Wand magic how is it?

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Wand magic how is it?
Post # 1
Is it like in harry potter or zero tsukiama an anime..

Cuz ive read on some wierd site and it was some old guy said magic like that were real but i dunno if it was a joke or not..
Oh and he said he was building a school for magicans/wizards like hogowarts lol but i dont rlly believe that... xD
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
First of all, Harry Potter is fiction. And fiction is not true. What people never realize was that even the author pointed to the fact that the "magic" portrayed in the movie were not of this world. Harry Potter and the other children went through a portal in a wall to get to the school. It was the authors way of showing that they were not on the physical plane, much like the genuine legends of the Tuath De Danann, Mount Olympus, etc. I liked that touch. Its lacking in other fantasy movies. But people overlook it.

But regardless, Harry Potter is fiction and should not be looked at as an example of real magick. It the product of an author's amazing imagination. Magick is real but not like that.

A wand is a tool used by some (not all) magick practitioners, so are knives, daggers, swords, besoms, bells, and staffs. They are used as instruments to guide our energy in certain ways, as a painter may use a brush--the effectiveness of the tool is only as good as the holder. Tools are not necessary. Only our minds are necessary.

Magick is NOT like it is in movies and books. It is more subtle and to most unseen.
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
Post # 3
So this is fake right? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090718143003AATOPyU

So real magic is more meditation and rituals right?
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

It's not that simple as it seems.

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Re: Wand magic how is it?
Post # 5
Magic is not real like from harrry potter or from a anime , it is much more complex and different than that..and one of the main difference is that you do not simply wave a wand and the results shows up immediately , which is potrayed in most animes. There is many differences in this but for now , i shall not bother typing it as it really is too much.

Also , here is another piece of information for you..there is no need to use a tag word in front of the word magic. What i mean is like beast magic , wand magic etc . For some reason , it is rather annoying and irratating to some people , me myself included.

And also , for the link you provided , i would like to tell you that the best voted answer is contributed by a utter moron who is vapiously vapid.

I mean , he believes in craps like wizarding rights and other pieces of BS , so it is clearly fake.Breaking wands?Using blood to test for magic power?He is clearly a child who is living in his or her own fantasy little world or he has serious issues , so of course , it is fake
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
"Cuz ive read on some wierd site and it was some old guy said magic like that were real but i dunno if it was a joke or not..
Oh and he said he was building a school for magicans/wizards like hogowarts lol but i dont rlly believe that... xD"

Out of curiosity, are you referring to Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and the Grey School of Wizardry?

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Re: Wand magic how is it?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
"So this is fake right? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090718143003AATOPyU"

You're correct, that link is to a fake response. There is no Ministry of Magic, there is no hidden magical school in the back halls of a university in New England.

The wand in real magical practice does not work as it does in Harry Potter or in anime. The wand is simply a tool through which the magical practitioner can focus and direct their energy to achieve their goal. But the magic is in the magician, not in the wand. You can just as easily use a twig or your index finger and achieve the same results.
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
Post # 8
Ye ... But i dunt rlly believe it.. Now after refreshing my mind ....
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
Post # 9
Ye ... But i dunt rlly believe it.. Now after refreshing my mind ....
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Re: Wand magic how is it?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10
You don't believe in the fake answer/harry potter magic or in real magick? I hope its the former and not the latter.
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