True or false

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True or false
Post # 1
my friend sais that if she did NOT eat her powers would get stronger? is that true???? 0_0 or is that false?
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Re: True or false
Post # 2
sounds like a nice way to say she's anerexsic(sp?)
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Re: True or false
Post # 3
mmmm good point 0_0 but what IF 0_0 she wasnt? and she is telling the truth????0_0?
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Re: True or false
Post # 4
then i dont know
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Re: True or false
Post # 5
Well, if she was fasting, yes, it does increase your powers to do so. Also, there are many spells that require fasting, so that may be what she mean't too. However it's very impractical to go without any eating, during fasts you can have raw vegetables (preferably organic), juice, and fruits, it's suggested that they aren't too citrusy though. The whole concept of fasting is to purify ones mind and body (most times meditation is mixed in with fasts), as they say the body is a temple, and it's just another part of you. However, it is not required to fast to gain more power, especially if it means not eating at all.
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Re: True or false
Post # 6
Honestly i think its false, you need energy to release your power or raw energy. So food is needed other wise while meditation is taking place you wont have the energy to complete it...
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Re: True or false
By: / Novice
Post # 7
I think it's also about discipline.

To master the mind, one must master the body: train it not to complain just because it's cramping from sitting in one position for so long, or because it's too cold or too warm, or hungry... or has a sharp metal object run through it (as extreme as some mystics go: "Aww, poor physical body wants to spasm and curl up in pain just because it's been staked? Shut up, you're MY vessel!")

... I wouldn't recommend it either, if you can't moderate it to suit your own limits (and that's hard to judge, if the whole point of self-discipline is to test your endurance.)
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Re: True or false
Post # 8
Well, Teriwill, there's a difference between magickal energy. and physical energy
And, I know for a fact though that when you fast you do feel much more magickally powerful, and it does aid in meditation. A combination of lack of sleep and lack of food is used in vision quests, after all. However, you do feel weak and lethargic physically, most fasts only last about three days anyways, but magick is about dedication.
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Re: True or false
Post # 9
In giving up the desire to eat (at least temporarily), there is more of your energy that can be focused on the task you want, if you are able to redirect the energy of that effort quickly enough. It'd take practice.

But, in depriving yourself of nutrients, eventually the body is gonna force itself to work differently by conserving energy, while it starts to feed off the body's muscle and fat stores. Without proper nutrients, your body chemistry changes from the regular production levels, but it isn't always a 'freeing up' of all of your energy. Pain, increased sensitivity to stimuli (in a bad way; not the good, occult way) start happening. Malnutrition increases the risk of infection and disease by decreasing the immune system's ability to fight it.

There are those in the occult that would do drastic things to their physical forms to make them 'shut up' and stop all the energy it's using, so they can focus more on their powers. I suppose they are also trying to attempt to the use the energy of the emotions of the starvation symptons, as a fuel source to draw on.

There are the breatharians that try to use energy as a replacement to solid food and drink, but I wouldn't recommend it until you are very very good at energy manipulation, like on the level of very easily effecting the material realm with very noticable results.

If such an act would be undertaken, it certainly wouldn't be a beginner, intermediate or even some levels of adept-ness skill.
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Re: True or false
Post # 10
i think that it groes discipline but i dont think that it would improve them. It will more then likely give her better control. uhhh if someone said that then i uhh am sorry i guess. But yeah more control.
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