Projection : AP, EP, MP,

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Projection : AP, EP, MP,
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
Sublte Body Theory
Posted by Zea
Feb. 17th, 2011

A commonly known form of astral travel is Astral Projection; yet what many do not know is that it has great depth and is quite complicated to learn in mastery without any form of guidance.

Astral Projection itself can both be taken in literal terms and in general terms. Meaning- astral projection can be the same as astral ravel and it can also be a form of astral projection.

In general astral projection includes the separating between one of a person's various and their physical body.
Literally speaking, astral projection is a form of astral travel. In that astral projection can mean the same thing as astral travel it can be considered a form of itself.

Although astral projection can be used as either, in my lessons I will refer to astral travel and simply astral travel for the most part to make it less confusing.

There are 3 forms of astral travel/astral projection:
Mental Projection- the easiest to achieve
Astral Projection (literal term)- in the middle to second easiest and second hardest to achieve
Etheric Projection- definitely the most difficult, and the most dangerous

Also in astral travel there are as mentioned, forms that a person can take and depending on these forms is what type of astral travel they use. The person's form and method of astral travel corresponding with one another.
These forms are called subtle bodies. The subtle bodies range in density which is the main reason for the level fo difficulty one may have using different methods to astral travel.

These Subtle Bodies are as Listed from Least to Greatest Density:
Casual Body
Mental Body
Astral Body
Etheric Body
Physical Body

Yes the physical body is considered a subtle body.

Subtle bodies differ in density; how close together the particles in their makeup are.
The subtle bodies also range in ability and mobility.
There are 5 subtle bodies, let us take a closer look at them.

The least densest, the Casual Body or ''abstract mind'' is exactly how it sounds. ''Abstract'' meaning far from reality or not concrete. This body can not venture any further than the mind/brain itself, much less actually leave the body. You are in this form when simply dreaming.

The second to least dense would be the Mental Body or ''concrete mind''. ''Concrete'' meaning very close to reality. This subtle body also can not move further than the brain (unless specifically trained to do so, which is in a different lesson). You are in this form when you are what you will know as lucid dreaming.
~ Where mental projection takes place.

The middle or 3rd densest subtle body is know as the Astral Body. This is the form most often used during astral travel. It may move to any plane higher/above than this one (i.e I can only ascend from this plane it can not descend from this plane), this also means it may not travel on this very plane.
~ Where astral projection takes place.

Then we have the second densest subtle body, the Etheric Body. The Etheric Body is very dense, so much in that some people may be able to see it. This does in fact mean it may travel on this plane, as well as planes above and below it.
~ Where etheric projection takes place.

Last subtle body really isn't subtle at all, the Physical Body. All are familiar with this one and that it can not move beyond this plane. The body of which has skin, bones, organs etc...

Now for a bit of clarification on the subtle bodies.

The Astral Body may not descend and or stay on this plane. But that doesn't mean it may not be able to view or travel as though it were. There are planes that exist primarily right on this one, that they exist intertwined or rather on the same level. For instance mixing colors of paint, there are still atoms of both colors that are not apart of the other color but the 2 colors still share the same surface. What is on this plane can be viewed from this plane, what is not on this plane can not. A person in the form of the astral body may only be able to view this plane and those on this plane not be able to view them. The 2 planes be on the same surface but this plane is still considered below it because it must be traveled through to get to any of the lower planes.

High planes- planes resting on or above the physical plane (this plane)
Low planes- planes resting below the physical plane

To Begin Astral Travel
By: Zea
Feb 12, 2011

Mental Projection

Mental Projection is a trance like state that is very easy to obtain.

Sit down and if you can meditate for a few minutes just to get your mind ready to wander. Now think about the many places you'd like to visit. Imagine them flying past you. Make sure your eyes are closed though. Look forward in your mind and picture a tunnel with images of these places flying by. What do you see? What does this tunnel look like? Do you naturally see anything you didn't think to imagine? Write these down in a personal notebook or diary w/e, for they will give you a bit a reference for later on in lessons that take you in more depth.

Think about these things that you saw. Each little detail as you are falling asleep that night. Try to keep these things in mind as you doze off into sleep. And as you sleep try to keep consciousness as you sleep. During your sleep, try to imagine a doorway; any kind at all. Decorate this doorway with your own personal images or decorations to make it spiritually attached to you. Don't forget a door handle though it may be useful. Now, if you can, slowly bring yourself back awake. Now write everything you just saw in your dream-possibly a miniature drawing of your door. If you feel like coloring the door this may be even more helpful later on when trying to come back to it. Did you see anything in your dream that you saw earlier when you were meditating? Write it down...

If this doesn't work the first, because you either couldn't keep control or train of thought during your dream or even if you couldn't meditate, it is o.k. Many people, or rather most people can't dream control at first try. And many people have a hard time relaxing enough to meditate. Just keep at this for a while until your door becomes more and more vivid.

Astral Projection

Astral Projection is the most common variant.
Everyone astral projects, but it sometimes happens when one isn't even aware. This mostly happens in a sleeping state.

Affects May Include~ Seeing one's own body during ''take off''. Intruding others' dreams. Meeting others on the planes. One's life will be COMPLETELY vulnerable due to not being able to feel the physical body.

In This Phase/Variant~ Premonitions, third eye opening and other things dealing with divination might happen or strengthen. Most things that do happen on the planes are done in the astral form.

Etheric Projection

Called or referred to as a ''near death experience''.
Affects May Include~ All vital signs pointing to death: your heart rate speeds up and eventually stops, no respiration/breathing, severe temperature drop and so...
One may achieve full or highest potential through this variant, also ascending into truest form a.k.a higher self.

The soul and mind as it is traveling will feel anything and everything that happens to the physical body. If someone steps on your fingers while you're Etheric Projection, you're going to have a bit of pain on your hands ;). If someone stabs your body multiple times violently, I'm afraid you won't be coming back and instead will stay there on the astral.

In This Phase/Variation~ One is practically a ghost/phantom. If seen, one will be viewed as such.

Possible Occurrences~ Think of what an apparition or your true form can do and apply it to the world around you (normally this plane). Moving to any plane; below, on or above this one.

By: MaraXXX
Feb 13, 2011

Wonderful post Zea! I really enjoyed reading it.
Actually i find this astral traveling thing very interesting and intriguing but i never really dared to try it not even meditate for sake of it. With other words i can feel the danger on the "other side" waiting for me :D

Anyway i think I've been experiencing it during in sleeping state but it was looong time ago, i had 9 or 10 years back then (i have strong memory) i often had dreams or whatever they were of watching myself sleeping between my parents and than after floating and around the bedroom i can clearly recall a black hole right above the bed and sometimes attached at the wall which i was entering in and there were dark tunnels like crossroad and at the end of one i was often greeted by some strange people and creatures even my own friends! Maybe they were only a child's dreams but as i see it now...can it be astral projecting?

By: Zea
Feb 14, 2011

Most definitely could be.
People of all ages project while sleeping, you most likely still do. Most of the time though, they just don't realize it, and do take it as a dream.

Re: Projection : AP, EP, MP,
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
The Process of AP
By: Zea
Mar 11, 2011

Stay relaxed, and keep your mind focused.

Once you feel that little tug behind your eyes, remain relaxed, focused, and still. That's the trick to the simple way of projecting, and it takes time. For some it's very difficult to do, so I suggest meditating first or running around or anything that will help you calm down and relax.

You do not have to see your astral body actually separate. The process itself is simple. When you astral project, your astral body, along with the lesser subtle bodies go with it. This separates the various forms of projection. Try working your way up the ladder. Try mental projection sometime if you haven't already, get used to that, then try astral projection. It will be so much easier.

First your bodies bodies begin to level off on different planes, causing for some, a vibrating sensation. There are 2 planes directly on top and below this plane, the physical plane. They are not spaced out like most other planes, in fact something can exist on either at the same time. So your astral body, when first projecting but not completely lifting off just yet, remains in the planes either directly above or below this one. This gives the notion of not separating yet, but really your bodies are already almost there. All you must do from here is to create a connection, which typically comes naturally but some people have to do it consciously, and climb. Climbing is the actual case of projecting further into the astral planes, this may take some practice when projecting consciously.

Everyone astral projects, but not everyone is aware of it. It really is a naturally occurring habit that one can with practice learn to do voluntarily.
To help with climbing I suggest trying dream control, it works wonders for you when you start projecting.

Re: Projection : AP, EP, MP,
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Mental Projection
By: Zea
Feb 23, 2011

Now then, there's been some questions about Mental Projection. To begin with, it is the easiest form of Astral Travel, and generally works the same way as its counterparts Astral, and Etheric.

Familiarize yourselves with at least the 5 basic Subtle Bodies that I teach (you may find information on 7 subtle bodies if you wish to go the spiritual way with this).
Abstract Mind
Mental Body/Concrete Mind
Astral Body
Etheric Body
Physical Body

Something to keep in mind, that I doubt I've mentioned is that the Abstract Mind, or sub-conscience does not project on its own; it needs to hitch a ride with the Mental Body (surfaced conscience) and vise versa.
And of course your physical body can not astrally project at all. Some will claim it can, but the reason it's called a Physical Body is because it exists exclusively on the Physical Plane.

Now then, Mental Projection is often what people refer to as Astral Projecting while their body is fully awake and aware. And most of the people here that claim to do it without actually having to try, are full of bologna. Now Astral Projection can happen while one sleeps without having to try, but Mental Projection is something you must give a tad bit effort into; although it is still achievable while you don't really notice what's happening.

Mental Projection is similar to the concept of throwing your conscience, often achieved through ''day dreaming''. The process is a simplified form of Astral Projection (generally with less steps) and is typically easier.

While one may sit, stand, or lie down, stare off into your mind. Let yourself begin to day dream, but free your mind to do, and see what it wonders to first.
In other words, relax while keeping yourself awake.
With Mental Projection, both your Abstract and Concrete Minds (making up your entire conscience) project.
Once you are completely relaxed, and trying to use as little visualization as possible (visualization will engaged your conscience and you will find it more so difficult to project) attempt to push your actually sight further and try to attach it something solid like a wall or door (this will help keep it from snapping back while you get used to being out of your head).
Your body may feel numb, which is normal.
As you get settled on your wall, or whatever the solid object is, you will need to start concentrating.
Remember, NO VISUALIZATION! You need to see only what is actually there.
Concentrate on finding solid ground, form your Mental Body by recalling how it feels to stand and so forth.
Use what feels like legs to stand up and anchor yourself outside of your Physical Body.

By now I would have suggested you practice Dream Control because it helps with this sort of thing.
Because once you've finished with this technique I've written down, you've projected, but you will most likely wish to venture farther into Astral Planes.
Dream Control will help you with this.

Keep in mind, higher the planes, the safer and more serene yet more difficult to exist.
Lower the planes, the more dangerous and less becoming yes easier to move through (not exactly easy to get to).

Re: Projection : AP, EP, MP,
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
this was absolutely fantastic !!!! thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to us all rashnu, i for one have wanted to try anstral projection for some time and now after many months of learning the basics ( i am still learning them well increasing my knowledge of them ) have started to think about this subject and your post will be of great help. many blessing upon you , macus.

Re: Projection : AP, EP, MP,
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I can't take credit for this, macus. I simply compiled Zea's post into one.

All of this is her work ;)

Re: Projection : AP, EP, MP,
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
was still very good though, thanks

Re: Projection : AP, EP, MP,
Post # 7
Now this is exactly what I am looking for :)
Awesome post!

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