Thanks To All Of You!

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Thanks To All Of You!
Post # 1
I want to say many "THANKS", to all of you, on the "Spells of Magic", website, for being such caring, people~!
I truly feel at home on here, and finally feel that I've found a place to fit in. Although I'm still basically in the "closet" so to speak, with my beliefs. (I'm sure many of you can understand where I'm coming from, especially when you have grown children, that would NOT understand! Not to mention, the few remaining members of my family).
But, anyway.......I hope to make many, many friends on here. You are ALL truly WONDERFUL~!

"Blessings to All",
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Re: Thanks To All Of You!
Post # 2
well merry to the
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Re: Thanks To All Of You!
Post # 3
was i any help? oh srry i didnt mean to be (joke)
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Re: Thanks To All Of You!
Post # 4
Thanks? lol ^^
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