Hello members of spellsofmagic.Grg here.
So some ask"What is magic?" and others ask"What is magick?".Do you see the differance?Well a lot of people say"Yes,magick is spelled wrong"and others say"Yeah,magic is spelled wrong".Heres the huge shock:There both spelled currectly!Then you ask how.Well they have two different meanings.Magick means witchcraft,real spells,levitating,etc,but for magic means magicains,fake spells,levitating(with a string),and sawing someone in half.See the difference?So then you ask"What is magick?"Well thats what im talking about!
There are different meanings to magick in religions,the path you take,and/or religious views.To me magick is:
The cosmic energy of the universe itself.
However i'm a(n) pagan and that is my view of it.There are different meanings.So you ask"I'm a christain and my religion saids its bad,what do I do?"Lets say christainty has some disagreements with magick,but not all magick is bad though.These are the two main ones
White magick:Good,spells for healing,health,good luck,protection,etc.
Black magick:Bad,Bad luck,summoning evil,binding protection,etc.
Theres also penta magick,but I won't get into that topic right now.So you see magick is NOT all bad,it can be good too.There are other views for magick,but this is mine.This does not have all details though.
Indeed your right Brysing and yes,correctly is spell wrong(type-o error).Plus Brysing its the matter were people understand it along their path and the belief.
ya know. it states the difference in the two in the FAQ's just my observation because i read the rules on this site im sure if other people did the same they would find out without reading this thread
Re: This is magick(my view) By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 6 Oct 23, 2011
Black magick is not evil, nor is it "bad". Nature has a destructive side to it. Animals, weather, life in general. You have to pick fruit to eat it, and that in itself is destructive to the plant's natural way of reseeding. In order to eat meat the animal has to die. People harm to defend themselves or others.
Life is about balance. If you wish to ignore that you are destructive, that's your choice, but no one can go through life without being destructive.
Smile at your "white magick" lifestyle while you live your life, which is full of harm, and continue to believe you're "harming none".
Those who do not "color" their magick are more realistic and balanced in my opinion. Do what is in your heart but understand the whole picture.
you know whiteraven there is the chaos theory that kind of goes along with what you say but i agree with you on that point that people who have no "color" to their magick is more balanced and understanding
"Life is about balance...
Those who do not "color" their magick are more realistic and balanced in my opinion. Do what is in your heart but understand the whole picture. "
I completely agree with this. I think too often people try to label themselves either "black" or "white" when in reality the middle path is, in my opinion, the best one to take. Keep an open mind. You do not have to label yourself.