No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
i wanna know that is how to cast a weather spell because i am always failed in it. and any weather spell works or not?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
If you are new to magic, and haven't already done so, I would suggest learning your basics. These include:
*Belief in yourself and your abilities
*Circle Casting and Releasing
*Correspondences (colors, days, lunar phases, etc)

Also, You can't alter the weather with a spell, which is why the spells you cast haven't worked. Magic has its limitations and works within the realms of reason and logic. It can't be used to change your gender, race, species, control the weather, etc. It can't be used to reach unimaginable odds. As practitioners of magic, we must first learn to accept and understand its limitations and its basics before we can truly begin practicing or understanding it.

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Re: No Subject
Post # 3

It does but some take time and or there is something wrong with how your doing it

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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
I'm new here so what to do before casting a spell?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 5
If you mean "what happens right before a spell," you should meditate and then usually perform some sort of banishing or circle casting.

If you mean "what should I learn before I try spell-casting," you should learn meditation, visualization, grounding and centering.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 6
that is a very good idea start with the basics
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 7
i'm not saying weather spells do or don't work, like with any spell you need to be aware that every action has a reaction. weather spells are more dangerous because [what i believe if they work] you are not conjuring a snowstorm, you're moving the weather pattern into your area, meaning you're messing up weather patterns and some other place will be hit with something worse.

an example i love is this summer, there was a tropical storm due to hit Florda. this church group prayed daily that it would miss them, sure enough it did. the storm did not hit Florida as a tropical storm, instead, it hit the gulf as a hurricane. the church group claimed responsibility as their prayers were answered, HOWEVER, by changing the course of the storm, it made it worse.

you need to be very careful in this respect when casting high forms of magic. also, some people don't believe you can do weather spells because it's like playing god, and we don't have that type of power, magical or otherwise. [personally i'm on the fence]

if you're new to magic, don't attempt it. study for a few years. if a weater spell was to ever work it would be because you charged and focused enough energy. it's the same reason any spell will work, so work on meditation and energy work among other things before casting spells. you don't want the three fold law [whatever you do, good or bad, it'll return onto you three times] coming back to bite you.
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