I have periods of time when I can cast a prollific amount of spells with great success, usually about three to six months and then my magic starts fizzleing out. At first spells start to backfire then magic rarely has any effect and then I can't even seem to notice my magical implements or think about spells at all. It takes some time to get back to normal. I've just recovered right now so I haven't been on this site for a while. This is a constant thing for 5 years now and I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and what I can do to prevent it
My other symptoms are generally:
Ludicrous bad luck
Poor Decision Making
Shut down of any intuition
I don't do any harmful magic so I don't believe the three fold law is in effect and I doubt anyone would curse me since middle school
I generally use runes in my spellwork, I don't sacrifice things(its not bad to do so I just don't have the resources or time), and when I practice I meditate frequently.
i know this sounds wierd but it could be things in your life that are effecting it such as things have happend which have flourished your emotions and there for affecting you magic...proberly didn't help at all but I hope I does.
No thats not quite helpful it still doesn't address how to fix it or which emotions are responsible. Thanks for trying though I figure I have a good three months to fix this before my magic goes whack again
This has happened to me three times and at one point it took a year for it to reverse. Frankly its really annoying because when I'm in that state I can't magic my way out of it.
Has anyone else ever spontaneously lost their powers?
I've had this happen. For me it usually has to do with something astrological. Like right now I'm going through a terrible Uranus transit and it's totally screwing up my energetic strength and sensitivity.
It feels almost like the energetic equivalent of how your body changes when you get drunk or high. Not an all together good experience.
I think that it is helpful to understand that magick is energy at it's base. It takes a little of our own energy to work with it and when we constantly use it to do every little thing then we drain our battries if you will. It is the same concept that when our chakras become blocked or out of balance many things can result like physical sickness or depression ect. Some of the things that you described. The first thing I would suggest is that you learn about the chakras and learn to do centering and balanceing techniques. This may help right yourself if you will. The second thing I would recommend is this. Be a little more selective in the work that you do with magick. Do not rely on it for everything. Remember you should never subsitute magick for good ol resourcefulness and creativity. Use it as a last resort or when there is no other solution to the problem at hand.I think you will be satisfied with the results.
Balancing and grounding my chakra only slowed it down. Over use might be a factor however. Interestingly enough on days when I didn't use magic my ability to weild it diminished faster than the usual rate