I've heard from a lot of people that maic can only do what is possible in the first place. It just makes desired out comes more likely. So immortality is out but is it possible to:
1. Make yourself age gracefully
2. If your capable of growing hair making that hair grow longer
3. If you are in puberty can you tweak magic to emphasize certain aspects like height or figure
4. Give yourself more benefits from activities like exercising, dieting, or studying
Magic can do quite a bit BUT some of the things you ask for can be done on your own. Aging gracefully is the product of your upbringing and education. Your hair will grow always just DONT cut it. As for aspects of yourself ONLY your genes can determine that NO magic will make you taller, smaller, built etc etc. Benefits as to what you mentioned you can do yourself with 'incentive' . Exercise, post a picture of what you want to look like and see yourself that way, Diet well only you can control how much you eat and what. Studying well again only you can determine whether or not you REALLY want what you study....
This is all really just theoretical. I thought excersice was a good example because while immediate muscle improvement is ridiculous, a few more damaged and repaire myofibrils might not be that much of a stretch. It would be magic acting on the physical realm in very subtle ways. After all there are many spells to change the way people think, and minds is just a bunch of cells working in a complicated fashion. However, I appreciate the life advice. In any case spellcaster I'm interested to hear what you think magic can do, as someone new I think I could learn from any opinions.
Magic technically doesn't have limits, just rules regarding it's use. All magic has a "cost"; you can't get anything out of it without giving something first. For simple spells the cost can just be energy, which is basically stamina, though more complicated ones can require much more. For instance, summoning a daemon tends to involve presenting an offering that the daemon requests. Even the Philosopher's Stone (which I have research but have not created), which at first would seem to have a shockingly low cost to it despite it's power, actually consumes a small amount of matter to convert into energy, so it still balances out even though your contribution is relatively small.
There are some exceptions to this "equivalent exchange" (if you will), however. Magic is fundamentally a manifestation of faith, not desire. So long as you believe in your heart and soul that magic will do what you require, and go about it in the appropriate way, it will do it. I say appropriate way because it is entirely possible for a ritual to not work if you don't do it properly. The only case where your faith alone guarantees success is if you make use of you faith alone. Whenever you use a specific system of magic, you must make sure to obey the rules of that system (ex: drawing a pentacle properly). Also, it is possible draw magical energy from different sources (either through leeching or invocation of a god) that reduces your overall input even though the cost remains the same.
The philosophers stone is so steeped in flawed alchemical superstition that its not even worth mentioning in my opinion. Transmutation is possible with nuclear reactions, but old age and death are products of entropy(tendency towards chaos). The amount of properly directed energy to organize a living being into youth or immortality would be tremendous, and the kind of energy is unknown. I think the philosophers stone is safely outside the realm of possiblity
Magic can do 'almost' anything ( within reason ) there are those who think that flying, changing shape etc etc is possible. It is 'not'. There are 'glamours' that make others see you 'differently' due to the glamour. BUT you still are who you are and NOT the thing you project. Magic can be 'used' to attract someone, to MAKE someone want you, to get lucky, to 'curse' even. Yes there 'is' a cost to some of this. Magic is NOT a toy to be used indiscriminately as some would have it. Magic as I say is like a 'knife' use to to cut, use it to carve, use it to 'kill'. The 'use' is in the intent of the user NOT in the magic itself. I don't understand the desire of all to do 'spells'. If they are done properly then they can 'change' things,BUT if done improperly they can go disastrously wrong.
That's a pretty good list of magic's uses. As to why we all want spells, well we're human. Nothing is more intrinsically human than a desire to control the world around you, through prayer, science, and even spells. I also agree that magic should probably not be used on things you can achieve yourself easily, but when something is very important to you a few spells might give you the boost you need to succeed.
Would practicing with small magic prevent you from screwing up on the big stuff?
There was once a stone cutter who was 'unhappy' with his lot in life. He saw a rich man in a carriage and 'wanted' to be the rich man. Suddenly he was ! Then he arrived at his destination and 'had' to bow before the King. He then wanted to be KING. He was. Then he stood out on his balcony and had to run in because the wind blew so hard. He wanted to be the wind. He was. The wind had to stop blowing because the clouds made it stop so he wanted to be the clouds. He was. The clouds then had to stop because a mountain was in the way. He wanted to be the mountain. He was. The mountain stood strong against ALL. Then all of a sudden a small man came and started to chip away at the mountain. Who do you think this small man was ? He was a simple stonecutter... Small things can add up and make great changes. Beware of what you want and do..........