
CovenDeep Arts ► rushing
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By: / Beginner
Post # 1
i see a lot of threads on this site written by people who seem to want to rush and focus on what i like to call 'the current fashionable magick aspects'. everywhere i look at the moment both on this site and others is the subject of astral projection :-)
i often wonder why when people are so new to craft ( eg a few weeks or few short months (6 months and the like) ) that we dont see more threads and questions asked upon the subject of the 'basics' (meditation.vizualization,circle casting,altar set up,moon phases etc ) there is a saying 'fail to plan is to plan to fail' astral projection is possible but why rush? study basic techniques first after all if the craft is for you , then you have years to study and perfect techniques :-)
ps i have posted this thread in the general comments section of this site and not just in this coven as i wrote it as a general topic :-)

many blessing to you all macus

blessings upon you all macus

Re: rushing
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
One thing to take into consideration is that the younger generations are called "digital learners" (and the older generations have become accustomed to it to some degree). This simply means that as a society, we have given them instant answers to everything they could ever want to know and usually step by step instructions on how to get it done quickly and efficiently.

By no means is this an excuse to skip the process of experience, taking your time and truly trying to understand what you are reading. It is, however, an explanation as to why people rush into things. As a society, we have told ourselves and our children "the faster the better" and even "quantity over quality". And we have gotten exactly that from people ;)

Re: rushing
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
yes i agree with what you have said, people do seem sadly from what i have read on both this site and others to be mainly interested in what i call 'the lastest fashionable magick' it is sad that they dont take the time to study the craft learn the history and such.

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