
Forums ► General Info ► Wands?
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Post # 1
What is the purpose of wands? I know that it is a way to direct energy, but what does it add to the magick you practice if anything?
Also, how do the different types of wood affect how the wand works (give specific examples also?)
And what other things do you add to the wands, like some people add crystals, or soak the wand in herbal mixtures, or add their blood to them. What does this add to the wand? (again, specific examples?)
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Re: Wands?
Post # 2
Wands are an energy focusing device and can be dedicated to assist in ceremonies. I make my wands and imbue them with my personal energy, they are used in casting circles and giving your spells that extra energy boost.I made mine of live oak and after thanking the tree it came from although this branch was ripped off of the tree in the severe wind storms in So. Cal. I sanded it and polished it smooth with steel wool. The finish is an oil blend of olive, lemon, and my blood. this blend imbues my energy into the wand and binds it to me.When my wand was dedicated and consecrated, it gave me a whole body tingle, which is evident even at a distance of 50 miles. when ever I think of my wand it makes me tingle..For me it is a very powerful wand.
I hope this gives you an idea as to wands and their use in magic
as an energy focusing and blessing tool.
Blessings and providence:
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