newbie here

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newbie here
Post # 1
I am new to all of this. I am curious if this can be harmful to me or my children? Also any advice would be very helpful too.
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Re: newbie here
Post # 2
well after you get to to a certain point in your learnings magic will not be classified in any way but for now it will theres black magic (curses hexes ect), white magic (protection, leitation, all the good basically) and then theres grey magic which is white magic turned black ( eg: u do a money spell but in u get the money by someone dying and leaving it in their will for you) (sry prety harsh example i know) but magic is powerful when its heart felt and you should never take advantage of it!
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Re: newbie here
Post # 3
soryy about spelling i just woke up lol
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Re: newbie here
Post # 4
oh yeh i also ment to mentchon tht there are plent of ways to reverse grey magic and also tht you can do a protection spel over your household and noone should be harmed ATALL
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Re: newbie here
Post # 5
i cant find any spells to start out with. a protection spell for the members of my household would be nice, especially with the dabgerous volunteer work i do. something to protect me and my children would be great if someone could help me out. Also I have been searching for a ring my father bought for me when I was young, it disapreared and I have no idea where. Is there anything that can help me with that?
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