I've noticed when I read cards outside of a circle the messages are dark and terrifying, showcasing my worst fears, but when I make a circle and read the cards inside of it the messages are if not possible, very logical and make sense in the context of my life. What does this mean? Is there some force messing with my cards that is blocked by my cards. Is it possible that reading cards within a circle cuts them of from a sort of universal "future reading" force
It could just be that you're more grounded and centered inside your circle which would help you connect better with your intuition, making for a more positive reading. Try and pay attention to how you feel inside a circle as opposed to being without one.
Its all in the energy. the cards shows you what you want to see. Outside the circle you feel unprotected and thus lead to the "dark" side of things be told. Once in the circle you feel protected and thus leads to the logical explinations of you. That is why one have to be clean and clear before one does any magic it helps make things slide.
HEH's on the right track with this one. None of the cards are positive or negative. They're pretty much all neutral. Positive or negative readings depends on how you interpret them, so if you're feeling calm, centered, and protected inside your circle you'll be more likely to interpret readings positively. When you're outside the circle you might be sensitive to all the random energy floating around in the area, and it colors your interpretations.
They do in cartomancy(which unlike tarot uses playing cards). For example a 9 of spades means bad luck in all things, depression and low energy, destruction, deaths, extreme anxiety, and it can mean delays or quarrels. In tarot there are cards that have no negative meaning right? With regular playing cards there are cards that are only good or only bad, and some that are both.
This sometimes happens in Atragalomancy and few other mantic methods as well. The reason is not really clear, some blame it on projection of the mind of one that spreads the card, since Circle cast instills confidence and serene mind.
Other say it hostile spirits are "messin' up" the spreads / readings.
Though for all mantic methods goes same rule, If we are silly enough to do double readings for question we got answer for ( like "double-check" ) we will get silly answers, due to prafanity and dissrespect. That should really mean, in 99% of cases the first reading is the accurate one. If we have doubts we should at least wait for a day, before we ask the same question again.