yo im blueboy!

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yo im blueboy!
Post # 1
heya guys! im a 12 yr old and i cma eacross this site...i love it! i can do soem spimple spells but not very big ones! i only tried a claming spell and a hearign spell and htey both worked! im hapyp ot be here so i can use my magic for good!
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Re: yo im blueboy!
Post # 2
Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay. Keep it friendly and productive and always be an active member. Be careful on what you do and if you're not sure of anything PM me or someone knowledgeable on that subject.
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Re: yo im blueboy!
Post # 3
Welcome to the site!
Blessed be
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Re: yo im blueboy!
Post # 4
Welcome!! I'm 13. Mail me if u wanna ask anything!
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