I have been looking for ways to make people show their true nature. Any suggestions? So far all I have heard is "give it time" but I was wondering if there might be a quicker way to go about it. If not I will be patient.
Try reading facial expressions. You can tell just about anything about anybody by looking at their face. People generally tend to forget that you can learn a lot by looking at a persons eyes and just the way the face configures with it. The eyes never lie. So, try that.
This is always something that happens over time as you develop a relationship with someone. Do trust your instincts, I've had instances where I just knew someone was bad news and I've ended up being right. Otherwise, work on being patient.
there are plenty of non magical ways to do it, body language, eye contact, tone of voice, little twitches like that. though if i was to give you a magical suggestion, i'd work on psychic powers, mind reading.
Psychology is important and it would come in handy. But some people are great actors or believe their lies. If they believe their lies, it poses a problem because they won't show any signs of lying. They would even pass a polygraph.
I'm sure you're looking for a magickal option. Write a spell to reveal the truth to you or bring their true self to the surface so that they act on their thoughts and emotions. But you must remain open to random thoughts, signs, and of course be aware of the person themselves and their slipups. There are truth oils, you can use a candle with the subject's name carved, a picture, words etc. The casting itself is simple, it's the focus and concentration needed that is only for those with patience and dedication. I usually spend at least 30min to 1hr on such a project, continuing to maintain focus and chanting. Keep the words short (4-6 lines) so you can memorize it. After a while I usually fall silent because I've entered a trance state. Once that happens (if that happens for you) you'll know when the spell is "set" and you pull out of the trance slowly and conclude the ritual. The more effort, focus and energy you put in, the better the results.
I know all about watching body language and basic psychology. Like stated, some people are so used to lying that they believe they are telling the truth. This can even confuse someone with great "intuition". You might get an off feeling about them, but it does not mean you will understand why. I was looking for a way to see past what they believe to be the truth, or show as the truth. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.