The word black magic comes from Khemit, the name of egypt which means black earth. Alchemy or AL-KHEM-Y has, through the ages, turned to a quick, mindless name for "Black magic". However it has continued to take on new meanings in modern times.
Further, there is debate among practitioners of the arts as to what exactly defines black magic. Crowley said that any kind of magic other than finding your Holy Gaurdian Angel tends to become black magic. THat is to say, anything done outside the advancement of the human spirit tends to devolve into what we would call "back magic". Within this frame some view anything done for selfish reasons is black magic. Others disagree and would call it grey magic.
Others consider anything done to harm others, also known as baneful magic, is "black magic"
There are people who follow 'darker' paths and there are those who practice truly maelevolent and evil ways. It is quite unlikely that you will find one who has any desire for a pupil although some might, for a price.
The depths of the blacker arts do include human and animal sacrifice, grave robbing, necrophilia, blood offerings...
If that is what you are really attracted to and feel a spiritual desire to follow this path I would suggest you first do some work to get your head clear and focused because searching for such stuff on a website as vanilla as this is a laughable waste of time.
My own defantion of Black Magick is the kind of magick to use to bend people to do your willing or other things such as Binding or Silencing, I hear that it could backfire dramaticley so I have came to the disistion of getting more experince before practising or taking part in Black Magick.
there are buffets of information on black magick on the intranet or books, just get big harddrive to copy save and read read read
try chaos magick studies very interesting stuff grasps all the magick knowledge and simplify it..goodluck
i practice black magick but I met some the nasty motherfckers of the dark realms...becareful and beware of the NECRONOMICON..
Re: Teacher for Black Magick By: lindacash420 Moderator / Adept
Post # 6 Apr 14, 2012
yes beware of the necromonicaon..its pure fiction, an element from the author h.p. lovecraft. What you call black magic is going to require the same study as any other. You need to become proficient at your magic basics, then when you are ready to begin casting you can determine what sort of spells you want to cast.
I worked with spirits & spells from the necrnomicon,
very,very dangerous spells &spirits...
very usefull with dealing with enemies..
but not for the faint of heart.