Rule of three

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Rule of three
Post # 1
The rule of three is not a very old law. Consider the wiccan religion is. Why do you think rule was invented in the 40's??? If it is relative new should it be considered binding? And if it is a Wiccan belief why should those who dont believe in Wiccan follow it?
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Re: Rule of three
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Neat thread about that here:

Since every religion was a new once, I think it's as binding as the believers believe it is. Besides, even though Wicca is very new, it draws a lot from older roots.

But, yes, I do get very annoyed when people say the threefold law applies to everyone. I do see that the threefold law exists everywhere in many forms-- but more in the forms of the way people say, "I'm judging you".

For example, a man with two wives-- he has much love to share, and they have more division of labor (say, one of the wives works, and sometimes the husband helps houseclean, and one of the wives watches the breadwinner wife's kids while she's out) and the wives even talk through life troubles like sisters. Say, it's legal in that country, and besides everyone's happy.

People who don't like it, but can't back up their judgments with any real reasons, will say things like, "Bad karma for him," "She's going to hell," and "Threefold law-- it will come back to them!"
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Re: Rule of three
Post # 3
I was following you until the whole marrage thing. But anyway I know that the bible has a great many references to the three. God will cast a generational curse that will last for 3 generations. So shall your reap three fold. I was just wondering if that is Chirstan influence on a belief system that is much much older than Chirstanity.
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Re: Rule of three
Post # 4
I think that was a kind of crappy example Aeon. I really can't see how that would justify any sort of punishment at all. It may bother some people but nothing bad is truly happening.

The threefold law is easier to think of as karma. Sometimes it seems really weird and like it doesn't work, but I've personally had a lot of experiences with it in my life. I've also seen a lot of examples of it. My dad used to drink a lot and he knew it hurt himself and others but he did it anyways, selfishly. I didn't like that he drank and so I avoided him.

Then, one day he got into a car accident. He didn't die, but the resulting rehab and court troubles made him lose his job and the house. He took what little money he had left and he went to England. He's been gone for over a year.

My dad was the closest family member I had. He pissed me off and I pissed him off but to me there could've been no better father in the world.

We both got ours. His price to pay for drinking and being so careless towards others feelings- He went through months of conflict before leaving, and he hardly ever gets to see me or talk to me. My price for ignoring him... Wishing I hadn't wasted the little time I did have to appreciate him being here. Instead of being there for my father I chose to avoid him. I paid dearly for that.

I am still blessed, because he didn't die. He could have, but I still have the opportunity to make things right once I come of age. I fully intend to... since I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. Isn't that the purpose of any karmic system? learning from your mistakes and wrongdoings?
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Re: Rule of three
Post # 5
the rule of three is the same as the christian rule... ^_^
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:120] because if you do not it will come to you ten times...sort of thing...
O_O so actually the whole idea is old, but the three fold thing is new.... ^_^ but then again what do I know.
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Re: Rule of three
By: / Novice
Post # 6
>> I think that was a kind of crappy example Aeon. I really can't see how that would justify any sort of punishment at all. It may bother some people but nothing bad is truly happening.

In that case, it was a perfect example, (since I meant the threefold law in how people use the words, not how it really is.) The phrase "Threefold law" is becoming just another put-down.

Yours I think is the best example of how it truly works (or should be.)

Christianity... seems to be more about tens than threes, or simply reaping what's sowed.
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Re: Rule of three
Post # 7
I dunno Aeon, maybe I just haven't seen it used much as an insult in that way. Mostly pagans are the ones who use the threefold law and pagans are usually more open minded. Now, normal people will say "what goes around comes around" a lot, which is the basic karmic principle I think.

But in the same sense I haven't seen that used as an insult very often either... I guess it simply doesn't make sense to me how it could be used as an insult. Ha, I feel a bit dim.
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