Weird question for you...

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Weird question for you...
Post # 1
Hi everyone, So I was wondering someting about the bible... So first thing you should knoww I'm don't really believe it ( but I try to keep my mind open )
I've rode the bible (not completely) and I think that their is a lot of contradictions in it, for example "god said do not kill" but he also kill everyone in sodome...
And there is an other thing that I don't understand why is there so many religions in the world with their onw beliefs and most of them said that if you don't believe you go straight to hell ??
And how could god made adam and eve knowing that it's against everythings that Darwin said ??

I'm really sorry if you don't understand what I wrote, I was just trying to clear up my thougts.

And i want to say thank you to everyone who will help my solve my problems.
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Re: Weird question for you...
Post # 2
god told humans not to kill...and when he killed, it was the wicked and unrighteous.

not all religions have a hell, but to each their own.

i don't think god cared what Darwin thought.

Now, all that said, the bible is historical..doesn't mean it's literal or accurate. It's been translated and retranslated many times. Things have been added and removed.

It's a good read, if you view it as allegorical.
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