I see shapes in the sky made out of clouds/where the clouds are not that some look uncommonly like a human face sometimes. Is this involintarry cloud scrying?
Imagination - a cognitive mental process, which consists in creating new images by processing the materials perceptions and representations received in the previous experiment, a form of reflection of reality in the person of new, unusual, unexpected combinations and relationships.
imagination can be intentional and unintentional.
Unintentional passive imagination is observed with the weakening of consciousness, with its disorders, drowsy state, in a dream. This is not imagination in advance that goal, without special intention, without effort of will on the part of man. In this case the images are created as if by themselves: bizarre looking at the clouds, we "see" an elephant, a bear, a person's face ... Unintentional passive imagination caused primarily by the currently unmet needs - in an arid desert in humans there are images of water sources, wells, oases - mirages (hallucinations - a pathological disorder of perceptual activity, nothing to do with the imagination does not have).
Scrying is gazing (at say clouds, or water,) with the intention of divination. Just seeing shapes and images is not scrying in itself, that is more enjoying illusion. What makes scrying is what you decide to do with and how you interprate these images. It sounds like you're off to a great start :)
Being able to let your imagination open to the possibilities of shapes in the clouds is a great step into cloud scrying, but to truly scry, you must have the correct state of mind to be able to see and interpret "answers". If you're purposely looking for answers and the cloud shapes answer those questions and make sense, then you are scrying them. Random shapes is just a demonstration of your creativity which is directly linked to intuition. Many people look at the clouds and enjoy stretching their imagination to see shapes. But those who already are used to scrying will calm and open themselves, go into a trance-like state, and become mesmorized by the clouds, and then focus on their queries. Then wait for the answers to appear. Our minds are naturally able to recognize pictures/images out of such things. I've watched the clouds with my daughter and playfully argued with her about what the clouds look like. One person may see a lion and another may see it as a human face by picking out different lines to focus on. But by tapping into our intuition, our eyes are drawn to see pictures/images that interpret the subconscious knowledge we already hold. The clouds then become tools to visually see what is within us. Psychology uses inkblots to determine the way individuals think in much the same way. But instead of just looking for our physical mind's subconscious thoughts/perspectives, in scrying we enter a higher state of consciousness to tap into our spirit and the collective conscious side of the subconscious.