performing the spell you cannot wait for the job to come to you, you will have to get initiation for trying to go get a job, and they will come once you look for them...and you will get a Magick is to help but not to make life any easier...^_^ but it is not that you always pay what you think you deserve to pay, but more what you actually owe... *_* God works in mysterious ways they any case, like Kyori said, and I always say as well, be careful what you wish for...
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Re: How dose magick work?
Post # 4
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost
---Alchemys first law :)
Haha, I'm glad you did read it all,
Variados, much appreciated.
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Re: How dose magick work?
Post # 5
^_^ I love to read....and yes, it is so much excitement to know some times people think we get things handed, by using magick some people thing the things come easier, and that is just one more myth.... ^_^
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